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So, I'm not "new" to second life. My name is Evan (Henri is not my rl name, I use that name in my French class, haha) and I am 17 years old (yes, I put my real age so I do follow the maturity ratings) and made this account awhile back. But, I haven't played on it in awhile. I'm interested in coming back and seeing what places in SL are teen-friendly.

I would love to meet new people and start getting into roleplay since that's something I really haven't tried before and it sounds fun. I'm still learning how to use SL, so bare with me if I have any stupid questions or anything.

Can someone point me towards some friendly places to live, play, and meet people in SL that follow the general maturity rating because of my age?

Also, can someone give me some general newcomer tips for SL. They'd be much appreciated.

EDIT: I apologize if I posted this in the wrong location.

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So.........you're not new.  My immediate question is how "not new" are you?  When I first started Second Life and I met someone with a rezz date of 6 months, they were "not new".  Today I have 12 times that and for most people I'm "not new"........for some I'm a baby (yeah there are residents older than 6 years here). 

If, by "not new", you mean you've been in SL for a couple years then it's obvious you entered SL's main grid illegally.  It's only been about a year since Linden Lab lowered the legal age for the main grid to 16.  That would mean your post is more than just a little disinguinuous.  If, however, you mean you're not new because you've been around for a few months then that's fine........but that means you created you account as a teen under the age of 18 and you would be restricted to areas on the grid that have a maturity rating of "General" (you should have no problem finding residents  near your age and areas suited for your age and "general maturity rating".  So your question is, again, disinguinuous.  If you transfered from the, now defunct, Teen Grid then you should also be limited to general areas......that's assuming you gave the correct birth date when you joined as a teen back then.

What, I'm getting at is your question does not make sense...........and because of that (and the way you worded it) is a little bit suspicious.  If you are a teen 17 years old and joined with all the correct information then you are already restricted to "general maturity" rated areas.  If not and you're reported age at the time of your joning was incorrect and you are able to go to mature rated areas then you just need to keep to the general areas........pretty easy.  You'll find some residents your age in those areas. 

This thread makes little sense..........I feel like I'm stepping into a huge pile of something that is stinky.

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Yeah...........and they would be restricted to the general areas.  Of course if they are not 18 and haven't been on SL for a while they would be able to go to the mature areas.  But still "restricted" to general areas until they purposely changed the maturity in their preferences.

The thread just doesn't make sense.......not the way it was stated.  And, you know me with the mixing of the teens and adults.  My suspicous mind kicks in big time.  I'm not making any accusations.......but I'm calling it fishy.  And I'll point it out every time.  :)

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I don't quite get the confusion, or suspicion about what's being asked, it's pretty straight forward, but whatever...

You're looking for places to go, where there might actually be other people, preferably teens, I take it, correct? I would check some of the high school RP sims(you can find them in search pretty easily). All of the ones I have been to, are within your maturity settings, so you should have no issues. You don't necessarily have to join the schools or the RP to meet people there. You might find at times they are pretty empty, but if you find out approx when their busy hours are, you can figure out when there will be more people.

Also check the destination guide, for hangouts and such. I don't really visit too many places anymore in sl. But since your viewer will restrict where you can go, for you, you won't have to really worry about the ratings for any sim you visit. Just start hopping about the grid until you find somewhere you enjoy, or find people if that's your goal. I've no clue where the teens hang out these days,s orry I can't really offer advice on that part. Your best bet really is to just start grid hopping from place to place. You *shouldn't have to worry about getting places you shouldn't be, the viewer shouldn't let you(I say shouldn't because you just never know, lol). But should you get somewhere you don't want to be, or shouldn't be, just tp right back out. No harm, no foul. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened, lol. The building classes are sometimes a great place to meet people(and learn new skills), but I'm not sure what their rating is.

RP sims that fall within your rating settings will be a bit harder to find, but not completely unreasonable. Just check search and do the grid hop to find one that suits you. You don't have to settle on just one, either, if you find some you really like.

Most of all, have fun. You might not find what you're looking for right away, but don't give up. There's something out there for everyone in sl and eventually you'll find what you're looking for. In fact you'll probably be surprised when you find something you didn't even know you were looking for.

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