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EDIT : Mesh not using physics?


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So I created a wall. From scratch this time. 

However no matter how I apply the physics in the upload section. It doesn't take. In the preview window they look fine, windows and doors are not blocked and walls are ... well, physical.

However in world I can't walk through my doorway.

I set the physics to high and medium and have tried both generating normals and not generating normals. As well as going through the physics 'analyz' options.

Any ideas?

PS: I am happy to share my wall somehow. It's only a draft wall as the windows are wonky.

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If you mean "preserving texture faces" during merging objects then you can do this in blender:

Before you merge the parts create a new Material in the object's material editor. Best is  to name the material in a reasonable way so you later can find it easier in the material stack of the merged object.

Once you have defined all materials you can merge the objects into one combined object. The material associations will be preserved and all should be well.

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"I save the object from this program as an OBJ. file as it cant save as a DAE. I try opening this NEW file in Blender."

Have to make some assumptions here - I am guessing you saved an obj file from SL, although I have no idea how. Then you opened it withj Blender, maybe using Windows Explorer right-click menu. If you do that, Blender will try to open it, but discover that it's not a Blender file. So it will fail, and instead of what you want, it opens with the default file, which is just a cube. Blender can't "Open" obj files, it has to "Import" them. What you need to do is to open Blender, then Import the obj file. That's done with the File menu, Import submenu, click Wavefront(obj) option.

If my guesses are wrong ....

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I am with Drongle in that we are making guesses here.


IF (assumption) you made a wall inworld with prims


AND (sorry somehow published this without trying)  


then exported from a viewer (Firestorm and Singularity will let you export as DAE  but I logged into the Linden viewer -- which I almost never  use -- and didn't see an obvious way to do that) you would get a DAE file to export. In this case you have a OBJ file however you exported from SL.


Blender as Drongel said using .blend as its ACTIVE file so you cannot open a "published" file like a DAE or OBJ -- you need to IMPORT it into blender AFTER you deleted the default cube that shows up in Blender EACH TIME YOU OPEN A NEW FILE (unless you have changed your default).


But here is a bit of extra info that you probably need to know. It has been mentioned often but not lately :D.


1. A  "ported" (exported from inworld via a viewer or other software and then imported into Blender) is not great mesh. It has WAY more faces than it would have if you made it from scratch in Blender.

2. The JOINED object can only have 8 materials total and in my experience those materials need to be reassigned (I will reread Gaia's note as I just skimmed it in case there is a magical way).  They typically get assigned a material automatically and it gets VERY messy.

3. If you export several pieces of mesh over time, reassign materials and such and THEN want to join them you often end up with an issue of UVMaps not combining easily. A way around this but not really a beginner thing.


There are LOTS more issues but the bottom line is that if you are building with prims in hopes of lowering land impact etc etc -- it really doesn't work that well. Exporting prims as mesh is very handy for SIZING and giving you basic shapes and perameters to build FROM, but not so much as a finished product.   Better to learn how to make mesh from scratch. There are TONS of good tutorials out there (including mine which start VERY basically :D).


If you simply want to "move" a prim build between platforms (SL to Opensim or the other way around for example) the Export LINKSET works much better and is almost instantaneous. 


You can also (depending how you build your prim structure) change it to CONVEX HULL in the build menu and cut your prims in half. This ONLY works if you don't have cut out doorways and such, but it is a real land impact saver and VERY easy to impliment.


Good luck! 



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hello everyone,


It would appear my post didnt make sense, to anyone.

I exported the wall using Firestorm, which exports the file as a DAE file. 

This DAE file wouldn't open in Blender and so I opened it in a third party program to see if it had in fact exported properly. It had.

SO. Because said third party program was not able to EDIT the object(DAE) because its not an editing program. I SAVED it as an OBJ from the third party program. 

Upon trying to open the NEW OBJ file in blender. I was faced with a cube. This is now known to be, because as one fo you kind fellows mentioned. i was opening the file and not importing it. 


I'm going to go try this again! Thank you all =D


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Chic Aeon wrote:

So just IMPORT the dae into blender and you should be able to go from there.


There ARE however many "issues" *wink*. Hope the process works for your needs.

Thanks Chic! You were right. many issues indeed. I ended up using the wall as a template and making my own from scratch. it worked perfectly. Except that physics wont work in SL. I can't walk through my doorway! I've updated this post with details. If you're at all able to help. that would be amazing!

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Aquila Kytori wrote:


After rezzing your wall you need to
it and change the
Physics Shape Type
from the default
Convex Hull

You will find that option in the Features tab of the Edit panel. A screen shot of the Features tab can be seen in message number 4 here: 


I have done exactly that. unfortunately no matter the Physics shape type, I am unable to walk through the wall hole.


Could it be something in blender? Should I have to set something up in there? 

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Interregnums wrote:

I exported the wall using Firestorm, which exports the file as a DAE file. 

This DAE file wouldn't open in Blender and so I opened it in a third party program to see if it had in fact exported properly. It had.

Are Dae files exported by firestorm not importable to Blender in general or is it just this one file?

However if you have a dae file that does not import to Blender but works with other 3D programs, then i propose you open a report on the blender developer site. When you add Collada to the title then it will be checked faster.

If you do not want to expose your .dae file to the public then you always can arrange something with sending your file directly to whoever takes care of the issue. (just ask in the report)

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Gaia Clary wrote:

Interregnums wrote:

I exported the wall using Firestorm, which exports the file as a DAE file. 

This DAE file wouldn't open in Blender and so I opened it in a third party program to see if it had in fact exported properly. It had.

Are Dae files exported by firestorm not importable to Blender in general or is it just this one file?

However if you have a dae file that does not import to Blender but works with other 3D programs, then i propose you open a report on the
. When you add
to the title then it will be checked faster.

If you do not want to expose your .dae file to the public then you always can arrange something with sending your file directly to whoever takes care of the issue. (just ask in the report)

Hi Gaia,

The dae files exported by firstorm were all able to be imported into blender. I managed to get it all working. 


I now have my (mesh)  wall and the issue I am having is that physics will not work. I have tried all physics levels, tried both with and without generating normals on importing and in world I have changed the wall from convex to prim to none and I am still, unable to walk through my wall.




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Most likely you have uploaded with a triangle-based physics shape (i.e. you didn't click "Analyze" on the physics tab) and your wall is less than 0.5m thick. In that case, the server secretly converts the physics shape to Convex Hull even if you have set it to Prim. That fills in the hole. You can test to see if that's the problem by stretching the wall in the thickness direction so that it's more than 0.5m thick. If you select your high LOD mesh and click "Analyze", that should avoid the secret conversion.

There are sometimes problems with "Analyze" if your mesh is at all complex. In that case, instead of using the visual mesh, you can make a special one and use its file for the physics instead. Best is a collection of non-overlapping boxes.

Sometimes you can get a lower physics weight by using a triangle-based physics shape, as long as you use a version of the mesh with the narrow faces along the edges of the wall removed. In that case you need to overcome the secret conversion, either by making the wall thicker then 0.5m, or by adding some geometry, possibly underground, to make the whole mesh at least 0.5m thick.



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Drongle McMahon wrote:

Most likely you have uploaded with a triangle-based physics shape (i.e. you didn't click "Analyze" on the physics tab) and your wall is less than 0.5m thick. In that case, the server secretly converts the physics shape to Convex Hull even if you have set it to Prim. That fills in the hole. You can test to see if that's the problem by stretching the wall in the thickness direction so that it's more than 0.5m thick. If you select your high LOD mesh and click "Analyze", that should avoid the secret conversion.

There are sometimes problems with "Analyze" if your mesh is at all complex. In that case, instead of using the visual mesh, you can make a special one and use its file for the physics instead. Best is a collection of non-overlapping boxes.

Sometimes you can get a lower physics weight by using a triangle-based physics shape, as long as you use a version of the mesh with the narrow faces along the edges of the wall removed. In that case you need to overcome the secret conversion, either by making the wall thicker then 0.5m, or by adding some geometry, possibly underground, to make the whole mesh at least 0.5m thick.



Hi Drongle!


I have amesh that's, part triangle, part other shapes. I used a cube prim and used the boolean tool to create the windows and door ways. So it kind fo did it's own thing. 


I have tried the analyze step. However i have no options to choose from in the drop down menu.

I tried making the wall thicker but the problem persists. The secondary pysics object hasn't worked out for me either. However I didn't make it with a bunch of cubes. i'll give tha a go.

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arton Rotaru wrote:

That's  pretty much the first time I saw somebody changes the subject the opening post entirley, and rendering the first page of answers redundant. :matte-motes-dead:



arton Rotaru wrote:

That's  pretty much the first time I saw somebody changes the subject the opening post entirley, and rendering the first page of answers redundant. :matte-motes-dead:



The original context of the post is on the first page underneath all the answers. So they're not redundant, in fact they're very helpful and I mention which one was the one that helped with my problem.


Also Drongle. Thank you again! Your idea for a cube based physics wall worked perfectly!


All done guys. My wall is perfect! Thank you all again =D




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