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Storm's not-so-ecoFriendly Thread


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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

Thank you, Storm, for the lovely fashion attempt and kind words for the LWL.  It is nice to know we are in your thoughts.  Stop by sometime.  I will save you a dance....   :matte-motes-wink:


Thank you Cinnamon.  I will stop by, and I have in the past.  I enjoy Lillie's voice, maybe we can catch a show of hers sometime.  I enjoy seeing Keli, too.  She is one of my favorite people both in-world and the forum; I am proud to call her a friend.  

ETA Excuse me if I come properly dressed.  I don't do barrels. 

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Storm, you either misunderstood my intent or are deliberately mis-stating it. My request that you take your bile of yesterday out of the thread had nothing whatever to do with anyone's name but yours. There are some threads on this forum that are created with a purpose and that particular one was created with the purpose of discussing H2. Your comments to me did not allow me to respond without further dragging the thread down; I chose to ignore you. When you continued I asked that you start your own thread; apparently this is that thread.

First, since you felt the need to start the ball rolling by commenting on my post; let's have that exchange in full:

Dillon Levenque wrote:
FRIEND, I really don't want to do this because it will put me into some strife, and strife is something I've done my best to avoid on the Forums and in SecondLife. I have jumped on a couple of people but only on blogs not connected/sponsored by SL. But since I know you and like you, and I also know Dee and I like her too, I'm just going to stick my nose in here.
On the person in question (and I have a pretty good idea who that is), I do think you are overstating the 'co-opting' of Hippiestock. That person had a lot to do with all of it, right from the start. I know this because I've been told so by someone who doesn't post on these forums any more but also had a bit to do with putting Hippiestock together and who is someone I'd never question. Personally, the few exchanges I've had with 'that person' have been amicable. Having said that...

I saw a lot of stuff on the old GD forums that made me turn away. That person was involved in some of that stuff and my recollection is 'that person' was usually responding, however viciously, to attacks. I didn't like it but somehow I got the idea that if there was even a hint of an injured party in all of that it was the person we're talking about. Again, I was not there for the start of all of the festivities. I don't recall seeing your name there anywhere and I am damn sure not going to go back to the archives and re-read any of those. It was bad enough seeing it once. And what you are talking about may not even be forum-related; for all I know you might have been harrassed inworld. If so, my next paragraph is meaningless.

I've never really gotten into a snark fight in the forums and I never will. I don't mind fighting; I just don't see the point of doing it here. I'll argue until I get tired of hitting the wall, but after that I'll just mouth off and ignore. Really, there are only a couple of people on the forums at all that I consider 'beyond the Pale' and one of those doesn't seem to be posting any more. Even so, if I knew those people would be at Hippiestock it would not in even a small way deter me from going. I suppose, if I knew one was an official Hippiestock organizer....yeah, that might put me off. Not sure. That thought came to me while I was typing the prior sentence. But since I WAS at Hippiestock '11 I know that organizers, managers, whatever, were all lost in the throng. I never even saw Hippie! It was an event. Armed with that memory I'd go to Hippiestock '12 even if I knew someone I completely despise was the official greeter.

I don't know if any of the above would be true had I been harassed inworld. That's what I meant earlier. Were that the case...dunno. Well, as usual, I've talked a lot and said not much. I hope some of this made sense. I also hope I don't lose any friends over this.


This post is utter nonsense. I know you think you got it right - but you don't. 

As a matter of fact it is posts like this that started the polemic before and after HippieStock.  

I was attempting to explain to my friend that an event like Hippiestock could over-ride personal differences. I've since talked to that friend inworld and she disagrees; her upset would make it unpleasant for her. We are still friends. I fail to see how my post could be considered nonsense, or how I didn't 'get it right'. I was stating my opinion.

In this thread you asked if I had asked Maddy's (yes, that is the person I referenced) permission to make my comment. Ridiculous. Unfortunately Maddy isn't on much right now but had she been I would not have asked her.

You've said in the past that Forum Storm has no relation to Inworld Storm; that you are merely RP'ing on the Forums. You currently seem to be playing the role of Dillon's Personal Forum Troll, and it's not one of  your most attractive roles, believe me.

I don't have a lot of time today but I should be back later at least for a bit.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

[...] discuss the merits of 'unidentified' individuals, who at the mere mention of their name in other threads would be considered pollution.  

 well we certainly have more than a few of those =/ (and some might consider me one=D)


rather than becoming mired in the interpersonal drama in this thread (which seems to have started in another thread that I've pointedly not participated in) I'm just going to say that the pics posted so far are horrid...

I remember a time in fashion when the point was to accentuate and highlight a persons best features not hide or distract from them.... there you have some attractive women, and all their clothing does is take away from that. I mean seriously, the blouse in the first look like a glob of transparent amorphous gelatin, with a skirt that makes her look like a carousel. in the second you have a coat that makes it look like she's being eaten by a rabid wild care bear. And monochromatic red? really? there's very vew people that could wear that and look good (the model isn't one of them). and don't get me started on the stupid suspenders. and ill fitting boots.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Storm, you either misunderstood my intent or are deliberately mis-stating it. 

This post is utter nonsense. I know you think you got it right - but you don't. 

As a matter of fact it is posts like this that started the polemic before and after HippieStock.  

You currently seem to be playing the role of Dillon's Personal Forum Troll, and it's not one of  your most attractive roles, believe me.

I did not misunderstand your post - and your "intent" was obvious.   Just because I write that your post is filled with nonsense, and because of your 'preferred' gun toting style a few posts on how likely it is that you will "shoot" yourself before you have an opportunity to shoot anybody else, does NOT make me "Dillon's Personal Forum Troll;"  I would have written the same responses to anyone (althought I doubt just 'anyone' would wear their guns backward.)  So, you more or less picked yourself.   If you are coining my sobriquet I prefer: "Everyones Favorite Forum Troll."

/me is not selective.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

This post is utter nonsense. I know you think you got it right - but you don't. 

As a matter of fact it is posts like this that started the polemic before and after HippieStock.  


I was attempting to explain to my friend that an event like Hippiestock could over-ride personal differences. I've since talked to that friend inworld and she disagrees; her upset would make it unpleasant for her. We are still friends. I fail to see...how I didn't 'get it right'. I was stating my opinion.

After HippieStock this...

Like you said Dillon: "you really weren't there" - but you have strong opinions based on an opinion told to you by somebody else.  I would call that 'trolling'.  


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Storm Clarence wrote:

/me is not selective.

You're certainly selective about what you excerpt. Nice mis-direction.

My troll comment had strictly to do with yesterday, when you repeatedly posted even though I refused to be baited. Your backwards gun post was as silly as the thread that contained the image and bothered absolutely nobody, least of all me.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

/me is not selective.

My troll comment had strictly to do with yesterday, when you repeatedly posted even though I refused to be baited. Your backwards gun post was as silly as the thread that contained the image and bothered absolutely nobody, least of all me.

I suggest you go back and read the thread Dillon; from where you 'stuck your nose in' on down.  I repeatedly posted in response to you; albeit you were using proxies; which, of course, I fully understood.  

Telling you that the opinion you wrote was nonsense is considered bile?  Since when do you **bleep** pearls? 

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I was the one who opened the "can of worms" in that thread. 

As I said after bringing it up, perhaps I should have discussed this privately with Hippie.  But the thread was there and I posted what I thought.  I meant it then and I mean it now when I say I did not want the thread to degrade into a bunch of name calling.  Personally I was upset when a name was named.

There have been discussions ad infinitum as to who threw the first punch.  One assailant went as far as to state in a thread that she "saw it as a responsibility to protect others from a certain individual" as she continued to throw verbal jabs at them.  I like others both know what I saw and experienced.

I am hoping Storm that your intent in starting this thread is pure. That there are still people who need or needed closure after all this time  is pretty obvious.  Words can carry a lot of power, and relentless words can be like waves against the side of a cliff.  Even if that cliff is made of the hardest granite, the waves will eventually wear it down.

I have since I first posted rethought my position regarding HS2 and I am planning on attending now.

To those of you who have been hurt I say, come and let your heart be healed.  Let the winds of love blow away the chaff that hurt you.  I know it is not always easy, but I think it can be done.


eta....this was not meant as a reply to Cinnamon but mainly as a general post.  silly lithium software.  grrrrr.

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There in lies what I meant Storm about you changing. Initially in the forums you displayed a sense of humour but that degraded rapidly. The link you included is a shining example of your weak attempts to humour any that read such OP's.

The thing is it's not to hard to see your brand of humour is at the expense of others which secures your position in the evolutionarily chain. It's like the little school boy who likes to make jokes about everyone else so no one will see his short comings.

So I figured it out, you changed your prescription right.

It's been fun but I have to wash my hair TTFN:)

Storm Clarence wrote:

After HippieStock


ETA the word hair before Storm decides to add something else. Might be to late.


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

This post is utter nonsense. I know you think you got it right - but you don't. 

As a matter of fact it is posts like this that started the polemic before and after HippieStock.  


I was attempting to explain to my friend that an event like Hippiestock could over-ride personal differences. I've since talked to that friend inworld and she disagrees; her upset would make it unpleasant for her. We are still friends. I fail to see...how I didn't 'get it right'. I was stating my opinion.

After HippieStock

Like you said Dillon: "you really weren't there" - but you have strong opinions based on an opinion told to you by somebody else.  I would call that 'trolling'.  


My opinions are based on my opinions. I have no strong opinions about what happened in the past, really, because as I said in my post I tended to look away. I've taken nobody's word for anything having to do with all that. Who was or was not helping with Hippiestock is a matter of record; I have seen that as well as heard it from, among others, Maddy.

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DQ Darwin wrote:

There in lies what I meant Storm about you changing. Initially in the forums you displayed a sense of humour but that degraded rapidly. The link you included is a shining example of your weak attempts to humour any that read such OP's.

The thing is it's not to hard to see your brand of humour is at the expense of others which secures your position in the evolutionarily chain. It's like the little school boy who likes to make jokes about everyone else so no one will see his short comings.

So I figured it out, you changed your prescription right.

It's been fun but I have to wash my hair TTFN:)


If you don't get it Dee, then you don't get it.  However, it was not your words that I said were nonsense, they were Dillon's words.    And, they were nonsense.  

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I suggest you go back and read the thread Dillon; from where you 'stuck your nose in' on down.  I repeatedly posted in response to you; albeit you were using proxies; which, of course, I fully understood.  

Telling you that the opinion you wrote was nonsense is considered bile?  Since when do you **bleep** pearls? 


If other people commented in response to you, Storm, they did so all on their own. I neither use nor need proxies; I'm perfectly capable of mouthing off all by myself. You insult me and them with the suggestion.

The bile was in the way you said it. You singled out a single paragraph, almost a single sentence, with which you obviously disagree. Had  you told me that opinion was nonsense I'd have been fine with it. You undoubtedly know more about all that than I do.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I was the one who opened the "can of worms" in that thread. 



FWIW Perrie, I did not converse with anyone in IM at Hippiestock.  I participated where I could in local.  I had some wonderful and quick conversations with anyone who responded - I even threw out a quick line or two of my own.    I was as comfortable and as uncomfortable as everyone else, but I enjoyed the day, and Hippies hospitality.  

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You could save your money? Just a thought:)

Storm Clarence wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:


The thing is it's not to hard to see your brand of humour is at the expense of others...

A category mistake.  My humor, and many of my other posts, come at great expense to me.  

And, some of you LWL are the perfect 'straight-man' for my stand-up.  

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