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Servers' names and IP adresses ????

Samec Slafford

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I don't believe there is anything published like that.  But you can do some digging here to see if something helps:


Remember though, that IP addresses are not necessarily static for commerical businesses.  If they are not then those IP addresses will change from time to time (usually on a 30 day cycle but can be more or less often depending on the Internet provider).


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Is this what you are looking for?


That's configurations for firewalls.  You don't need to know the specific sim name or IP address for that.  Actually, I'm comfused about what you are talking about. 

As to why that page disappeared I have no idea.  I simply copied the link you showed in your screen shot and Googled it......came up with the page I linked.  It could be that the page you want has been replaced with a more current page.  I don't know.  You'll have to ask Linden Lab.


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You'll have to ask Linden Lab.  The page could have been changed, updated and moved to somewhere else that the web designer thought more relevant.  And, like I said before, IP addresses can (and often do) change unless they are static (not dynamic)l.........and only then as long as the business wants to keep the IP address.

But you are looking at pages for configuring your router's hardware firewall............the instructions may have changed somewhat so that page you are looking for is no longer relevant and/or accurate.  I linked to the current hardware firewall configuration page.  Why can't use that page for whatever it is you want?  Servers come and go, IP addresses change.  I just don't understand what you want.  If it's "where did the missing information go?" then ask LL..........no one here is going to know why for the same reasons you don't know why.  There are over 30,000 sims on the grid........and each has an IP address.  I don't believe LL (or anyone else) lists those addresses (even though they are public).

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Samec Slafford wrote:

from google


I have seen these 4 IP names some days ago.

But now, this page without it (((




You can see the Google's cache of that page: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:V1A2rnEg27cJ:wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configuring_your_hardware_firewall+configuring+your+harware+firewall+-+Second+Life+Wiki&cd=1&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=es&client=firefox-a

Bur re-read the great Peggy's advices :)

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Samec Slafford wrote:

Thank you.

But it is not enough.

I am looking for a table with that information (extended info) because I can not use "Voice chat" and 'Teleport'. It needs for internet settings




If you are having trouble with voice chat and teleport, there might a problem with your DNS. Some of my friends who followed these steps had these same issues dissappear. http://queenkellee.wordpress.com/2011/08/26/something-to-try/

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There's not much point giving you a list of server names and addresses, because there's about 20,000 different server IP addresses and 20,000 different server names, on different networks across the USA. If you think that there's something like 4 addresses that you can plug into a firewall, you're wrong, sorry.

Besides, the voice-chat doesn't even come from the same set of 20,000 server addresses that everything else does. That comes from a different company's servers (and I have no idea where and how many of them there are).

Follow the instructions dealing with opening up and forwarding the appropriate port numbers, and you should have some success.

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Tateru is right about the IP Addresses and Voice service.

The lab has been having some problems with voice. Also, anti-virus software has been known to freak out over the files SLVoice.exe and slplugin.exe. Check the folder SL is installed in and make sure those files are there. If not, re-install and then exempt those files in your Anti-Virus program. 


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