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SIM lack of spare memory


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I'm having an issue that's defeating me totally.  I've got a new piece of property, a new house and started furnishing it.  At a certain critical point.. I started experiencing serious lag... within the house.  When I pop up my little sky platform.. everything is fine.  In checking the simulator statistics, everything seems fine, fps and physics.. till I get to the spare time.  Which is seriously low.  

Does anyone have a possible checklist of what I can look for?  I've started turning off all non-essential scripts.  Well I suppose that's subjective.  

I am not the only person who notices the lag within the house.  Both the landlord/owner of property and a few friends have commented. 

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.  And any other information I can supply, please let me know.





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In general the FPS are always better "in the sky", BUT beyond that it is likely that you have some badly made mesh in the mix of your "new house and furnishings". 

You can tell in part by turning your avatar in various directions (this if it isn't the HOUSE that is the issue). If you watch and find your framerates slowing you can carefully DERENDER (available in most third party viewers - not sure if this is in the Linden viewer now) items and see if there is a giant change in your framerate. If you don't have the derender option you can take the objects up and put them back down as a test. 

IF it is the house that is the culprit the taking the house back into inventory will definitely tell you.

Heavy mesh as well as a LOT of 1024 textures can definitely cause lag. Unfortunately some creators that make lovely items miss that part of the process and their items (especially when there are a lot of them together) can definitely strain the server. 


Good luck. 

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Thanks Chic Aeon for the suggestion.   Perhaps I should  try and defender the house first. Then if my stats don't change any, I'll start the item by item defender.  You so don't  want to know how many items that would be ?

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Low FPS and Lag are really 2 different things.

Lag is when you type something and it doesn't show for a while, or you try and walk and nothing happens for a while. Also, I consider, when your scripts are not working properly either. These are related to the time section of the stats. There are a number of fixes, but, I won't go into them because...

you say it's fine in the air - so I think you mean low FPS not lag. Low FPS has nothing to do with the sim statistics, it is instead due to alphas, particles, large textures, badly made mesh.

Editing your alpha to masked, where possible, will help. Not bunching a hundred little nick nacks. Removing all particles (this is easy to test, turn the slider down on firestorm), looking at texture face info, and maybe retexturing what you can in lower resolution. What i also do is drop your drawd istance down to 96 meters, or even 64 meters.

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7 minutes ago, CynCybil said:

Thanks Chic Aeon for the suggestion.   Perhaps I should  try and defender the house first. Then if my stats don't change any, I'll start the item by item defender.  You so don't  want to know how many items that would be ?

LOL. And that could be your issue too. If possible limit the amount of items "in view" depending on the direction you are looking. Even with well-made mesh and reasonable texture load you can be in big trouble depending on the number of item you have "in a scene". 

Great new profile photo BTW :D/ 

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32 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

Low FPS and Lag are really 2 different things.

Lag is when you type something and it doesn't show for a while, or you try and walk and nothing happens for a while. Also, I consider, when your scripts are not working properly either. These are related to the time section of the stats. There are a number of fixes, but, I won't go into them because...

you say it's fine in the air - so I think you mean low FPS not lag. Low FPS has nothing to do with the sim statistics, it is instead due to alphas, particles, large textures, badly made mesh.

Editing your alpha to masked, where possible, will help. Not bunching a hundred little nick nacks. Removing all particles (this is easy to test, turn the slider down on firestorm), looking at texture face info, and maybe retexturing what you can in lower resolution. What i also do is drop your drawd istance down to 96 meters, or even 64 meters.

Thanks perhaps you are right Callum.  As when I'm at my favorite blues bar, I'm seriously laggy and can hardly type.  I guess my question is.. will low fps... cause slow rezzing textures etc?  And bunches of knick knacks are definitely abundant in my place.  Might one ask how to edit my alpha to masked?  And I shall try dropping down the draw distance to 64.  I really appreciate these suggestions.  I've felt somewhat.. overwhelmed.  

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40 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

LOL. And that could be your issue too. If possible limit the amount of items "in view" depending on the direction you are looking. Even with well-made mesh and reasonable texture load you can be in big trouble depending on the number of item you have "in a scene". 

Great new profile photo BTW :D/ 

Thanks Chic Aeon.  Aura Meads made that shot for me.  And I will give the limiting items in view a try.  I've been into the .. more goodies.. more homey viewpoint in regards decorating this big old place.  

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55 minutes ago, CynCybil said:

I've been into the .. more goodies.. more homey viewpoint in regards decorating this big old place.  

That works OK if you have a really powerful computer :D. But, if not it can be problematic and of course visitors might not have the same capabilities :D. Good luck. If you are lucky there are just a few pieces that are causing issues and you can get rid of those or use them in a more minimalist area :D. 

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On 8/24/2017 at 10:14 PM, CynCybil said:

everything seems fine, fps and physics.. till I get to the spare time.  Which is seriously low.  

That's weird. It's not necessarily a serious issue all by itself, but it's a sign that something is using up a lot of time each simulation frame, and ideally one would want to know what that is. And whatever it is, it must be in one or more of the other categories (Physics, Network, Simulation, Agent, Scripts... maybe others?), because the total frame time always adds up to the same 22 msec plus any dilation.

On the other hand, as other posts note, the "fine in the air" thing points to purely viewer-side lag, not sim lag, so the lack of spare time appears more a curiosity than a real concern, at least for now.

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Editing to masked alpha is especially useful on plants, but it does carry a visual cost. Your textures can look a little blocky.

If you edit an object and then select a face; On the texture tab is a drop down that is normally set to Blended Alpha (Slow), it is possible to change that to Masked alpha and then type in a number between 80 and 140. You can always change it back by returning the texture to blended if the look is destroyed too much.

Turning in a full circle and watching for FPS drops has been mentioned. But when you are going through your home looking for lag spots, rather than derender one item at a time you may have more luck derendering all items from the same creator, for example, derender all of Apple Fall's (to pick a name randomly) wonderful nick-nacky things and check.

Wireframe can also help and is moderately easy to understand (I think). If you have a few spots with lots of very dense, complex mesh they can be seen and attacked quickly.

Having done this task so many times it's time consuming, and there is a bit of guesswork. Outside of wireframe there are a few metadata tools in the developer menu, but they are a bit difficult to understand until you are shown.

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