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ZBRUSH Detailed WorkFlow Steps - create Mesh with Hi Rez Texture!

Toysoldier Thor

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So as for GoZ... I installed it into Zbrush, Sculptris and Photoshop and it is pretty cool.  Works pretty good.  The tests I did had a bit of a limit.

When I was in Sculptris, GoZ is only available in the Sculpting part - not available once the model in Sculptris enters PAINT mode.  i.e. you cannot send a painted sculptris model to Zbrush to continue being painted via GoZ.

Sending a Zbrush model to Photoshop for texture map painting is exactly that... you cannot send PS a Zbrush model that has not had UV map applied and/or that has only been polypainted.  The polypaint is a cool feature only existing inside Zbrush.  Apps outside Zbrush only understand texture maps.  If you want to send a polypainted model to PS, you need to clone the polypainted surface to a TEXTURE MAP (in the TOOLS section of tools).  Then you can send that to PS... alternatively you can also use ZAPLINK but GoZ is a bit quicker and cleaner to send back than ZappLink.


As for the answer about Zbrush's Collada exporter from Zsculpty plugin.  I guess if it can only export a static mesh then that answers my question on how you can have two objects in a single model where one object can have a script that can move the object inside the other object.  What you are saying is that two objects exported to SL are basically one single mesh and the two objects do not exist independently? 


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i'm glad i was able to help you figure out how to get from A to Z in zbrush. you're very welcome. just paying it forward like others did for me when i was where you were. if it wasn't for other people sharing info, writing free plugins and answering questions, etc.  i'd still be at square one.

so i'm happy to pay some of that back.

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As an update to the process you suggested with how to bake Materials from Zbrush onto the texture map using ZapLink to PS....

On a model I just finished, I found a glitch that I could not get around and also a tip when follownig this workflow and ZapLink to PS.

The Glitch....

It seems that when using zapplink to PS for a PLANE type model, the resulting re-import of the baked texture back to Zbrush leaves a lot of texture blends between the 6 layers - speciall between top and bottom images.  I had to brush it out with a clone tool but I could not figure out how to stop it.  Below is an SL rezzed mesh version of the model that i photo'ed. I red circled the flaws and remember that this is after I touched it up in photoshop.  the reason i left it visible is because it just happened that the reflections actually were a side benefit to the artwork :) as it was water i was trying to create....


Another small annoyance about ZappLink re-import from PS back to Zbrush, if you press save on PS the first time and return to Zbrush to receive it.... Zbrush is a bit confused what happened and only offers you to return to PS.  So you have to go back to PS - make a single small change that makes the SAVE button show up again - press SAVE and then return to Zbrush where it finally notices PS made changes to import.  This happen consistently for me.

Now for a few Tricks I learned....

>   When you set the ZAPPLINK sides under Document Zaplink properties, make sure that the first side you set is the side of the model that has the LARGEST view.  If you dont, then if the first view you set is smaller than a subsequent view, the images are sent to PS with the larger views cropped off.  This was frustrating until I figured out the trick to this anomaly.

>   As for duplicating the Shader layer before Merging down the original shader, I have not see a difference if you do this or just merge the original shader to the main texture.  The only difference I saw is that Zbrush complains a bit that what was sent back to it was not the same number of layers as what it sent PS.  IT says.... merge anyways?  And it works fine.

>  If you want to play more with a baked texture in Zbrush that you export and play with Photoshop... be ready that in PS you will have to flip the image back to the proper orientation before sending it back to Zbrush to be applied to the model.


>  A trick I am sure many of your SL Mesh Gods already know but it was a learning experience for me.   After you create a DAE from Zbrush with the baked texture anddddd you decide afterwards to change the name of the baked texture, this will un-link the texture from the DAE file config data.  I remebered that someone said the DAE file is moreso just a glorified XML document so I opened it up with a notepad editor, searched for the original texture file name and searched/replaced all instances of it to the new texture name.  Worked like a charm when I imported it into SL.

There is my update so far on SCULPTRIS, ZBRUSH workflows to SL...


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when zbrush doesn't recognize the changes from photoshop you don't have to make any changes, just bring photoshop back up and minimize it again, zbrush will then read the saved updates.

to avoid the reflections type effects, bake the model in parts. mask part of it and make that part invisible, then bake the visible part, then reverse the visibility and bake the other part.

as for duping the shader layer, you don't have to, i mentioned it because PS often locks that layer and won't allow a merge down. if you can merge it without duping that's fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My non-expert thoughts would be that the UVMaster process of creating the UVs might have mucked up a bit.  But so far I have not had 1 issue with the UVMaster.  It is rock solid.

So you

  • polypainted at very high rez
  • UVMaster - Made a Clone Copy
  • UVMaster - UV All
  • ( you can check now if the UVs look ok - Flatten it and Check Seams to see where UVmaster put the seams)
  • UVMster - Copy UV
  • switch back to your main high rez model
  • UVMaster - Paste UV

Then you would go to Tools - UV and pick 1024 and then Texture Map "copy from polypaint"

and this causes a distorted texture seam ? 


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The UVs seem to be fine.  I've done the UV check and see no problem areas so I'm a little stumped. I've also tried the process with different models in case the issue is specific to one item.  It still seems to texture strangely.  I'll go through my steps again.  If you've not have any problems then it must be something I'm doing incorrectly. Thanks for taking the time to respond :)

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Try applying a TEXTURE MAP checkerboard texture on the model.  There are a couple of them in the Zbrush default list of textures.

To do this you go into the TOOL-> TEXTURE MAP and make sure the Texture is ON and then click the texture and select the UV Map checker texture.... if your have proper UV on your model then that checkerboard should go across the seem nicely.

At least that is how I understand that.

tell me how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

"I only now wished more of SL Residents would upgrade their viewers to see Mesh."

I wish I could express how funny I find this, the only viewer I have found that is stable enough to run that can view mesh is Cool Viewer which is v.1 based. My use of v.2 and v.3 viewers resulted in what seems to be permanent inventory and avatar damage and I am very thankful that I tested them on an alt. (Errors such as "Inconsistent Avatar State" or something like that and my hair is now somewhere off to the left about 600m).

The Windows version of cool Viewer at present cannot upload mesh but Linux and Mac versions can (this is some windows compiler issue) so as a Zbrush user (and an avid one) I still cant get any of my work in-world, not yet anyway.

On a more  positive note your tutorial looks very promising and well thought out (I especially loved reminder about the infernal EDIT button!) and I seriously look forward to a usable viewer that allows me to upload so I can try this stuff out.



Cheers! and thanks for the tutorial!



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I cant tell you how much I appreciate this workflow! It's been so much help so. I know this topic is getting aged, but I'd like to ask for a follow-up, as far as getting the mesh into SL. I'm not having any luck with the uploader, and just not complete understanding of the settings and such. Or maybe someone knows of a walk-through process for uploading non-rigged mesh items. I'd be eternally grateful.

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks for the workflow instructions! They are a great help. I'm just now diving into Zbrush and I can't wait to see how well my first model translates in-world.


P.S. Although the definition given for "Geek" is correct; a lot of people are not insulted by being labeled as such. It's not the 80's anymore. ;) If someone is insulted by it, then they clearly haven't seen Big Bang Theory or the being known as hipster.

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