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Everything posted by CynCybil

  1. Thank you for helping Nova. You are quite right, in spite of having a rather nice computer, my settings were kicking its tush. And def someething is there that's too heavy. I plan to derender item by item till I locate the problems as suggested. ?
  2. I'm fine on other Sims, unless it happens to be a laggy event or crowded blues bar. My SIM is just me with the occasional visit from a friend or two. My graphics settings were as tweaked as possible between graphics and speed. Ive had a firestorm lag buster come over to help and discovered somewhat accidentally that part of my issue was wearing my catwa hud, very texture heavy I'm told. Also turned off Norton 360 and keeping Chrome from running in background. Thanks so much for your advice ?
  3. I was hoping for some thoughts, opinions, any suggestions... or even simple information on an issue I've been coping with for about a month now. Recently bought a new parcel of land, well rented it, threw down a house and started decorating to my hearts content. At a certain point, my fps went super low. At first I assumed was client issue, but after bringing two visitors to the home who both had same issue, started investigating the server. After peeking at the Simulator Stats, both the FPS and Physics were 45 exactly on point. The only thing I could see that might be any issue was there was not very much spare time. So next I tried utilizing different viewers. I currently use Firestorm and am most sure that both my friends use same, so I tried the Singularity. Wow.. the FPS was awesome again but... I've a bento head and hands and they were of course gone. I next tried Second Life's viewer. The FPS was no better than on my Firestorm. Thing is I'm quite used to and rather enjoy my Firestorm viewer. My questions are... am I going in the correct direction? is this client lag or a server issue. Is there anything I can do to leave all my assorted and cluttered knick knacks and furniture in place and tweak my settings enough to raise my FPS? Any and all advice or information would be much appreciated, Cyn.
  4. Thanks Chic Aeon. Aura Meads made that shot for me. And I will give the limiting items in view a try. I've been into the .. more goodies.. more homey viewpoint in regards decorating this big old place.
  5. Thanks perhaps you are right Callum. As when I'm at my favorite blues bar, I'm seriously laggy and can hardly type. I guess my question is.. will low fps... cause slow rezzing textures etc? And bunches of knick knacks are definitely abundant in my place. Might one ask how to edit my alpha to masked? And I shall try dropping down the draw distance to 64. I really appreciate these suggestions. I've felt somewhat.. overwhelmed.
  6. Thanks Chic Aeon for the suggestion. Perhaps I should try and defender the house first. Then if my stats don't change any, I'll start the item by item defender. You so don't want to know how many items that would be ?
  7. I'm having an issue that's defeating me totally. I've got a new piece of property, a new house and started furnishing it. At a certain critical point.. I started experiencing serious lag... within the house. When I pop up my little sky platform.. everything is fine. In checking the simulator statistics, everything seems fine, fps and physics.. till I get to the spare time. Which is seriously low. Does anyone have a possible checklist of what I can look for? I've started turning off all non-essential scripts. Well I suppose that's subjective. I am not the only person who notices the lag within the house. Both the landlord/owner of property and a few friends have commented. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. And any other information I can supply, please let me know. Cynnamon
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