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Many Crashes caused by Mesh.

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O.K. So, I looked up other people's issues with mesh, but none of them seemed to of been related to the problem I'm having, so far.

The thing is - My viewer crashes whenever I upload or edit certain type's of mesh in-world... I'm believing that I'm crashing because of the amount of detail I put on the mesh, however it doesn't seem to crash with everything I've uploaded, or tried to upload.

My latest upload, which is an Electric Guitar, with everything matching the dimensions as they would in the real world, however, the problem is that it uploaded so darn tiny that whenever I just right click on it, the viewer just suddenly crashes.

I've tried editing it on numerous viewers, such as Viewer 2, Viewer 3 and Viewer 3 BETA, yet it continues to crash the client - I'm not sure if it's my end or not, it shouldn't be, because I monitored my computer's processes and memory usage and they don't seem to peak and crash, it's just SecondLife crashing due to the fact I tried to edit mesh.

Is anyone else having this specific issue, or is it just my unfortunate self?

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Hello, because i´m only working on clothes there are no edit problems but LL V3 often crashes on upload. Once the viewer re-installed itself on the next run :matte-motes-dont-cry:

It was allways the same piece of dress just changed the weighting. Can´t say it is about complexity just pure random.

But V3 is still in somehow of a beta state with known bugs ... fingers crossed Lindens will iron them out soon before i go "in production" with meshes.



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Thanks for your reply, Monti! -- I'm sorry to hear that you too are experiencing upload problems, but at the same time, I'm glad that it's not just my misfortune.

I too have changed the weighting, and uploaded (successfully) yet each time I edit the prim, it seems to cause a memory dump with the client.

But that's another thing - I've not been able to upload a single piece of clothing, no matter what settings I've set the upload too, it's quite annoying.

But yes - I do hope that the Lindens get around to completing mesh support.

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1) I absolutely support the continued use and development of mesh items.

2) I will practically never be surprised by anything negative anyone has to say about mesh.

The mesh situation wouldn't be so frustrating to so many people if LL hadn't sold mesh as a panacea right up to the minute it was released.

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Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I am confident Lindens will patch these bugs soon. Sculpty used to have similar difficulty back in the day.

Until Lindens fix this, I would suggest a couple workarounds.

I have encountered one complex mesh I made which would cause some avatars to crash upon touching mesh. The bug didn't affect my avatar, so I could not replicate their difficulties.

However I discovered workarounds which stop all crashing for everyone. Before touching or editing the mesh link it to a prim, with prim as root. Use edit with area selection so that you never touch the mesh. Then you can select the prim root & scale up the linkset freely.

Another option would be upload it, then logout and login under any pre-2.0 viewer. In older viewer, your mesh will appear as a prim. You can edit the prim scale here. You can also encase this prim (your mesh) inside of a bigger alpha prim so it will never be touched.

Very kludgy-hacky but will get the job done!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I'm also experiencing crashes when trying to work with mesh.  Uploads go fine, then when I try to edit the mesh, I crash.  Usually working with them on Aditi goes fine;  the crashes mostly occur on Agni.

I'm using the SL viewer, version S3-3-0-251182.

Frankly I think we have a bug here, but good luck with reporting it.

There are other things I've noticed about meshes:

     >>A number of mesh garments in one location causes tremendous lag.

    >>I got so frustrated with trying to handle a mesh I bought that I asked a friend to delete it just to get rid of it (is the asset server somehow involved?)

   >>The Level-Of-Detail deteriorates badly with distance.  Curved surfaces seem to fare better than flat.

As annoying as sculpties are, I'm preferring them these days.


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"The Level-Of-Detail deteriorates badly with distance."

If you see that, you are looking at badly made meshes. The mesh creator has complete control over exactly what happens when the LOD changes, much more than with the unalterable LOD behaviour of sculpties. Mesh LOD behaviour can be made much better than the best sculpties, but not by using the automatic default LOD meshes. The same goes for lag with worn meshes. If attached meshes are properly designed, the load on the gpu is far lower than with the visually equivalent sculpties. However, there is nothing to prevent people wearing meshes made with total disregard for triangle count. Until residents learn to discriminate and make/select meshes properly optimised for use in SL, these problems will continue.

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