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I was going to say what do you like about mainland, but we did that already...so....who hates spam?


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What I like about Mainland is that the land comes directly from LL and I don't have to worry about getting cheated by a third party that suddenly leaves SL for some reason and keeps my rent money. There are many stories about this. The most humourous story I recall was about a lady that returned to her former home only to be banned without any refund because the area had suddenly become a gay cowboy RP sim with no ladies allowed. It's much safer to pay tier directly to LL than to a third party.

The other thing I like about Mainland is that the parcels have no convenants. I want a place where I can do what I want with it because it is MINE. I would rather own in hell than rent in heaven. I hate being dictated to. 

That's my two cents or 5L$, depending on the exchange rate.

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Both good points, Randall. I've lived in the same bit of mainland for over 31/2 ish years and to me it really is home. Noone else (apart from LL) can flip out, change their minds about being in the landlording business, and eject me from my home.

The no-covenant thing is what I love and also what I hate. The price you pay for not having a covenant is that nobody else has a covenant. It's just up to us falliable humans to make it work.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

What I like about Mainland is that the land comes directly from LL and I don't have to worry about getting cheated by a third party that suddenly leaves SL for some reason and keeps my rent money.


The sense of it being closer to being mine is a big factor in it. The scale of it is also nice. The lack of a set theme is both a plus and a minus - which can vary greatly by both where I am and my current mood.

I prefer a ToS to a covenant because the ToS is not personal. There are rules and methods to how they get enforced that don't typically fall back upon the random whims of individuals. Some Lindens have been claimed to enforce parts of it arbitrarily, but if this happens it would be the exception and not the norm.

I do however -wish- it had more of a sense of community and wasn't full of so many closet libertarians and iconoclasts. :)



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Same here.  I like the reliability of dealing directly with LL and not having to worry about the landlord as well as being a libertarian and not having to worry about a convenant and figuring out ways to get around it.

Frankly I like, really like, having different types of builds around.  It makes life interesting having an art gallery next door, a sandbox next door and a road going close by with those silly bot cars bumping into each other and hitting the region line and flying off into space.

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