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Parcel Swap- Land Trade


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I want to trade parcels with a Land Dealer- Both parcels are high value (Blakes) -  I am having a trust issue based on the high value and some past interactions--- there was a misunderstanding but is now resolved-----they are an active known company----- I do not have the cash to buy the parcel straightout at it's value--- I am looking for suggestions how to handle the transation- Someone told me Linden will get involved should one party steal from the other-- which I find absurd- nevertheless- I would appreciate your assistance  or ideas- the Land teir is of no concern-- Thank you

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Do you own or rent a parcel?  If you own the parcel who cares about who you bought if from since they no longer have control over it.  If you are buying it on some type of payment plan check your contract to see if this is allowed.  It probably isn't unless you pay off what you owe.  If you're renting you can't 'trade' with another real estate company.

If you do own the parcel, you should be able to sell it and use that money to pay for the new parcel, if it really is on the Blake Sea, as they are in high demand and they go for high dollar amounts.  If it is just in sailable water around the actual Blake Sea, which is a limited area, they may go for a bit less depending on how close they are.  For a quick sale, do your homework and look at other parcels within a few sims of yours that are about the same size and see what they are asking for them.  Price yours on the lower end or even slighly below the lowest price.

There are not many, if any, real estate companies that will work with you and allow you to make payments, they have trust issues with perfect strangers.  I know I used to see ads sometimes for them, but that was a long time ago so they may not do it anymore.  If they do, you'll probably pay a lot more for the privilege than the parcel is worth.  You may have to put up collateral, like your current land, and/or sign a RL contract giving RL verfiable contact information too.

Here is a map of the actual Blake Sea so you can see if your parcel is actually on it.  Many times parcels are advertised as being on it when they actually aren't.

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if doing a high-value parcel trade and you feel that is a trust issue between you and the other party then the way is done is:

Person A sets their parcel A for sale to Person B for a sum larger than market price. Person B sets their parcel B to sell to person A for the same price (or slightlly more. I explain why later)

Person B then buys parcel A. Person A (now having the money) then buys parcel B

if Person B reneges after buying parcel A (withdraws Parcel B) then Person A has at least received above market price

if Person A reneges (doesnt buy Parcel B after selling Parcel A) then Person B is the loser, they have purchased a parcel at above market

in your case you want to be Person A, and the land agent to be Person B


when person B is a reputable land agent then typically they will never renege on this kinda arrangement. Particularly when Parcel B is a little more (say 250L-500L which is affordable to person A) as a fee paid to Person B for their work on this

if Person A rips them off (doesnt follow thru and buy Parcel B) then they will put the word out on Person A to all the other reputable land agents in the business


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The real estate company wants me to do a rent to own deal but they hold the the property in their group till paid off-- which makes me nervous for being priced above $500 usd and not getting the parcel in the end--- I am not sure I would have recourse other than file fraud with the FBI- 

I am cash poor but have some decent land and have a parcel next to oneo fhteir rentals I could possibly trade- but before approching them and they agree, I wanted to have an idea of how to handle the transaction. 

Map is great too 8)

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i would never ever do a rent to buy deal in SL for such amounts and risks.

There are more sims with water. At lower prices than Blake area.

If you don't have the cash money to move, just don't move!

Sell yours and buy one back after you have the money. Perhaps there's no parcel available now, but be patient and as a hawk watching the area still something is free that you can actually afford.

you can always simply rezz your boat or plane at the blake sea if you don't live there.

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UVB wrote:

That makes sense- I am concerned because the prices are above 100,000 L - Thank you for transaction break down 8)

for this kind of money then expect to pay about $US20-25 (4-5%) as a fee. The land agent is the person who has to put the $400-$500 up to facilitate the trade. They are the one risking the money 

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wherorangi wrote:

 They are the one risking the money 

ehm..i dont think so... the one who wants the parcel is a risk.

9 out of 10 parts paid and the owner poofs?... who lost? the renter has nothing

9 out of 10parts paid and the renter/buyer poofs...sitll the owner who has no loss.. he still can sell the parcel ( the loss for the renter is own risk in this example)

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

wherorangi wrote:

 They are the one risking the money 

ehm..i dont think so... the one who wants the parcel is a risk.


read again what I wrote about how a trade is done. Whoever pays first is the one who risks the money

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wherorangi wrote:


read again what I wrote about how a trade is done. Whoever pays first is the one who risks the money

yep read again to what i responded..."The real estate company wants me to do a rent to own deal but they hold the the property in their group till paid off- "......this wasn't in the line of the land trade as you said earlier.

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UVB is having two different conversations

the first with Amethyst about what the rental company has proposed - a rent to buy proposal

the second with me about what UVB wants to counter proposal with. UVB is thinking about they might do a parcel swap, and if so then how would they go about that to reduce the risk for UVB


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Linden Lab does not get involved in user-to-user transactions or disputes, read the TOS.

There used to be escrow services in the land market in SL but they all seem to have gone out of business, the risk is high. You might find some large rentals agent who would perform this service for you.

Basically, if you don't have the cash to buy the land you won't have the cash to pay the tier month after month so don't buy it. There are plenty of nice sailing places in SL without being right in the Blake Sea.

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  • 2 months later...

There are other reputable businesses that do this differently -- you form a group that THEY join and put tier in and you have the right to use it, but until you pay it off, they control YOUR group by putting the tier in it.

I personally won't do rent-to-buy anymore as I have had times when people rented then skipped out and didn't buy.

If you can't afford the purchase price of a piece of land, that's a good warning signal that you might not be able to afford its tier, either, so think twice about it, do the math, and decide if really is worth it.

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