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Xerxes Kingstop

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Everything posted by Xerxes Kingstop

  1. Imo have a quick geekgasm. Please forgive me. The term "RL" as we use it in Second Life bothers me like a pebble in my shoe. You may be expecting the standard pixel philosopher response here: "Second Life IS real! We are real people with real feelings and real hearts really get broke!" While I agree with this, it isn't the sum total of my objection. I also object in a way that is much simpler, much sooner in the thought process, and much more languagenerdly. The juxtaposition of the terms "Real life" and "Second Life" is inconsistent! If the name of this virtual world was "Fake Life", then its counterpart could be called "Real life' seamlessly. Correspondingly if we strut our pixels in "Second Life" then the consistent nomenclature for the other option we had beforehand would be "First life". The mixed naming convention is like a thorn in my brain. But "RL" and "SL" are the vernacular so it is easiest just to go along. I used to refer to "FL" and everyone thought I was talking about Florida. Personally I like the term "Meatspace", as opposed to "Cyberspace" but that terminology is as outdated as "golly gee whillikers!" and most listeners have never heard it. *sigh* I am sincerely not asking any of you to change. I'll be fine. I just had a moment, there. /rant, derez soap box Thank you for not cringing ... much ... where I could see ya.
  2. If you see her, and think of this, I'd love to have you tell her that she and her coffee house are remembered pleasantly. Thanks.
  3. I .... I ... *eyes cast downward* ... I've just put on a little weight, that's all.
  4. I had an idea. Since there has recently been much discussion here about cleaning obselete inventory and clothes we can't use any more, we could have an inventory reduction bonfire. (?) I'd bet a week's stipend that some of you still have store packaging from this outdated stuff, probably even with logos of defunct merchants. They'd look good in the bonfire. Ok, its just an excuse to dance and drink and flirt but ya gotta give me a little credit for idea-ness original-ism. Doncha?
  5. Hashbrowns work on there too! Try it at Hardee's/Carl's! Get the yum. It good. *scritches doggie behind ear*
  6. Breakfast burger is a good thing. The egg works fine with all of those elements in the presence of the burger.
  7. Things you hear in SL but not in RL, #2762: I can't get my skin to apply to my head.
  8. Song Of The Day! Because they just don't Oooo-gah-chaka like they used to:
  9. I wish I was that smart. I'd try not to waste it, add oatmeal, then getting it too thick, adding water again ... etc. I'd eventually have perfect oatmeal! - a quart of it. In the end I 'd have wasted more than you did by throwing it away. Last time I made dip for nachos I wound up with so much I hadda make a trip to Costco(!) for more chips.
  10. In that case absolutely under no circumstances are you to send it back.
  11. *ahem* Log in. and I'm not sure when you were promised cookies, but no matter.
  12. I'm happugancholy. Sounds like a mixed breed dog. Has long beautiful fur and pushed-in short little nose. Comes and wheezes on you when Timmy falls in the well then holds a grudge if you don't understand right away. ... in Maine.
  13. Ya. I'm just glad she didn't say melancholy and smug. I'm not even going there.
  14. I just checked my notes - I'll be having a 10th rezday of my first Avatar (RIP) in September this year as well. I dunno whether to be happy, smug, or melancholy.
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