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Search in Basic Mode

Chelsea Malibu

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I read Rodvick's Blog today finally and was a bit confused behind the thinking of Basic mode for new users.  I can clearly see the reasoning behind this and admire this move however, placing search into the advanced features seems to me to be a huge disservice to everyone.

I remember my days working as a mentor and seeing newcomers wandering around welcome island not knowing what to do or where to go next.  I'd even met many who had been there for days not knowing there was anything outside of the welcome area.  

When I first joined, the first thing I went to was search.  I wanted to see what there was to do here. Of course back then search was so terrible you could only get returns about strip clubs, casinos and escorts but it is much better now.

I doubt any Linden will respond to this or even see this post where I think a Jira would be appropriate. Does anyone else agree or is my notion flawed?

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Same thing here, i think search is essencial and should be in the basic mode too.


Everyone has the need to search for something, and the if we want to keep the noobs in sl search is vital as they need to explore so that they realize that is world out there, not just a boring welcome area, and not all of them realize that there is as advanced option on their viewer, and not all of them will ask the mentors how to reach search, etc.


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All this basic/advanced mode, Viewer 2/3 stuff is nothing more than trying to make SL seem less "complicated" than it is.  So far it's not doing that.....actually it's making things seem more complex than it really is.  For years I've been reading in the forums (and to some degree in-world too) that the user interface is too complicated, it's not intuitive and needs to made easier to use.........well, after 5 years (that I know of) LL is trying to do just that.  I think LL is sincerely trying but due all that SL allows users to do with the platform making it "simple" is just not going to happen.  You can't get a user who has extensive experience in a simple paint program like MS Paint, give that person the power of Photoshop and expect that person to use PS like it's capable of being used without some comprehensive instruction........making PS look like MS Paint for the user does nothing but confuse and frustrate that person (exactly opposite of what the intent is).  The information is available for anyone in the Wiki and Knowledge Base plus the resident to resident Answers forums........but most people are not going to go to that extent to learn what they percieve as a "game".  It's not as simple as it might seem.


LL has to bite the bullet and market SL as a platform that requires effort on the users part to learn skills they just don't use in other platforms.  You don't see Adobe marketing Photoshop as "user friendly alternative to MS Paint".........you see them market Photoshop as a powerful, professional level editing program and they offer formal instruction in the form of printed material.  No one would ever expect Adobe to dumb down the program to get the users of MS Paint use Photoshop.  Why is LL doing it with SL?  A change of direction is my guess..........it might not be what I like either (I'll keep my mind open but be aware that this new direction may move me away from something I've enjoyed for 6 years).

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