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WTF Is all this?!


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Hi i'm trying to add a menu to my vehicle that lets u change gears, unlock/lock vehicle and etc etc. I have only found one script that supposedly does it;

// :NAME:ButtonAbstractionLayer
// :AUTHOR:Francisco V. Saldana
// :CREATED:2010-01-10 05:20:56.000
// :EDITED:2013-09-18 15:38:49
// :ID:134
// :NUM:200
// :REV:1.0
// :WORLD:Second Life
// Button-Abstraction-Layer.lsl
// :CODE:

// ButtonAbstractionLayer
// This script is responsible for monitoring touchable linked prims ("buttons")
// It also implements the ability to toggle button availability
// via its enableButton and disableButton link_message events.

// Copyright (C) 2005-2006  Francisco V. Saldana
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
// Francisco V. Saldana can be contacted using his email account
//  username: dressedinblue, at domain: gmail.com
// and in Second Life by IMming Christopher Omega

// Library functions:

// Replaces the list elements in dest with elements in src, starting at start.
// For example, if dest was [A, B, C, D], src was [E, F] and start was 1,
// the list returned would be [A, E, F, D].
// If llGetListLength(src) + start > llGetListLength(dest), the returned list length
// will be greater then dest list's length.

string NULL = "";
list replaceListSlice(list dest, list src, integer start)
    if (llGetListEntryType(dest, start - 1) == TYPE_INVALID)
        integer len;
        for(len = llGetListLength(dest); len < start; len++)
            dest += NULL;
    integer srcLen = llGetListLength(src);
    return llListInsertList(llDeleteSubList(dest, start, start + srcLen - 1), src, start);

integer wildcardPatternMatches(string str, string pattern)
    string firstChar = llGetSubString(pattern,  0,  0);
    string lastChar  = llGetSubString(pattern, -1, -1);
    if (firstChar == "%")
        if (lastChar == "%")
            pattern = llGetSubString(pattern, 1, -2);
            return llSubStringIndex(str, pattern) != -1;
            pattern = llDeleteSubString(pattern, 0, 0);
            return llSubStringIndex(str, pattern) == llStringLength(str) - llStringLength(pattern);
    else if (lastChar == "%")
        pattern = llGetSubString(pattern, 0, -2);
        return llSubStringIndex(str, pattern) == 0;

        return str == pattern;

list    enabledButtonNamePatterns = [];
integer numPatterns               = 0;

integer isEnabled(string buttonName)
    integer patternIndex = 0;
    for (patternIndex = 0; patternIndex < numPatterns; patternIndex++)
        string pattern = llList2String(enabledButtonNamePatterns, patternIndex);
        if (wildcardPatternMatches(buttonName, pattern))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// ============ llDetected* Related ============
integer DETECTED_KEY         = 1002;
integer DETECTED_LINK_NUMBER = 1003;
integer DETECTED_NAME        = 1004;
integer DETECTED_POS         = 1006;
integer DETECTED_ROT         = 1007;

list collectDetectedData(integer toucher)
    return [
        DETECTED_KEY,           llDetectedKey(toucher),
        DETECTED_LINK_NUMBER,   llDetectedLinkNumber(toucher),
        DETECTED_NAME,          llDetectedName(toucher),
        DETECTED_POS,           llDetectedPos(toucher),
        DETECTED_ROT,           llDetectedRot(toucher)
// =============================================

list curFilter = [];

// This function must be executed in a touch_start event.
// it compares values in the curFilter list with values
// from the llDetected* functions, to see if the toucher is not
// filtered.
integer isTouchAllowed(integer toucher)
    if (curFilter == [])
        return TRUE;
    integer filterIndex;
    filterIndex = llListFindList(curFilter, [(string) DETECTED_KEY]);
    if (filterIndex != -1)
        if (llList2String(curFilter, filterIndex + 1) != (string) llDetectedKey(toucher))
        return FALSE;
    filterIndex = llListFindList(curFilter, [(string) DETECTED_NAME]);
    if (filterIndex != -1)
        if (llList2String(curFilter, filterIndex + 1) != (string) llDetectedName(toucher))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

// ========== For method invocation ==========
string randomStr(string chars, integer len)
    integer numChars = llStringLength(chars);
    string ret;
    integer i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        integer randIndex = llFloor(llFrand(numChars));
        ret += llGetSubString(chars, randIndex, randIndex);
    return ret;

string SEPERATOR_CHARS = "`~!@#$%^&*()-_+[]{}|'";/?.>,<";
integer SEPERATOR_LEN  = 3;
string dumpList2String(list src)
    // Generate a seperator not present in any of the
    // elements in the list.
    string chars = (string) src; // Squashes all elements together.
    string seperator;
        seperator = randomStr(SEPERATOR_CHARS, SEPERATOR_LEN);
    while (llSubStringIndex(chars, seperator) != -1);
    return seperator + llDumpList2String(src, seperator);

list parseStringKeepNulls(string src)
    // The seperator should be the first SEPERATOR_LEN
    // characters in the string.
    return llParseStringKeepNulls(llDeleteSubString(src, 0, SEPERATOR_LEN - 1),
    [llGetSubString(src, 0, SEPERATOR_LEN - 1)], []);

callMethod(integer callId, string methodName, list parameters)
    llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, callId,
    dumpList2String(parameters), methodName);

returnValue(string methodName, integer methodIdentifyer, list value)
    llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, methodIdentifyer,
    dumpList2String(value), methodName + "_ret");
// =============================================

trigger_buttonPressed(string buttonName, list detectedData)
    callMethod(0, "buttonPressed", [buttonName, dumpList2String(detectedData)]);

trigger_buttonReleased(string buttonName, list detectedData)
    callMethod(0, "buttonReleased", [buttonName, dumpList2String(detectedData)]);

    callMethod(0, "reregisterButtons", []);

trigger_pong(string moduleName)
    callMethod(0, "pong", [moduleName]);

string this;
        this = llGetScriptName();
    link_message(integer sender, integer num, string parameters, key methodName)
        if (methodName == "addButtonListener")
            list paramList = parseStringKeepNulls(parameters);
            // addButtonListener(string buttonNamePattern)
            string buttonNamePattern = llList2String(paramList, 0);
            if (llListFindList(enabledButtonNamePatterns, [buttonNamePattern]) == -1)
                enabledButtonNamePatterns += buttonNamePattern;
                numPatterns               = llGetListLength(enabledButtonNamePatterns);
        else if (methodName == "removeButtonListener")
            list paramList = parseStringKeepNulls(parameters);
            // removeButtonListener(string buttonNamePattern)
            string buttonNamePattern = llList2String(paramList, 0);
            integer patternIndex            = llListFindList(enabledButtonNamePatterns, [buttonNamePattern]);
            if (patternIndex != -1)
                enabledButtonNamePatterns = llDeleteSubList(enabledButtonNamePatterns, patternIndex, patternIndex);
                numPatterns               = llGetListLength(enabledButtonNamePatterns);
        else if (methodName == "touchFilter")
            list paramList = parseStringKeepNulls(parameters);
            // Method signature:
            // touchFilter(list rules)
            // Rules is a list of DETECTED_* values that we
            // use to filter touch_start events.
            list rules = parseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(paramList, 0));
            curFilter = rules;
        else if (methodName == "ping")
            list paramList = parseStringKeepNulls(parameters);
            // Method signature:
            // ping(string moduleName)
            string moduleName = llList2String(paramList, 0);
            if (moduleName == this)

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // In case of griefers who spam touch a button to try and make the terminal
        // ignore the user, search through the list of touchers until the script finds 
        // one that the touchfilter will accept.
        integer i;
        for(i = 0; i < total_number; i++)
            if (isTouchAllowed(i))
                integer linkNumber = llDetectedLinkNumber(i);
                string linkName = llGetLinkName(linkNumber);
                if (isEnabled(linkName))
                    trigger_buttonPressed(linkName, collectDetectedData(i));
    touch_end(integer total_number)
        integer i;
        for(i = 0; i < total_number; i++)
            if (isTouchAllowed(i))
                integer linkNumber = llDetectedLinkNumber(i);
                string linkName = llGetLinkName(linkNumber);
                if (isEnabled(linkName))
                    trigger_buttonReleased(linkName, collectDetectedData(i));
}     // end 

The problem is.... What the heck is all this?! Like, none of it makes any sense to me. I even tried to put it in my vehicle and touch it but nothing happens. I'm ripping my hair out (even tho I don't have enough to rip out atm) and I really need help. So if someone can tell me exactly how to do it instead of giving hints or if someone is willing to share a copy of script with me then id be so happy and grateful!

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It's a general purpose library for managing push button touch events. By itself, it won't do anything. You need other scripts to make it work. Those other scripts receive link messages from this script and send link messages to it. They tell it which buttons do which function at startup. Then, this script sends a link message when you push the button.

All those string handling functions are to pack up multiple parameters into a text string to be sent as a link message. I'd use the JSON functions for that, since they're built in, but this code is old enough to predate those.

This is part of some set of scripts. You only have one piece here.

This is complicated for what it does. I've written bike scripts, and button management does not require this kind of complexity.


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