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Clothing not downloading.

Rayne Foxdale

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Alright, so. I've had this problem plenty before. Usually, I just clear cache>restart secondlife, and everything is good to go. Well, for the past couple days, almost every time I log on, my clothing is still downloading. In the beginning, I rebake a couple times, and I'm fine. But today, rebaking isn't helping, and I'm stumped. 

I cleared ALL my cache. I even did it manually in the folder on my C drive. I've restarted SL, tried different viewers. Nothing is working properly. So I read through the forums to find other posts with the same issues. One was very helpful, sent in by a "Fraya Felisimo" that said to clear cache, go to a certain LL sim, replace my outfit with a single skin, and I rebaked and I could finally see myself.

However, I attached my ears, my hair, changed my shape and eyes and put on my hairbase, and when I tried to put on my shirt, the prim attachment wouldn't attach. I tried to TP home and it wouldn't let me. So once again, I'm stuck, pantsless in Pooley, and I'm not really sure what more I can do. 

Along with those issues, my inventory is loading rather ridiculously slow, and trying to rez on the ground takes an excessive amount of time.

Fraya Felisimo's post mentioned moving my cache to a different location so it isn't corrupted by those of other Avatars, but not how to do that, and at the risk of doing something wrong, I'd like a little direction before trying to go about the task myself. So if ANYONE can offer ANY suggestions, I'd be deeply grateful. 

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You could check your "Ping Time" in the Viewer Statistics panel. You mghjt be having a prob just getting a good bandwidth into SL or your bandwidth setting in "Preferences" might have changed for some reason..

If it is happening on evey region it might be  more related to you Hardware such as a router or network card.

I do a trace route every once in a whiles just to see where my "signal" is bouncing around on the internet before it actually gets to SL. Sometimes a delay can be found between you and SL.

Good luck!  :-)

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My ping is in the 150-200 range, which according to a friend of mine, is the same as his and he loads fine. My bandwidth seems to be the same as it always was. My inventory took about 20 minutes to load completely when I was just letting it sit, and I still can't attach my shirt prim. lol. As far as my router/network card goes, I've never had a problem like this before, and nothing else is acting up. 

Thank you, though. Any more suggestions?

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I don't know if this would help... a friend of mine was having the same problem the other day and she cleared cache and rebaked, relog and so on but were still in a cloud or no clothes on. So I suggested her to go Ruth (Character Test) and she did finally loads.

After that, she changed back to her normal saved appearance (she's using V2) and everything changed except the shape. She had to go to the inventory folder itself to wear the shape... I wonder if your problem has anything to do with the shape you are wearing?

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I actually had a friend tell me to try that. I did, and it said that it could not replace my outfit because the folder was empty. I'm not really sure how my Secondlife got so broken. Lol. 

But all issues aside, I just logged back in after taking a 20 minute break because of frusteration, and everything seems to be normal as of now. Hopefully it was just a minor network error and it won't happen again, but thank you for the help.

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Would be nice if for once LL addressed these inventory problems and did not either blame them on a thrid party viewer, your computer, your bandwidth or poor connection.  The fact is that these problems appear at random and proably result from database failure due LL not getting the timing right on the new MONO scripting.  We have gone through all of this time and time again for the last year or more with the same result, things eventually are fixed for awhile then LL makes another change and they go to hell again, and all we get is more buck passing and blaming.  It would be nice, if for once, LL would take responsibility for the mess and fix it rather than hiding behind the same tired denials.

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I know I'm a little late but i wanted to add my two cents in on this thread. I had the same problem last nite and it drove me crazy.

My clothing was blurry and I couldn't attach prims onto my avatar. I rebaked. I cleared my cache. I deleted my cache folder. I went into appearance. Nothing worked. I relogged and then finally SL turned me into ruth! I did the test female avatar on the advanced menu...changed back into myself, then still had the same problem.

I seem to be okay now because i DELETED my 'User Settings' folder and even deleted it from my recycle bin. I dont know if you know where it is, but to get to it, i did the following: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming --> Second LIfe Folder --> User Settings folder. I'm running Vista btw. When I did this, it was as if I had uninstalled and reinstalled SL. All the settings were screwed and I had to reset them, but SL created a brand new user settings folder, and it forced everything to start from scratch, and my stuff finally rezzed!! So hopefully this helps someone so that they don't have to tear their hair out like i did last nite.

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