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Materials being reassigned on upload

Chic Aeon

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I so don't love it when there are no answers forthcoming LOL.  But new very odd issue.

One piece mesh with four newly assigned materials (pottery - book 1, book 2 and pages). All materials are assigned correctly. I can see no issues at all in Blender. 


When I upload inworld the materials are all reassigned.   I am using the FS BOM viewer, not the newest viewer. I can try uploading in the Linden viewer. All very strange.  I had a similar problem like this not too long ago, but have also uploaded several things with various materials with no issues (going to check that!!!) Yes other recent items are fine.


LATER:  One more VERY odd thing.  I looked at the item uploaded and instead of half the triangles of the main model it shows as 90.  That is not what I set. AND it holds its LOD for a very VERY LONG DISTANCE  so it is "acting" like it is at half the tris of the main model.   Going off to see what happens in the Linden viewer.   

This was fixed with a relog.  Not sure what was going on there. 




Any ideas appreciated.


These are main grid uploads. 


UPDATE:  Same exact issue in Linden viewer -- so not viewer specific.   Wish I had better news :D.



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13 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Any ideas appreciated.



Just me thinking aloud ............. :) ...................

The model has 4 materials assigned to it in Blender but when rezzed, the object still has 4 materials but the assignment to geometry has changed?

The assignment of the materials to the rezzed model  does show some intelligence (not random). Cups one material, the Plates one material, the Teapot one material, ...........that would leave the Top book, Bottom book and Pages all sharing the same material ? (pages do look like they are using your Page baked material but not the correct tint, same tint as the Teapot ?)

The SL mesh Uploader has zero intelligence.

Chic has some.

Conclusion, Chic has messed up something in her workflow.

It looks like you have baked all 4 materials to the same image texture? So do you need to upload the model with the 4 materials if you are applying this one baked material to the whole object?

First thing I would try is :

  1. Save to a new .blend file.
  2. Delete 3 of the materials so that the object uses only one material.
  3. Do a test upload and apply your baked texture.


All so, in the original file have a look how many UV's are listed.

Best would be to share your file   (or a file that contains just parts of it, for example the inner surface of one of the cups, top surface of a plate, teapot lid, top surfaces of each book and the pages and pack the texture into the file). Blender file sharing at https://pasteall.org/blend/   

                                     then perhaps we can work out what is going on.


                  Happy Rez day Chic :)


Edited by Aquila Kytori
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3 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

Just me thinking aloud ............. :) ...................

The model has 4 materials assigned to it in Blender but when rezzed, the object still has 4 materials but the assignment to geometry has changed?

The assignment of the materials to the rezzed model  does show some intelligence (not random). Cups one material, the Plates one material, the Teapot one material, ...........that would leave the Top book, Bottom book and Pages all sharing the same material ? (pages do look like they are using your Page baked material but not the correct tint, same tint as the Teapot ?)

The SL mesh Uploader has zero intelligence.

Chic has some.

Conclusion, Chic has messed up something in her workflow.

It looks like you have baked all 4 materials to the same image texture? So do you need to upload the model with the 4 materials if you are applying this one baked material to the whole object?

First thing I would try is :

  1. Save to a new .blend file.
  2. Delete 3 of the materials so that the object uses only one material.
  3. Do a test upload and apply your baked texture.


All so, in the original file have a look how many UV's are listed.

Best would be to share your file   (or a file that contains just parts of it, for example the inner surface of one of the cups, top surface of a plate, teapot lid, top surfaces of each book and the pages and pack the texture into the file). Blender file sharing at https://pasteall.org/blend/   

                                     then perhaps we can work out what is going on.


                  Happy Rez day Chic :)


Hey there oh smart one :D.


I think I figured it out (see later comments) but here was MY thought process LOL.


While I TRIED to make it obvious in my screenshots, I can see the color thing was an issue although I think I did mention  the materials and  showed them in the four materials in the sidebar.   The problem is that ALL the pottery was supposed to be one material and as you can see from the previous screenshot it IS.  Then the top book was one and the bottom book was one and the PAGES was one. So in theory each book  cover could be tinted separately  and the pottery would all tint together. You can still (after upload) tint the cups and plates to match  -- or not LOL) but when you try and tint the teapot it ALSO tints both books and the pages.  So not good. 


The texture does upload and go on the model correctly, that isn't an issue and I am sure using one material would work --  and yes, I rechecked all four materials and in Blender they are correct.  It bakes fine and when viewed with texture showing it looks as it does on upload. There is only one UV map and I was EXTREMELY careful to make sure all the names were the same before joining the object. When that gets messed up then it is obvious in the 3D view and I always have the textures showing as I work. 



So basically (laughing here) I already checked all these things. Well I DO learn eventually.  

BUT as I am looking at this again the next day I do "see" what the uploader must have been looking at and most likely where the problem came from.


The books and teapot came from one file (let's call that the base file and the one I renamed and saved to).  I appended the cups and saucers from another file (it was a Blender Render file) and the big plates were just made from the saucers.  So while I DID check all the UVmap namess before joining and while the file still shows them as I wanted them, the uploader appears to have retained some info that isn't visible to us mere mortals?  


So while I redefined the materials and they work inside of Blender, the uploader decided to pay more attention to where the files originally came from -- hence the teapot, book1, book2 and pages all became ONE material. Then because I had defined four materials in the file, it split out the rest dividing the plates into one and the cups into another -- actually giving me only three materials.  This puzzles me a bit as the cups and saucers came from the same file -- BUT since I made "new" bigger plates from the saucers I guess it decided that they were no longer the "same"?   


 I just went back and checked and yes, there are only three materials on the inworld model.  It LOOKS good however LOL.




So what I SHOULD have done (and apparently didn't for all the pieces) is make a NEW UV map for each of the newly assigned materials EVEN THOUGH the UVmap names were the same (and indeed did work inside of Blender).  Am I guessing correctly here?   That seems to be the issue.  I am ready to move on with this LOL, but I "think" that was the problem and certainly not a terribly obvious one.  


I know how picky the uploader was in Sansar but at least you could SEE the issues when you had one. :D

Thanks for the comments especially about the uploader  being logical as that was pretty much the key. At least I hope I figured it out correctly. You can bet I won't forget this lesson and hopefully some other folks learned something too.  Appreciate your comments. 


And thanks for the rez day wishes too :D. OLD OLD OLD.  


Edited by Chic Aeon
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OK.  I did what I THOUGHT was going to fix this and it did not fix.   This here for anyone finding this thread at a later date.


Here is what I did:

I divided the finished mesh file by materials. 

I made a NEW Uvmap for each material (so book1 book2, pages, pottery) making sure they were all the same name.

I checked twice to make sure the new groups were correct and with the same UVmap name.

I joined the four pieces together, removed doubles and decimated at 75 which is what I had done before.

I rechecked to make sure the materials were all still assigned correctly in Blender.

I uploaded and got the same exact issue.


When I tried to separate out parts of the file to send for sharing all hell broke loose and only some of the pieces held on to their materials settings.  So while I "thought" I knew what the issue is, I did not.  It may have something to do with the old Blender Render file?  Not sure. But it seems unlikely that even our smartest folks will be able to figure out what might have gone wrong without all the blend files I used and LOTS of time --- I think it best we let this go.  


BUT good to remember it can happen -- even when you in theory know what you are doing LOL.   I may make the cups and plates color change for folks as that is certainly doable and not confusing. This is in theory an Advent item for next year; no longer making "products" :D


Thanks again @Aquila Kytori for the musing. 




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17 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

When I tried to separate out parts of the file to send for sharing all hell broke loose and only some of the pieces held on to their materials settings.  So while I "thought" I knew what the issue is, I did not.  It may have something to do with the old Blender Render file?  Not sure.

Could that be Blenders way of suggesting that it is time that you move up to 2.8 or even  2.9 !!!! ?   lol

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Honestly, it seem's to me like you need to bake these material's upon your mesh's.
Okay take my some what answer with a grain of salt as i dont know what other programs you might be using in your pipeline.
I use substance painter in my workflow, when seeking to have bulk number of object's like this but not wanting them to be uploaded one at a time to save on prim space, i tend to combine them like you have here in blender, make sure that the uvmap has all the object's cleanly in the island, then from there i upload them to substance painter.

i think the problem i am seeing with this is that while blender can use it's node's to make multiple different material's, you dont have properly baked "roughness maps" for your material's to be uploaded.

i upload a thing of pant's to substance painter, i want the belt to have a gloss to it, but i want the cotton of my cotton pant's to not have any kind of specular shine in it.
so in substance painter, i apply a layer on the belt a leather like gloss to it, and for the pant's i mask them off and apply it's own layer to have cotton fabric with no gloss.
from that i finish and export my map's to give me a "roughness map" that way when importing stuff from blender to SL, i can have those specific specular shine's from my roughness and the area's i dont also working from the same roughness texture.

I don't know if this will work for you at all, but from my own experience with blender and node's for material's transferring to SL, i tended to find more issues than resolves.

best advice is look up for blender "baking roughness maps"
so you can have all object's combined, but now have coordinate's for what shines and what should not shine all being drivin by the roughness map you have in the specular map slot in the sl edit tab.

hope this helps if not, sorry  and hope you get it working!

Edited by chaineduplezkittym
correcting my horrible grammar and sentences.
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7 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

Could that be Blenders way of suggesting that it is time that you move up to 2.8 or even  2.9 !!!! ?   lol

LOL.. I am SURE Blender thinks so (so funny) but since I am only working for fun now and to "keep my skillset" :D I have no intention of MOVING ON.  Honestly I tried a few times and if someone would have made a really good set of tutorials (hint there) I might have made the effort but aside from making a lot of poses for Sansar in the new interface (only way it could be done and not that much to learn) my frustration level was way too high. I will say it is certainly PRETTIER. 


I DO understand that for people new to Blender it was a very good move -- at least that is what some folks say and I'll go along with that. But there are still a lot of us semi-oldtimers that are sticking with the old ways.  I just play these days and RELAX for the most part and Blender 2.79b does everything I need it to do :D.   


Take care and really much thanks for all your help through the years. 

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