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Steampunk club, skybox or dance platform


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I need, urgently, a steampunk style club/skybox or platform that will fit on a 32 x 44m parcel, and has an open danceable area of at least 24m square. Good quality please; I've found plenty of old prim builds that look like they were made in 2008 with freebie textures, I don't want one of those. Maximum LI is 150.

I need this by Saturday morning... can anyone help? Point me to a store or MP listing?


Edited by Maitimo
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Steampunk is such a cool genre but there aren't too many low-impact quality builds pre-made for it. I used to have some neat Steampunk stuff but I cleared it out when I got more in to Cyberpunk *facepalm*. If youre looking for a cyberpunk venue, I have a cool little city themed club sitting empty. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cezanne/106/5/2502

Here are two clubs I found that might work for you with a little tweaking;


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Thanks for the suggestions. The Clank looks perfect but at a land impact of 445 there's no way I can even rez it.

However, my lovely landlord @Lewis Luminos has loaned me one of his; it's not quite as big as I was hoping but it will be enough, I think. And it looks great. Pity it's no longer for sale.




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