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Gun Cabinet


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A custom gun cabinet is easy. We just talk over exactly how you want it to look, whether you want it scripted for interactivity in any way and the rest is just time until you're happy with the result.

It's the bit about "having the guns in there that I want" that gives me a small amount of pause.

Scenario 1: These are guns that already exist in SL, they are creative constructions (not modeled on a RL weapon) that you own. That's a whole can of worms - would you, for example, want the guns "in the cabinet" to disappear from there when you attach the "functional" gun from your inventory? Would you just want them to be cosmetic and always appear in there? Either way I'd have to potentially recreate another creators product (albeit probably at a lower resolution and only in part since you can't see them from 360 degrees around if they are in the cabinet, even with the door open) and interactivity of any kind would require the gun to be mod perm and capable of accepting an "interact with the cabinet" script - something that a lot of combat systems anti-cheat coding will flag on, even if the creator left the gun modifiable. A purely cosmetic non-functioning "lookalike" in the cabinet presents fewer problems and would be meshed as an integral part of the cabinet so it could not be turned into a standalone object but I can still see some creators objecting to their creativity being the source for it, even just as reference images - and if they did choose to object they would have at least a moral case if not a legal one.

Scenario 2: These guns aren't in SL or they are but are representations of RL weapons - for example you might say "I want it to contain a Wingmaster, an AR-17 and a P-226." Any IP concerns would then be with the manufacturers of the RL weapons, and in that I'd be on no more shaky ground than anyone else making a copy of a RL weapon in SL. For the most part folks get away with that so let's assume that we can dispose of these concerns. You want the guns in the cabinet as static props? Takes extra time, more of it the more faithfully you want them modeled. You want them interactive at all and you being able to "take one out and equip it" and then we're into the same concerns as scenario 1, with the additional wrinkle that you may end up asking me to make the "equippable" version of each weapon too, which would lead me into asking about how "functional" you want its scripting, any SL combat system you wanted it to be used with, whether any such has a development kit available and at what cost etc...

None of this is impossible. If I haven't put you off yet, let's talk. But be aware that you are potentially talking about a major "product development" project, that could involve obligatory collaboration with other SL creators (assuming they would be willing to) and upfront costs, whether you ask me to take this on or somebody else. Neither I nor the majority of other SL creators will be looking to gouge you but you might find yourself either reducing your requirements to eliminate the components that would be most costly to develop or suffering a little sticker shock at the cost of meeting them all

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This is a general problem with containers in Second Life. You can't put your objects on a shelf or in a box for storage, and later look inside and take something, without huge amounts of special case effort. There's a bookstore in New Babbage where you can pick up the books and read them, but it's a very custom job.

There's another virtual world where your clothing inventory appears on a rack. That would be popular if you could do it in SL. People would build houses with huge closets. Remember Aech's Garage and Aech's Basement from Sansar? Now that's how you should be able to arrange your inventory.

This might be do-able in SL. In general, you'd need a system where attachable objects, when detached, rez in world in their "storage" form - clothing on hangar, shirt folded, book as a closed book, etc, each one prim.Then you could put the object someplace, or just take it into inventory if you didn't want to leave it around. Attach it by wearing it, and it goes to its detailed attached form.

You could have containers where, when you put in such objects and closed the door, they are moved to the container's inventory and deleted from world to save prims. Open the door or lid, and they all rez in one-prim "stored" form. Maybe as temporaries; you have one minute to select something before the lid closes and the temporaries are deleted.

Requires custom objects, but worth playing with. It's been partly done for books; attach them and you get a HUD and can read the book. Possible feature for the farming systems that support crafting, where you're gathering ingredients and make something.

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3 hours ago, animats said:

<Wisdom snipped>

Yeah, this level of custom stuff is exactly the sort of solution I had in mind - I've done it before with my SL "stage gear" where I can switch guitars to the one I'm actually about to play simply by equipping it from inventory - it vanishes from its on-stage stand , it forces the detach of any other member of the set that I might be wearing at the time (which then, in turn reappears on its on-stage stand)

But every single one of those meshes is mine, a copy of my RL instruments, down to the slight damage to the headstock on one of 'em, so already having having the models both inworld with any perms I might need and also in blender just made it a matter of designing a comms API and implementing the scripts. And that was a somewhat simpler task given the limited and well defined circumstances that this API needed to function in.

There's plenty of us on here could make what the OP is wanting - and if offered a big enough carrot would... He deserves to know just how big of a were-rabbit he's talking about feeding though :)

Edited by Da5id Weatherwax
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