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SL user is verbally abusing me and he said he already banned me?


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But the thing is, I haven't even done anything to him. Now supposably I'm getting deleted for nothing. He is the one threatening me and calling me names. It started off when I logged on i was in the same room he was in and he told me to get out and i was making my way to the door. I guess i wasn't fast enough for him.. I did nothing. What do i do?

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Walk away and ignore him ..... and find somewhere else to log in.  The worst he can do is ban you from his own land, and it sounds as if he has already done that.  I doubt that you really care about being there any more anyway.   SL is a very big place.  You don't have to hang around his part of it.

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if all you did was logging in somewhere you were not aware was private you are not going to be banned from sl or deleted in any way. he might have banned you from his land, as a land owner/renter/manager he can do that, but that's all it is. you probably don't want to go back there anyway =)

if you find yourself in the same situation another time it's always faster to tp out - doors are pretty useless in sl =)

mute (block) him and forget about it.

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Find somewhere safe to set as your Home location, you can set that from your World menu, you can then login at home to avoid this happening again & also when you need to get out of anywhere fast or if you are stuck somewhere (like in a wall) you can just press Ctrl Shift H to teleport home.

Other residents cannot ban you from SL, only LL can & they don`t do for something as trivial as logging into accidentally to someone`s home. The other person has just banned you from his land.

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He can't ban you from SL.  All he can do is eject you from his "land".

Depending on the threats he is making, you can always make a copy of the IM log and include it in an abuse report yourself.  If he is saying that he has any official capacity to ban you from all of SL or that he somehow represents LL or the Lindens, abuse report him.  LL does not care for people pretending to be them.  It's one of the fastest ways to get one's account pulled.

Odds are, unless he specifically said that he was going to ban you from all of SL he probably meant that he was banning you from his parcel.  Don't worry about that too much.  

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