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JoeC Mixmaster

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1 thing taht would be very useful is if we could save layouts on our lands. For example, if we set up our house a certain way and we end up having to move, then we could save our layout, when we get to the new land just hit a button and it would load the layout as it was on the other land pulling everyting from your inventory to set it up.  This way, moving isn't such a hasstle trying to find everything and get it back into place.

Also, aligning prims. When building it would be great if there was an option in the edit window to automatically align objects that you are trying to put together.

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You can do both those things already, with small limitations, but you don't have to bother with individual objects or linksets that much

For first, you can go to edit mode, select all YOUR objects, or just deselect once you don't want, and take them to your inventory as so called "coalesced" object (which is something like temporary linkset, but with original individual objects and linksets preserved as they are for later, not linked or unlinked).


 There is a limit how far objects can be from each other, but there is also option in Advanced menu "Disable select distance".

For second, there is also "Align" option in edit menu, which works on all 3 axis. It's not very intuitive (and works  with Shift and Ctrl keys also), but with a lilttle practice, I think that is what you want. I think it's also incorporated in official viewer by now.



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  • 2 years later...

I think if people own 2 or more sims together then there should be a way to link them as 1 full land so we don't have sim crossings. Also i would like to see the ocean opened up to be a freely usable area. Linden Labs needs to make Second Life more of an open world setup, this will create new things for people and bigger worlds for Cities to be established. This i feel will also create more money for LL.

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