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Shopping Cart has Flat Tires

Mickey Vandeverre

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Last weekend, I noticed a major increase in delivery failures for people loading the shopping cart.  This has continued all week.  I do not see an official announcement that this will be a problem while they slide into the Direct Delivery Zone.

If they purchase more than 6 items, odds are they will not receive half of those.  Your items might get delivered, but another store's may not.  If all of those were from your own store, then you've got some work to do.

On the report page, it will say "not available for redelivery" or something like that, and you will not be able to just click the redeliver button, when you get their IM that they are waiting on items.  For me, there was no payment on those particular items.

It seems that within about an hour, they will receive a refund for those that were not delivered. 

I've approached this several different ways. 

At first, so that they could receive the items in a timely fashion, I just went through their list and sent it all from the store.  For a while, I was sending them as gifts, from the marketplace, so as not to keep going inworld all day, but consider that you are paying a commission on that.  So I stopped doing that.

Then, I would go inworld and deliver them from the store.  However, if you do this, you will probably not get paid.  If the item said "not available for redelivery" - they get a refund, and the payment does not reach you.  This was fine a few times, just sending the items "on the house" to assure a happy experience.  But if you do that all week, you're going to lose sales income, and that adds up to a tier payment or two.

So now, what I'm doing is asking them to wait an hour for that refund, then trying to purchase the items separately, then checking in again with them.

Have been going through the transaction list all day, looking for those who put more than one item into the shopping cart, then checking with them to make sure they received everything.  Not sure if you have time for this, but you need to know, that half of the people responding back did not receive items from another store, and have not bothered to contact that store yet.  So basically, I guess they just assume that they got taken or are not going to bother with it.  Might not reflect well on the store.

Most are unaware of the shopping cart dilemma.  They keep loading that sucker up, which is awesome!  That's what we want....but unfortunately I am seeing a glitch on every single shopping cart adventure.  It might not be mine - but it might be yours.  They may not be telling you and brushing it off.

I don't see word anywhere here, where that particular problem is going to be amplified for X or XX number of days while they work on Direct Delivery.  But it certainly has been amplified since last weekend.

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one more thing to note:

they might send you the list of items that they did not receive, as a copy of their transaction list, that will reflect being paid....but this will change half an hour later, or an hour later, as they are being refunded.  I was confused about this, the first few times and was just sending all the product, which is fine, a nice gesture, but you might not be able to do this all week long. 

Most do not know that they will get that refund from marketplace shortly, and they may not go back to their transaction list to see this, so you might suggest to them to wait for that half hour or hour to let it all pan out.

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I've noticed this same thing. Which for me is an oddity(not as a shopper, I've had the issue multiple times as a shopper in the past-which is why I only buy one thing at a time, lol).

My last actual failed delivery before this past week, was June. We had a few people contact us saying they didn't get the item, after that, but the item DID eventually show up-it was just slow as heck(as in, taking a few hours even). But in the last week, I've had eight failed deliveries, three of them did eventually show(after a few hours again, and one of those I redelivered but the original showed up anyway, so she got a two-for, lol).

At first I chalked it up to my land. My land is normally peaceful, quiet and calm. But ever since a club moved in, yeah, it's gone to heck. I'd move, but, meh, pain in the butt, and I sorta like my rental agreement at this time anyway, it's in my budget, lol, and I'll need this sort of arrangement soon enough when my sl time gets cut down drastically due to some rl events. But, back on point, I took a look at the purchase times of those failed deliveries and though they are all over the board, none of them were during this club's peak hours-when there are actually people in it. So I don't think it's that. Plus the land owner has started doing restarts daily(thankfully).

It's not as bad as the experiences others are having, but it IS annoying. My MP has more stuff than my inworld store. Mostly because I'm either too lazy to put them in the store :P Or, I get low on prims because I'm constantly building. I like building on my land, and not a sandbox, where I'll be hounded by weirdos. My old building plot no longer exists (le sigh). My MP makes up a good 90% of my sales. Which I love, but it can't do that with all these failed deliveries, and even worse the purchases that go through, but I never get the money for. That one is really ticking me off, even if it's not a constant thing, it's annoying.(and the lab doesn't have squat to say about it-which is even more maddening..."submit a ticket"...blah, shouldn't have to, they need to fix stuff, lol) I'm slightly annoyed today, is it obvious? :P

I really hope whatever they're doing, they fix it soon, or finish it soon, or whatever needs to be done to fix all these issues lately. I'm not one who likes to shop inworld, well I don't like to shop at all, really. But the stuff I buy, I can do so sight unseen-ie, on MP, and I like it that way. But I don't like not knowing if my purchases are going to go through, or whether or not the merchant will actually get the money. I hate thinking they might not. Some of the people I buy from have wonderful MP stores, but their inworld ones either don't exist, or lag me out terribly. MP is my best friend sometimes. The lab is killing my best friend byt not fixing some of these issues that have plagued it for a while now. :(

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hi Tari - I waited a week before saying anything, wasn't sure what was going on, but appears it's across the board and not land related - but shopping cart function related. 

I did not know what to do, and did not know what everything on the transaction list meant, so tried to figure that out this week, and dropped it here.

I hope they get it fixed, because was on vacation last week and have to go back to work on Monday!  Currently, just hanging out and trying to catch each sale as they come in.

People are anxious to get their stuff.  Even waiting an hour for that refund, then trying again, is not that great of a plan, but not sure what else to do, unless you're ok giving your stuff away all day long, and I can't do that for days on end.  Trying to work it all out with the shopper, so that they do not have to submit a support ticket - that's a pain.  Hated going through that, myself.

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Howdy, Miss Mickey

The past two weeks, I have only had two "Delivery Partially Failed" orders and in both, the items from MY store delivered, thank goodness.  Personally, I think the shopping cart should be shut down until the problem with it is discovered and resolved.  Hopefully, when direct delivery is installed on the main grid, that will resolve these issues.  But I'm not holding my breath.

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