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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. Whoops! Here you go! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saimaa/174/11/22
  2. $900,000L is over $3,700 USD Holy moly. Do these make a ton of money back if they are rented out over a period of time or something?
  3. Really? Interesting: Most of my parcels (roadside parcels, water parcels, and parcels on region edges) sell within a week or so. I have them all priced at $3,000L or below and they are all in moderate sims. I only have one parcel that I have now had for 10 days - it’s the longest one I’ve had so far from my claimed abandoned land stuff.
  4. I think mainland prices in general are insane, and it seems like they have gone up over the last year or two. If you want anything near water, it's outragous. I honestly don't know how they ever sell - I can't get motivated to spend, literally, $1000 USD on a parcel of mainland. I mean, I love SecondLife...but jeez. That's part of why I look around for good abandoned parcels and rehab them, then put them out for sale again at reasonable prices. I found some real gems out there, too!
  5. Early Morning PODsCast on the on Teen SecondLife grid! Beautiful sunrise this time!
  6. 1024m for only 3000 L *351 prims* Water parcel on the edge of a snowy paradise sim. Moderate Rating. Includes House boat - (You can use or delete it) SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saimaa/174/11/22 *Disclaimer* I found this parcel abandoned because I actually live a few parcels over (You can see my own houseboat from the top of the deck of this one). This picture is a picture of what -I- see. To get my view, I derendered some stuff on a few neighboring parcels. Don't get me wrong - the parcel is amazing and the views are killer, but it may take a little work to get this 'clean view' like I have if you purchase this parcel. Part of the Operation Mainland Project
  7. Have a look at your map - if you see you are on any of the big land masses, then you are there. Here is a pic of the major continents that are considered mainland.
  8. The Operation Mainland HUB is almost ready to launch, but the 'Mainland Gallery' is empty. I need the help of some amazing SecondLife Photographers to help me fill it with the best pictures of your favorite places on the SecondLife Mainland. The best picture will win $5,000L. All entries should be submitted by 9/1/2021 - To submit your entry, do one of the following: Post your pic to Twitter with the hashtag #operationmainlandsl and SURL Send the image and the SURL to Feorie Frimon in world Post the Image and SURL of the location as a response to this thread! Hit me up if you have any questions!
  9. FYI - I buy water and roadside land all the time that is abandoned. I’ve only been turned down once and it seemed like the parcel I was trying to get was part of a larger project one of the Lindens was working on. Go forth! Buy Abandoned Land! It makes the Mainland sooooo much better!
  10. I actually did try, but it didn’t work. I actually did it in that video but ended up having to manually select different objects in a group then derendering them. Was there a trick I missed?
  11. WOW. Party at your place!!! 🎉 But seriously, I found LOTS of empty space out there when I was riding around that could have some really epic views for sure. I think the 'G' rating really scares people off, but I already planned to scout out some abandoned land on this part of the grid this weekend looking for some gems.
  12. I've actually thought about doing a video about this specifically and putting up information at a HUB I'm working on. I have an in world group that people can join (though I think it's just me, and like, 5 others right now). You can search it - Operation Mainland. I have only sent out one notice so far and don't plan to send out many unless there is something significant to say. Origionally, the goal was to do just what you suggested - get a group of big time land lords (and regular residents) together that all agree on / decide on the 'principles we're willing to adhere to', and then put out some sort of signage so other people could see and join them too. I was going to send out 'seasonal branded gifts' too that people could put in their yards as well, so they could change with the season while still telling people about the initiative as well (Think 'pumpkins' for Fall or luminaras or snowmen for Winter).The project is so small right now that it doesn't really have a big enough following do that just yet. Buuuuuuut.... that being said, a big name like you would go a long way to helping the cause. 😁 Seriously though... I'd love to do a meet up and establish some of those standards for people to try and follow. I don't want to be everyone's 'land marshall', but for an initiative like this, we're always stonger in numbers and I think there are alot of people that want to make the mainland better and try their hand at renting or real estate in SL. Having good info out there from the get go would really help to create good habits from the beginning, and the more interesting and beautiful places people know about on the mainland, the more likely residents are to rent/visit from those areas as well.
  13. Same here - not that I'm inviting the world, but if someone stumbles across my little houseboat and wants to go inside...go for it. The likelyhood of us being online at the same time is small and they can't drop prims unless they are in the land group. Worst comes to worst, I can always eject them from the parcel if things get weird.
  14. A new day, a new continent! Join me on the TSL - I love this one because it takes me up in a hot air balloon!
  15. Price drop to $2,250! I -love- this spot! It's nestled in a super unique spot on the Mainland and has plenty of room to grow.
  16. I agree here - and I think for those that are picking it apart are sort of missing the point. But in the videos defense... "Randomly deleting scripts from your stuff" - I don 't think the video came across that way, did it? In the video I made sure to show an object from Aisling that had a 'delete scripts' option displayed on a HUD that auto-deleted some scripts after you picked the color/finish you wanted for the wardrobe. You can see it at 4:19 - Maybe I should have been more clear. As far as furniture and lag goes - and to preface, I'm not scripter...but on the 'scripts in furniture don't cause lag'. Most animated furniture uses the AviSitter set up these days which isn't laggy to me, but I've seen some that are much more old school - with pieces that actually have to be 'started' (like a car engine) and have manifested pose balls that move around, etc. Then you have to 'turn off' the piece of furniture when you're done using it so the scripts aren't 'always running'. That seems like it might cause problems, right?
  17. I didn’t know that! That’s good to know!
  18. I know I might not make any friends with this video... but I'm just sayin' what everyone is thinkin'....
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