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Looking for Hunts and Places


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I would like it if someone could tell me where the hunts for Maitreya items/clothing are? I had one called the cookie jar a LM but some of the places were expired or didn't have hunts even though advertised:/ I tried looking for groups, but i couldn't find an active one.

I'd also like it if people could send me LM's of places they like to go to so i can explore sl more. Yes, i know there is a search bar for destinations, but i would like to see other peoples picks, cafes, lounges, clubs, parks, etc. Exploring is always fun!...unless its a zombie sim and you just got bitten...then, "You done goofed!"

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I haven't really been able to find many hunts in general that are active and I haven't found any that cater to one mesh body type yet. I just came back to sl and most hunt items are no longer free also so if you make mistakes and get stuff you don't want you just have to toss it out.

I just got the maitreya body within the last week and I have found many stores that have gifts and are free to join. I also joined some groups that are paid for myself. There is a group called Maitreya Gifts, Sales & News that was very helpful to me to find some gifts to get me started. Some have maitreya applier huds that come packaged with the gifts (if I said that right) and for some items you need the omega system hud for maitreya and that's a paid for item. You might know all this but thought I'd reply as I've been there looking very recently.

If you want to contact me in world I can send you some links and tell you where some lucky chairs are also.

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You need to think a little more broadly: while there aren't usually specific hunts just for Maitreya, many merchants in hunts provide Maitreya and other such items as part of their prize. Like, shoe makers will often include shoe options for Slink and Maitreya and so on (not everyone does, of course, but a good number do.)

As for finding hunts, groups are definitely not the best option. You need to check out sites like slhunts.wordpress.com, huntsl.wordpress.com, and seraphimsl.com (for events). They will list hunts and events around the grid, including important details and links to the appropriate websites for surls and (possibly) hunt item photos. You can also check out the numberous other blogs on the net that feature hunt related items and freebies, like fabfree.wordpress.com, go-dutch-with-roodvosje.blogspot.com, slmagpie.blogspot.com, teleporthub.com, nessmarket.com, slfreestyle.blogspot.com, and many many many many more.

In regards to exploring the grid, check out zikiquesti.blogspot.com and community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/bg-p/blog_feature_news (specifically for their 'Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide' posts). Also, find some bloggers you like and check out the places they take their picks.

Bottom line, think outside of the game and search the web hehe :)

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I wanted to pop back in here and mention the Peace on Earth hunt has started today. The gifts are free!  I have found some clothes for maitreya in the gifts so far at 25 gifts in. In their group they sent out the all the landmarks for the stores also. That way if you can't find one you will have no trouble finding the next store. Happy Hunting if you chose to try it.

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