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orientacion y cordenadas de objeto creado desde blender


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Hola un gusto saludarlos a todos, tengo un problema, he creado un objeto en este caso un barco, fue creado en blender 2.79 su posición normal y local tienen una inclinación para que la vela gire en su eje inclinado,  todo bien hasta aqui en sus puntos y todo pero cuando quiero agregar un script para hacer que cuando gire toma como referencia es el eje global y no tiene la inclinacion y me genera el problema, ya he revisado otras velas con full perm y no tienen problema su eje global esta con la misma inclinacion que el local. alguien que me oriente al respecto? gracias

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Hello, it's a pleasure to greet you all, I have a problem, I have created an object in this case a boat, it was created in blender 2.79 its normal and local position have an inclination so that the sail rotates on its inclined axis, everything is fine up to here in its points and everything but when I want to add a script to make that when it rotates it takes as a reference the global axis and it does not have the inclination and it generates the problem for me, I have already reviewed other candles with full perm and they have no problem, their global axis is with the same inclination as the local. someone to guide me about it? Thank you

...Unfortunately, I have no advice to give. Scripters?

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The easiest solution is to rez a simple cube prim, and link your boat to it, making the cube the new root prim of the linkset.  Make the cube small and transparent or put it inside the boat so that you will not trip over it. If you orient the cube properly, your script will sail the boat as designed.  That is much easier than rewriting the script.

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