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Sublime Text and Windows Defender false positive

Innula Zenovka

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Just a heads up to other Sublime Text users out there -- my copy of Windows Defender last night started issuing erroneous (I hope) warnings about having found a Trojan in 

C:\Users\[My Windows Username]\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\LSL\windows\lslint.exe

with the the unsurprising result that the Sublime Text syntax checker stopped running, which is very bad news indeed, at least if you're me.

Since both Malwarebytes and GitHub seem sanguine about the package, I downloaded a new copy and  felt confident in following the instructions at  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/restore-quarantined-files-microsoft-defender-antivirus to restore the file, along with Sublime Text's ability to check my LSL syntax.

I hope this is some help to others who are as initially mystified as was I if Sublime Text suddenly starts returning "could not open file" errors when they hit Control+B.

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It might be worth adding Sublime's program directory to the exclusion list in case an update to Microsoft's signatures decides it's going to reinforce it's ban. You can always keep an eye on excluded locations with Malwarebytes just in case you're woken up at night with that gnawing feeling "what was that brief message I saw flicker across the screen when I was shutting down that looked like gotcha sucker?"

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