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Stealthy RLVa - Who is wearing a permissive relay?

Callum Meriman

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For roleplay purposes in an adult-rated capture region I am building, I wish to find hardcore relay users. That is, ping avatars in range and see who is wearing a relay, and then stealthily test whose relay is set to land/risky/fully permissive.

I specifically do not wish to bother people whose relay is set to "ask" with any command that would cause a permissions request. These people need to be quietly skipped over.

This test would allow me to treat submissives who enter the region and desire a hardcore/risky experience in a very different manner from submissives who wish to retain some control.

It is simple enough to stealthily test for a relay with 

llRegionSayTo(avKey, -1812221819, "StealthDevice"+","+(string)avKey+","+"@versionnew=8881");

and listen for replies, with a timer event to skip over people without relays, But from there is there a command that can steathily test for people who have enabled hardcore mode? Everything I have tried so far alerts the ask-level relay wearer.

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The states you are talking about are proprietary to OpenCollar, not RLV itself. OC doesn't document how its scripts work internally, so you'll have to find the bits you're interested in yourself.

What RLV does have is the "permissive" rule.

Allow/deny permissive exceptions : "@permissive=<y/n>"

Get the list of restrictions the avatar is currently submitted to : @getstatus[:<part_of_rule>[;<custom_separator>]]=<channel>

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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My own self-written RLV relay doesn't do anything to indicate how permissive I'm feeling. It does incorporate black/grey/whilelists in conjunction with a "sounds like" filter ("*", "?") — with which I am well pleased — for various commands.

In my case, and perhaps in many other cases, you might want to use a timer to gauge whether a response from a relay suggests a command been manually or automatically approved.

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On 11/9/2018 at 1:54 PM, Callum Meriman said:

Ahhh, that could work, thank you, I will try it!

I'm not sure it will.   

As the Wiki describes it, 

  • Allow/deny permissive exceptions : "@permissive=<y/n>"

Implemented in v1.21

When denied, all restrictions turn into their "secure" counterparts (if any). This means an exception to a restriction will be ignored if it is not issued by the same object that issued the restriction. Using non-secure restrictions (the original ones, like @sendim, @recvim etc) and not using @permissive allow the avatar to benefit from exceptions issued by different objects.

Warning : Using this command (or any secure version of the original commands) may silently discard exceptions issued by different objects (it is even its primary purpose), hence some products may appear to cease working while this restriction is in effect. For example, a product that allows the avatar to always be able to send IMs a particular friend will not be able to overcome a @sendim_sec or a @permissive command sent by another object, and will look like it is broken. Therefore, use with caution and make the user aware of how secure your own product is !


So I don't think that's what you're looking for.  

I agree with KT here -- I think the only way to do it to set a timer when you issue the command and see if you receive a timely acknowledgment from the relay.

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18 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

I agree with KT here -- I think the only way to do it to set a timer when you issue the command and see if you receive a timely acknowledgment from the relay.

Sadly, that is not suitable, it means a person with an Ask level relay would be alerted. The aim was not to trigger a dialog, to only target people who had "accept all relay commands" mode active.

Thanks though everyone :) It was an interesting thought.

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4 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

Sadly, that is not suitable, it means a person with an Ask level relay would be alerted. The aim was not to trigger a dialog, to only target people who had "accept all relay commands" mode active.

Thanks though everyone :) It was an interesting thought.

What's wrong with that, though?   If my relay is set to "accept all commands,"  then things will work as you intend.   If my relay is set to "ask," then I get a dialog which I can either accept or  decline.    Either way things are working as I, the person wearing the relay, want them to.  

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On 11/9/2018 at 12:25 PM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

OC doesn't document how its scripts work internally, so you'll have to find the bits you're interested in yourself.

And it is a s**t show in there. I was once asked to modify the scripts for Open Collar as someone wanted some custom features added as well as others taken away and it gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "needle in a haystack". Once I had spent a few hours with the code I started getting to grips with where everything was but at the same time its a horror show inside of those collars.

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4 hours ago, chibiusa Ling said:

And it is a s**t show in there. I was once asked to modify the scripts for Open Collar as someone wanted some custom features added as well as others taken away and it gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "needle in a haystack". Once I had spent a few hours with the code I started getting to grips with where everything was but at the same time its a horror show inside of those collars.

I've looked and done the same, before and after the OC project died. i understand why there are multiple scripts but I don't agree with the practice. I would rather have one haystack..

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10 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

I've looked and done the same, before and after the OC project died. i understand why there are multiple scripts but I don't agree with the practice. I would rather have one haystack..

Same. One thing I especially didn't like was how certain functions of the collar are spread over 4-5 scripts feeding messages to each other to function when they could easily be contained to just one script. Maybe a re write is in order xD, I think the OC community would be thankful ha

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