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Chic Aeon

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Posts posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Judging by what I "think" we know (mentioned before but of course things can change) and what has gone before AND "logic" == here is what I think we will get.

    All in one (I think someone official said this but it was long ago) body and head. Bento so folks can customize and BOM.  There could be a basic hud also but it would need to be SIMPLE because the whole point IS to make it simple.

    Beyond that I think they will make it "OK" but not "great" -- not because they couldn't make it great but in doing so that would just hurt the mesh body and head business and LL gets a lot of real dollars from those guys; hence self defeating. 

    Also historically -- :D   The mesh bodies in Sansar were awful and when they remade them they were not better and indeed not even bento *(this when LL owned Sansar).  So "their" idea of what is good and our idea of what is good can be completely different. 


    I think it will be a step up for the NEW incoming folks and maybe alts but certainly nothing that any of us well-inventoried folks would be interested in.   I am hoping that with the new body and if they do go with alpha layers for clothing  that it will help the folks that can't afford to pay for an expensive head and body and let them have more clothes.  Note however that new folks ALREDY have a big wardrobe of starter avatar accessories to choose from. That is not new. They are just pretty awful by everyday standards.   

    The best platform that I have been on for new folks was Sinespace where they gave you a lot of platform money and you could outfit your avatar from the regular market goods.  This was both fun and learning. There was back then though very little to choose from.  LL did something similar for awhile where you went on quests to earn money and then could spend it ONLY on the Marketplace [this in Sansar]. 

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  2. 30 minutes ago, Argent Stonecutter said:

    This question is kind of important to me personally: if you get a premium lifetime account, and you currently have a legacy premium account with a L$500 stipend (like, say, Argent Stonecutter), what will the stipend be for your Lifetime premium account?

    @Darcy Linden???

    RERASONABLY it should be the same as the account you are buying for "lifetime".   The announcement article "seems" to say that but yes, it would be good to get clarification.



  3. 37 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    Then how is the IRS going to tax you?  Will SL also pay the tax by sending you lindens, which when you cash out will create another IRS earnings statement?  If you win a national sweepstakes, I think you can just take the after tax amount.  Maybe this chevy will be missing the battery?

    Haven't kept up with this thread but LL already knows WHO you are (and your alts in most cases) and delivers that info to the IRS if you cash out. Anyone winning will likely need to pay tax on the "winnings" (same with gambling if you are being honest).  Likely this is covered in the sign up documents. I didn't enter but can't say.     

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  4. 10 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    What surprises me, is that there are parcels ready for 2048 m homes in the new Welcome Hub. 

    I do not remember where I read it, but can the PPlus homes be revealed later in the celebration? Next week? Have LL done it before with a theme?

    What I can remember, is that the word "soon" was not used about the houses. They used very convoluted language. "The houses may at best come late in 2022". (Not a quote, but as I understood the PPlus benefits) Since then, LL have not even hinted about a possible date for the houses.

    I am too careful with my money to give over a cent before I see them and can decide if they are worth it. If I buy PPlus, the homes will be the main reason. 


    Agreed about the wording as I took what they said to me "Fall" which was a few months down the road.  


    I looked through my blog posts and those suggest that they have NOT shown the demos later  at the birthday celebration.  But my memory is foggy.   AHHH but looking at the map I see an empty sim with ocean on both sides. Then I remembered the Stilt homes reveal where I stood on the sim where they "would" be.  The stilt homes were revealed on the 23rd.  



    Premium Plus was announced a bit over a year ago now. I found that post too. Good to have that "diary" when I want to check my memories.  

    So yes, there is still hope!!!!!



    My best guess.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Enchant/13/128/23

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  5. I was sad not to see the 2048 houses which have supposedly been in the work for almost a year. Not that "I" was going to use them but there were so many folks that signed up for PP BECAUSE of the promise of those houses "soon".  A year is not soon so that bothers me a lot. 

    The Moles have been doing great work though so THAT'S a plus.   

    Hopefully the promises for the future will be here before the next birthday comes around. 


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  6. Not reading all this thread but keep reading misinformation so ONCE AGAIN.


    This is based on the LINDEN VIEWER not Firestorm.

    Not everyone can get into the "newbie" areas. Mentors would have a group and a tag to do so. Others  (griefers of course) could GET there by making a new avatar daily or hourly or whatever). I would ASSUME that those with MENTOR tags would be able to eject griefers.  




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  7. 4 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

    The most unfortunate aspect of mentoring is that new users wouldn't know the difference between an actual knowledgeable user and a bag of hot air in the first place, and some of the "official" helpers at various sims are,

    Official mentors will have tags and will wear them during there shift and ONLY during their shift. They will also have classes and have to "pass" like in school. This is all on the signup sheet.  

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  8. Over the last sixteen years I have rented or owned a ton of land. I have consistently found WITH SHOPPING AROUND that renting mainland is cheaper than having premium == especially now that premium is more expensive.  Prices vary widely so you do need to pay attention and do your homework.   

    So in my mind unless you want some of the other perks that come with Premium, you are better off financially renting.  You can rent mainland or private land, empty or with buildings or just landscaped. Tons to choose from  but again you need to SHOP WISELY :D.


    That actually is part of the fun I think.   Good luck 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    i am just curious when it comes to these kinds of things. I think do have a legal opinion, I am just wondering what that might be.

    So -- it SEEMS that while it is perfectly legal for folks to volunteer at the Firestorm Gateway since it is of course all volunteer and not for profit, that volunteering for LL would not be so legal.   I hope someone official comes along and clears this up for us. 


    Again thanks for the legwork. I wouldn't have thought of that -- and perhaps that was the general thinking about the subject LOL.  Ya gotta wonder. 



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  10. 11 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    if so then as the Mentor Programme falls under the Mole Programme then is arguably legal  that mentors can be volunteers

    edit add: The Mole programme is called the Linden Department of Public Works, so it could be that there is documentation that asserts that this is indeed the case,it is an actual documented Department of Public Works

    But the Moles are paid and work for hire  -- hired by a company that is definitely "for profit".  So this is a very muddy area. Thanks for doing the research -- I had no idea. 


    PS:  I can't believe that The Lab didn't have the lawyers go over all this (those "in the known and unknown Universe" lawyers LOL) so maybe we are missing something here.  



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  11. I haven't been following this thread since the beginning BUT in case no one thought of it, this "may" be in part because LL expects a lot more signups when the mobile viewer becomes reality. There is nothing of course in the sign up sheet that SAYS anything about mobile (most likely because LL expects EVERYONE to have a cell phone LOL) but if that was the case, mentors would be learning the new mobile "viewer". 


    The sign up sheet does talk about classes and passing a test before being made a mentor.   Just a thought. 


    PS This was on my mind because I was researching MY audience and was REALLY surprised to see the huge number of folks on mobile. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    Has anyone done this hunt? My time in SL is so limited now, I need to know where to spend it.

    It’s Time For The Funny Caterpillar Hunt 4! | Seraphim (seraphimsl.com)

    Tracked down the hunt picture page EVENTUALLY.  There is a poster on a big wall of hunts that gives you hints and info. There are some furniture items but only some.






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  13. 1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

    And you said "best" method. What other method is there?

    That's pretty much it I guess. Maybe someone else has other ideas. You can take measurements and front - side - back - side photos and approximate that way I guess. Mostly I make from scratch so not a big expert on the "prim to mesh" methods.  But for you island if you took top, middle and bottom measurements (with prims cubes for example) and the took photos and used them as guides and modeled "on top" of the photos -- that would be another method.   

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    And now here is another question. It's a nightmare trying to create things that match existing inworld objects, like our floating Islands. Great,  i can create vines, that I can manipulate inworld. That's easy. They don't have to perfectly match anything.  But I had to resort to photogrammetry to recreate our two main floating islands as objects. But it takes hours to take the 150 or so photos necessary, and to clean up the subsequent mesh so that I could create an approximate mesh. is there no way to somehow get the .OBJ or DAE files for the objects we have on our SIM, so it would be easier to match things to them, without many hours of trial and error?

    If you made them yourselves you can export through the viewer. But if you bought them the "best" method is to put a bunch of prims together in approximately the same shape and go from there.    Just logged off and a long day so I don't remember the steps to save the build as a dae sorry/ 



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  15. 2 hours ago, Adamo Banana said:

    ok, i would like to know are there other programs like blender to create poses?

    As said above you will face the SAME problem with other programs. Almost everyone uses Blender and Avastar.   You just need to practice more. You CAN make poses that will fit "most" people. Go to an animation - pose store and try on some poses or even just sitting on different furniture will show you how different poses and animations will be for different body shapes.   The bottom line --- it ISN'T the software.  Sorry. 

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  16. Well since I had the "new user experience" last summer making my ART ALT :D I say they DEFINITELY  need someone at the induction center,. It was really hard just finding your way out and I am sixteen or seventeen years here.  The Google thing is that you have to have a Google account to fill in the Google form (Chic has one). But while I completely understand the need for the mentors to be in the Linden viewer, I am not willing to go there. 


    I will just keep doing my "Pay it Forward" bit unofficially.

    BTW Moles are supposed to be overseeing this newness and the folks so there IS some official oversite committee thing going on.  I hope it works out and helps.  

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  17. 20 hours ago, Bagnu said:

    Thank you for this. I am just starting to create for SL, and my focus has been on LI for our Island SIM. It's very different working with images and animated video, where rendering overnight is not an issue for just a couple of seconds of video, or a single image. SL runs RT, and there are many things I have to learn. Things that I don't know I don't know. Caitlin and I don't have neighbours,  but it is becoming apparent that it would be an issue for others when and if I begin to sell things I create. My first question, is about textures. SL is limited to 1024X1024. I personally find lower to not give me the sharpness I want when dealing with large objects, like the 60M long vine bridge I have been working on. I have to tile it as is. Is this creating an issue for visitors?

    Actually it is the viewer that limits and I am pretty sure Blackdragon is the viewer that let's you upload 2048.  That being said it is a VERY BAD IDEA to do that. The only legit use I can think of is "gacha" machine keys where there are lots of things and tons of tiny print and you really need something bigger to be able to read and see what is going on.  

    What you want to do is NOT put all the textures on one png.  For example put the metal on one and the upper structure on another and the base on another etc.  That being said it is NOT  a "beginner" thing to do.   I have a video on the process but it is for the older interface so parts will definitely not match.  You can get the idea behind the process though. Again, I suggest making simple and not big things to start until you actually know what you are doing :D. That isn't said in any snarky way, it took me years to actually know what "I" was doing LOL. 


    Here is that OLD video.    EDIT: there MAY be a better way to do this now. If so Aquila will jump in eventually and explain the  newer method.   ALSO you do NOT need to upload things all in one piece. You can upload them in parts (particularly good with large items like houses although some folks "reuse" parts of houses so like the separate bit).  Smaller items like furniture "I" anyway upload as one object to save on the land impact and get better LODs :D. 



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  18. Agree Drongle was a PRINCE and really helped me when I was learning -- even when I couldn't understand all he said LOL.  @Aquila Kytori is our best reasource now I think and has been for a long while. There have been others along the way. 

    There are MANY threads on LODs, bad LODs, Sloppy LODS and "I won't buy this" LODS in these forums.  It has been a very long battle. Now and then we make progress with some creators and I clap and do a little dance then.    I burned up a couple of expensive graphics cards with LOD4 before I KNEW not to set my numbers up.  Others will argue of course and if they want to buy new cards like I had to that is certainly their choice.  But as it has been said the folks using heavy mesh with faulty LODs (and usually big textures) are hurting all the neighbors too. I have lived places where I had to move because of folks who just didn't care.  


    There was talk awhile back about getting rid of LODs (there were none in Sansar).  IF LL decided to go that route (maybe to help with mobile?) then some creators are going to have to change their ways, redo or exit.  Will be interesting to see how that all turns out.   



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