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llRezObjectWithParams help


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The function is on the wiki, but one of the params doesn't work, and i see no jira ..

when i try ...   REZ_PARAM_STRING , "sum test string"

i get the message, "Name not defined within scope" , when i use the bitflag (13) it says not found.

any ideas?

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59 minutes ago, Xiija said:

ty all,

I checked on Aditi, and it works with the integer value of 13,
but not with the string... REZ_PARAM_STRING ....


Yes, the string is probably not yet defined in the viewer.  You can try shutting down and restarting the viewer while in a region that supports that parameter and MAYBE your viewer will retrieve an updated file to allow it to recognize that REZ_PARAM_STRING is equal to 13.

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