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SL crashes

Pol Shinn

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Hi. I have a big issue with Second Life. Whenever I log in with my old avatar, Pol Shinn, SL Viewer 1.23 crashes after 1 minute (less or more) of gameplay.

Also, with the new viewer 2, Second Life crashes before even finishing loading.

This issue also happens with Pol Shinn avatar on other systems.

My avatar doesn't have many objects or script atached to it, so this shouldn't be the reason it crashes.

I also tried playing with the lowest settings possible and it still crashes.

The place I am situated in when the crashes occour is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Menora/72/113/42 but it has nothing to do with them, as they happen anywhere.

Please someone help me fix my avatar, I don't want to lose all the important things I have.


                                                                                                                                                              Thanks, Paul

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Well it only takes one "squirrelly" script or attachment to foul things up.

Take off all attachments and hud, relog.  If that solves the problem of staying logged in, add them back one at a time, see if you can find the one thats messing up.


Good luck.


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I'd recommend this little trick I found if you have viewer 2 with basic and you can't log in.  Switch and log into basic.  Get going and move around a little on basic.  Log out again and switch back to advanced.  This little trick has worked for me before.  Why?  Not exactly sure, but one thing is that on basic your inventory won't download, but at least the viewer is starting to recognise you and will get going.

It's worked for me a couple of times, and I was very happy!   

You could also try another viewer as has been suggested here, and I certainly hope you don't lose your items, that would be sad becuz they kind of become a part of your RL memories.  Hang in there! 


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I tried taking off every hud, AO and most of the prims atached to me, but it still crashes...

I don't think the crash is because of some script, but there are things I can't see atached on me but they are there - I can't deatch them without my inventory fully loaded, which seems to be the crash reason, as the Viewer 1.23 stops working at like 10k items...

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I tried everyone's tips, but I can't make my avatar stop crashing...

I also tried clearing all caches and getting all the graphics to low. I even changed my SL viewer skin, lol :))

If I think good, there might be a known reason for me that makes SL crash, but dunno why on Pol Shinn avatar only :

I used to have an nVidia EN GTS 8600 graphics card, on which SL worked perfectly with my avatar. Now I have a way better graphics card, that SL never recognises on startup, maybe because it's a very new one, not tested by SL yet, called GIGABYTE GTX 460, one of the best graphics card. However, only SL Viewer 2 won't recognise it...

Could SL Viewer 2 crash before startup and SL Viewer 1.23 crash during gameplay because of this new and better graphics card? It's most probably impossible, but can it be a bug or something?

I also tried all sorts of options like running SL full screen, or in all compatibillity modes, 256k colors and others...

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BTW: Could any setting from the advanced menu (Ctrl+Alt+D) make my avatar crash, like the ones from the Character menu or something?

I will try to change something over there too - If I remember good, there's somewhere in that menu for debbuging your character...

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I also noticed that SL Viewer 1.23 tells me, with this performant GTX 460 graphics card, that my system doesn't meet the minimum system requirements and that I might experience poor performance if I continue using SL. They say that they can't provide tehnical suport for my system.

Damn, I have a dual core procesor and a GTX 460 + good network card, though it's not good for their specs.

SL, as far as I remember, used too work good with GTX 460, but could my avatar crash because I left him too much time without using? I think I forgot him for some months, or maybe for an year? I don't know if it is because of this.

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Oh, this is sad to hear.  Yes, it could be.  I read on here somewhere that if don't use an account for six months, it gets deleted.  So you could very well be sort of deleted or something is blocking you. 

Can u remember exactly how long you left that avatar idle?

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I remembered that my avatar was working perfectly last summer and at the end of it I left it idle and I tried to play with it again like last month, when it wasn't working...

That's what I remember. Do you think Linden Labs could ''unlock'' my avatar or something if I tell them I had RL problems and I didn't have time to log in?

It's not faire for them to block your avatar....

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Yes, I agree it's not fair either with this six month window, but that is unfortunately what I read here on the forums.  I think they allow your avatar without use for only six months.  I could be incorrect tho?  Can you start a ticket... or are tickets only for premium members?  That I'm not even sure about either. 

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you should be able to detach everything before your inventory loads, by doing a char test.  This will dump everything you are wearing and replace it with a library avatar even if your inventory has not finished loading.

If you can partially log but then crash, soon afterwards, your account definately still exists and is not banned.

Accounts are not deleted for inactivity on Secondlife. 


Anyone can start a ticket (premium accounts can also access live help during its hours of operation, although basic accounts cannot access live help).

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I hope so too Mayalily. 

LL will probably never delete inactive accounts because they cite the number of existing accounts as a measure of their success.  From memory I think there are about 20 million accounts, but well under 1 million regular users...

You can even get an account back if you cancel it, although if you leave it too long the inventory will have been purged; also I think they charge you a fee for re-activation, although I am not entirely certain about that.



Just a thought Pol, have you checked that your drivers are all up to date for your video card, and that none have become corrupted?

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Hi! Yes, my drivers are up to date, but I will try to deatch everything and see if it works.

BTW: Is there any ''no crash'' script that I could get or something?

I'm sure there must be something like that to help me...

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I think I found out what the problem is: I dumped my inventory, character, rebaked and foreced params to default, which turned me into a cloud. After seeing that I don't crash, I decided to click on Recent Items in my inventory so it could load.

SL crashes again, at 10k loaded items and I think it did the same the other times.

I am not yet sure if SL will crash or not if I don't open my inventory, but even if this would solve the problem, I can't use my avatar without opening my inventory, as I have lots of important things there. I once tried to empty my trash too, but SL will still crash...

All I can do now is experiment various advanced options and see if I can make it work...

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have you tried doing a fresh install

getting rid of everything and installing?

i mean keep your IM logs by setting them into a different place until you are finished..

but i would try and clear out the old incase you are running into overlaping cache problems..

then do a fresh install of the viewers you are wanting to use making sure each has it's own cache

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if you were premium and the account went unpaid i would say they locked it..but they won't lock a basic that doesn't own them money unless you were AR'd for something..

i'm betting you are having viewer conflicts on the system somewhere..

let me find tha manual cache clean article for you as well..i would still try a clean install if you haven't already..

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Definitely, a clean install is what you really need to do. Make sure to get rid of every viewer you have installed, delete every folder that has anything to do with them (save your logs first) and manually delete your cache for every viewer (you never want to use the same cache for different viewers). Download a new installation of your preferred viewer before you go to reinstall it.

And don't worry if it says your system doesn't meet the minimum system requirements, that's probably because SL hasn't added your graphics card to it's database of excepted cards yet... this happens with most cards when they first come out. 

Good luck... Dres

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Guys, I tried clearing all the cache in App Data, too, but SL still crashes...

I found out that it crashes even if I make manny clicks for opening or closing windows...

I don't have any ideas, but it's not my system, this happens on my laptop too.

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Hi, if you think that some attachment could be in the way and preventing you from even getting to inventory to remove it, and don't have support options, you could try a text only client to do the cleaning. Radegast can be good for this, it will give you full access to your inventory and attachments so that you can remove anything that could be in the way, change to a different shape and clothes, etc.

It has in its menu some options to update appearance and rebake, it works best to pick those by hand after you change what you are wearing. Once you have the avatar down to the basics, you can try a regular viewer again.

Even if that is still a problem, at least this client will let you keep up with messages and use your inventory until you can find a real solution!

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