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Is it really gone? :(

Zynna Xue

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Hi everyone,


I bought a few dances today and wanted to add them to my huddles. I have to drop my huddles on the floor to do so and so I did. Added a few dances, picked it up, cheked it and it worked.


So I wanted to continue adding a few more . When I dropped my huddles back on the floor it said: attempt to create opbject failed. Since then I have not seen it. It didnt reappear in my inventory nor on the floor of the sim I was at. 


Anyone have any ideas on how to get it back? It got quite a few dances in it and losing it would make me quite sad :(


(p.s. Linden has no option to file a ticket for it)

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Did you look in your LOST AND FOUND folder?

Also, where did you drop it?  In your home or on a sim that doesn't belong to you?  If you dropped it somewhere that doesn't belong to you such as renting a SL home, the sim owner can chose return and it should return to you, but I think it will go in your lost and found folder.  To find your lost and found folder, type in your inventory search bar: lost and found.

If it was in your own rental home, I think your landlord/landlady can return it to you or find it perhaps?  I'm not sure how this works in your own rental home, but there are ways.  Don't give up just yet that it's lost.  Though I did/do have a disappearing dresser that has never been found.  I rezzed this dresser in my rental home and it is nowhere (and that was months ago -- I didn't care because it was an extremely cheap MP purchase like 25 lindens or something like that, but a chim or hud is expensive!). 

But, try your lost and found, it could be in there.

p.s.  After reading your OP again, it sounds like not your sim.  Okay, find the name of sim owner.  Ask whoever is there now who is the owner (username) of that sim, and the owner can just hit return objects, I believe.  I don't see a reason for a ticket with the Lindens.  Ask the sim owner. 

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Thanks for your quick reply.

I have checked my lost and found folder and it is not there. 
It was dropped on a sim that isn't mine. A friend of mine has a little appartment rented here and I have access to it. With the proper group tag on I am allowed to unpack things on the land, such as shopping bags etc.

Been in SL since 2008 and never had anything like this happen to me.


I hope it will return one day (rather soon though!). A lot of linden was invested in this. 

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Zynna Xue wrote:



Thanks for your quick reply.

I have checked my lost and found folder and it is not there. 

It was dropped on a sim that isn't mine. A friend of mine has a little appartment rented here and I have access to it. With the proper group tag on I am allowed to unpack things on the land, such as shopping bags etc.

Been in SL since 2008 and never had anything like this happen to me.


I hope it will return one day (rather soon though!). A lot of linden was invested in this. 

Oh, you have access to this.  This is more difficult.  It probably went through or into the floor, although when I lost my dresser completely I got the exact same message you did and I've never seen that dresser again, although I didn't care because it was like 1 prim and only about 25 lins with nightstands that were 1 prim also, and these items were going to be just test objects to get a look or layout for my home.  I have other furniture now. 

Try to remember where you rezzed it and hit control + alt + t and zoom in and see if you can see anything imbedded in the floor. 

I am so sorry that you can't find it right now!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you find it because I know chims/huds/dances are not inexpensive at all. 

Hopefully, someone else might have some advice, too!  Or else LL knows what to do.

If you had the wrong tag on when you rezzed it, you could try hitting return objects perhaps.

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Since you got a message saying the attempt failed, it should be in your inventory. Have you tried clearing your cache? That often makes "missing" objects reappear. 

I tried that when I got that message the OP got.  I cleared my cache, and still no dresser anywhere.  I often wonder where that dresser went? 

I have a folder of some copyable dances I received as a gift.  I can send Zynna some folders of copyable dances she can use for now until it's found.  There are free places to get a chim also; just type in inworld search/destination guide -- free chim, and you should find one Zynna.  A club owner gave me 3 folders of some copyable dances, let me try to send you the folders, Zynna. 

However, with a hud, it might be transparent like a chim, so control + alt + t might show something, BUT you need to zoom in as close as you can also. 

Anyhow, will log on and try to send dance folders now. 

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Hi Zynna,

I was wondering if you get your name temporarily taken off the sim you have permissions for and then have your friend hit auto-return or clear group cache, if your hud would return to you?  If that works, then your friend can just add your name back once the hud returns.

I'm wondering if this would work?

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I lost my kittykat off my parcel one time. it just went poof gone. 2 days later i log in and it was back in my objects inventory folder. have had other lost stuff returned like that as well. so maybe you will get back as well. hope so.

other thing to try is the script info button on the About Land. bc is scripted will show in the list if is on the parcel. if it does show then can pick it on the list and click the Return button.

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If it was transferable, check the floor prim and see if its in the edit contents.  If it is you'll have to get the prims owner to remove it and return it to you.

Sometimes things end up on the corner of a sim at the 0,0,0 coordinates.  I regularly check sims I manage for this and am always surprised at what I find there.  Its like this corner is a dump!  Look there too.

Also, its very possible that it will show up in your lost and found folder eventually. Sometimes this takes a couple days other times much longer.  I once lost an expensive HUD while rezzing it this way and could never find it in my inventory.  I was able to search the sim well as I was an estate agent but never found it.  I thought it was gone forever.  Imagine my surprise when about a year later I logged in to a message that it had been returned to lost and found.

I understand that sometimes a sim returns things and for some reason the asset server doesn't recognize who it belongs to.  It ends up in a file on the servers  for a while until some one at LL cleans it out and can figure out who it belongs to.


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