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Lindems not acreditted


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I need help and don't know where to get it. I bought lindens last friday and they were not acreditted, camcelled the order, got the refund on Tilia account. Made a new purchase with that balance and i still don't get them. 

Where can i ask for help with this? I already filed a support ticket but got no answer so i decided then to camcel and make the seco d purchase that has not been processed yet




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If you are buying $L but not receiving them, the usual reason is that you are using the "Best Rate (Limit Buy)" option.  This is not a purchase, it is an OFFER to purchase at a specified rate of exchange.  If the exchange rate doesn't hit your specified rate, your order remains open.  It will stay open until 1) the exchange rate hits your specified rate and 2) all prior orders at that rate have been filled.  If you choose an unrealistic exchange rate, this can mean you will NEVER get your $L.

To fix the problem, cancel your order, and then buy $L again, using the window on the LEFT, the "Instant Buy" option.  You will purchase $L at the current rate of exchange.

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