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Aditi mesh upload test

Bitsy Buccaneer

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I'm trying to get a new building alt up and working on the beta grid, primarily for mesh work. She's done the mesh upload test for Agni, but every link I've found (wiki, forums) for the upload test for Aditi leads to a blank page. I've tried in four browsers now.

Any one have any info, suggestions or a better link?



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All those links have been broken for four years and yes FRUSTRATING.

If you can get to your new avatars Aditi account page, you "should" be able to access the mesh upload test from there. That is the only way I could find. 


This MIGHT get you to the test after you do the log in. At least its a start. Found it in my cookies. I never clean them out JUST for this reason :D



Good luck. It is an adventure to get things working there. I am guessing that is planned .

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Oh good grief. How on earth are we supposed to figure THAT out?

Paisley (the new one) doesn't exist on Aditi yet. :matte-motes-frown: Am trying to get that sorted via support ticket. I was able to use your link to do the upload with a dusty old alt who was on the beta grid when I was trying to make tattoos. It seems to want payment info on file for Aditi as well and the link for that isn't responding. Eyeballs crossed it's not actually needed.

Meanwhile, the new one is having a grand adventure on the main grid where she is attempting to play Mario Bros on the 2nd step of the welcome tutorial and failing. What are they thinking? Never in my entire second life have I had to jump over three consecutive wide gaps. Could barely manage it with a proper controller on ye olde Nintendo, let alone a keyboard and a gangly av. Here's your second task. It's really hard if you're not used to those sorts of games. You'll probably never have to use it, but we thought it would be fun. Welcome!

Why are they making so much of this so much harder than it needs to be? It's not even representative of skills which are useful in SL.

/vent over.

Thanks for the link Chic, it's much appreciated.

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Payment info came into effect with Mesh (five years ago), so yes, that is a part of the process.

AND I am thinking that a brand new alt might not be able to get on Aditi and upload mesh right away. Seems like I read that somewhere, sometime but since it wasn't important to me, I just kinda skipped over.


Anyway an old alt with payment info should do it for you.



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I understand it's a nightmare to try to communicate the vast amount of info that goes into SL, but I was diligent in trying to find things out on my own. If it's true about new alts not being able to upload mesh straight away, fair enough, I can see the reason for that. But I would also like to know how long before I can switch over to Paisley as my principle building alt.

The wiki page has been updated to reflect the change in inventory syncing, so why not the other bits you're telling me about? Rhetorical question and really just me trying to put some order back into my own head about all of this even if SL can't be bothered.

Things are proceeding apace now. Thanks for the link to the Aditi account page, Chic, it really helped.

I still want a shiny new av with an empty inventory for the beta grid if they're going to sync them automatically.

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Have you tried uploading mesh to beta with your new alt? I'm not sure if you actually need separate tests for each grid anymore. I know a friend of mine is able to upload to Aditi even though she swears she never found or took that test.

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They are synced automatically and have been for some while. I lost a lot of inventory (never came back) and had tons of stuff show up on Agni in my folders that "really wasn't there" . So since then (a couple of months ago maybe, I have my alt over there.




It may indeed be fixed now but I don't want that mess again. Took me a week to get things straightened out in my main grid inventory :D.   




 I cannot verify that things are working correctly over there now as my alt has so little it would be hard to notice ^^. I CAN say it has been VERY quiet (read "empty") over on the beta grid the last few months.

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Hi ChinRey, I can confirm that the Aditi specific test is indeed needed to upload mesh on the beta grid. Or at least it was as of yesterday. Or was that Monday? It's all a bit of a Blendered blur at this point. :matte-motes-smile:

Payment Info on File doesn't need to be done separately for the beta grid. The Aditi account page pretended to want it, then wouldn't let me do anything about it. Fortunately Payment Info for Agni is sufficient.

This was all on an older alt who I fortunately had on the beta grid briefly for another project a couple years ago. I haven't tried the new alt today but Support closed my case cause I didn't respond quickly enough. Once Chic got me to the Aditi upload test, I went with the older one. Couldn't afford any more time at the moment.

I had followed those threads about your inventory problems, Chic. Hopefully my main is ok. The old alt has 27,000 in inventory so it shouldn't be too painful to sort if things are messed up. I use my inventories differently when I'm testing mesh on Aditi and when I'm inworld managing my shop and otherwise going about my SL. I don't like this autosyncing thing at all.

Anyway, thanks for the link Chic. I made good enough progress once I was on the beta grid to spend most of today fretting about ARC and strong LoDs. I think I might even be done. :matte-motes-smile:


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Bitsy Buccaneer wrote:

Hi ChinRey, I can confirm that the Aditi specific test is indeed needed to upload mesh on the beta grid. Or at least it was as of yesterday. Or was that Monday? It's all a bit of a Blendered blur at this point. :matte-motes-smile:

Hmmm. I suppose my friend must have taken the test at some point and forgotten about it then. That's reason for teasing, isn't it? ;)

Anyway, you managed far more than I can. There is absolutely no way for me to log on to the Aditi website and the only alt I can use on the grid is ChinRey, the others just get a wrong password message.

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Well I am glad it sort of worked out.   And yes, it would probably be good to have a "new" alt for the beta grid. My gal is doing fine though. Alpha layers will NOT show up on her but by going into adjust shape mode, she gets them back. That's been going on for over a month, but not a big deal. 


And yes, Chin I was thinking that that test has been around for about five years now and it would be very easy to forget you took it  -- or if you have several avatars forget WHO took it :D.


I saw more people over there this morning so maybe some other folks read this thread and got things worked out - LOL. That would be good.

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I saw one of my favourite SL friends last night when we were both inworld setting out our hunt prizes and started to tell her of my travails with this. She'd already read all about it. :matte-motes-smile: (Gives her a wave.) Hopefully it has been and will be a help to others, even if it's just someone suggesting an archive search.

My main can't get into the beta grid reliably. Until I figure out and remedy the cause of that (or SL changes whatever change mucked it up), the time I thought I wasted trying to make tattoos turns out to have been an enormous blessing. At least for getting my hunt prize finished in time.

My support case is being referred to a "specialist". I added info based on what both of you have told me here, plus some more from others so hopefully it's clear that it's not just one av and the current situation is unworkable.Thanks for the conversation here. Conversation makes most things easier. Except the stuff that it makes harder, but that's for the drama threads. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

ChinRey, have you opened a support ticket for the account you want on Aditi? It's what the page I originally linked to says to do.

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Just an update for the archives and others who might be having trouble.

Support ticket on the NEW account worked.

Couldn't get Chic's link to work though (worked fine a week ago). Tried with three browsers. Got there eventually via this one https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/ and then manuevering through the Dashboard/Account page to Mesh Upload Status and the mesh test.

So at last Paisley Meshmaker is ready to get to work, except that the hunt gift is finished and real life is a bit full on for building just now.

In summary:

Open a Support Ticket and ask for your inventory to be synced with Aditi. (This will get the account onto the beta grid.)

Make sure Payment Info is on File for the account via the Agni dashboard.

Take the Mesh Upload Test via the ADITI dashboard.


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