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Help ! Walking sound stuck!

Fendi Miles

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Ok so- First off i use Firestorm. Yesterday I put on a walk that made it to where when i walked it would play a song, when i tried to take it off it would still play! So i reset my avatar, made sure she wasnt wearing anything ( and she wasnt) , but the song still plays! Help?!


Yes- i did detatch bridge ! not it :(

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Whether you use Firestorm Imprudence, V3, or 1.23 makes no difference.  They'll all handle sounds the same way.  Now, how did you "put on a walk"?  Did you add a script (maybe with a sound file) to your shoes?  Did you wear something (a piece of jewelry, maybe?) with a script and sound file in it?  Whatever you put that script in can't keep playing the sound if you detached it, so you must still be wearing it.  I suggest opening your Invenory, clicking on the WORN tab, and detaching everything that you see in the list, one at a time, until you find it.  (Actually, you don't need to detach everything.... just anything made of prims.)  If the music still doesn't stop, then you must have dropped whatever it was on the floor instead of detaching it.  You may have to highlight transparent objects (CTRL+Alt+T) to find it.

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