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✿ Help Please! Noobie Question! ✿

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Hallo lovely strangers!


I am fairly new to Second Life, and I've found myself curious with this scenario/question.. If anyone could help me understand I'd be very thankful! Thankyou! Ooo! This isn't my current situation at all, I was just genuinely curious because it's a pretty unique scenario and none of my friends knew how to anwser it. 


"Supposedly I'm currently residing in a group sim with friends and to access the sim you have to be a part of the group, and I've placed numerous amounts of furniture/objects down and made myself a home in the sim- and let’s say supposedly one day the owner of the sim and group decided that she/he hated me and kicks me out of the group/sim entirely. I wouldn't be able to go back into the sim because its group only to retreive my items so..  Would my objects that I placed be gone forever? How would I be able to get them back? Aand what would be the process of getting the items back.."


Pretty strange! But any help to anwsering this- I'd be soo thankful! Thanks!


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Hi Zylkie,

These are reasonable questions, and show you are giving thought to how permissions work. I'd say you are ready to delve into the best resource: Second Life Knowledge Base _ Managing Your Parcel

But to give you a couple of quick tips, be mindful that not only are objects rezzed under Group permissions, they may sometimes be rezzed under "anyone" permissions, depending on how the Parcel Owner sets this under the Objects tab of the Parcel.

Secondly, you either simply rezz the item (with or without Group tag selected) or you rezz and then Set and/or Deed to group. I would advise not to deed to a group any object that is precious to you. Only the person that sets deed to group can "undeed" it and the Parcel manager or Owner may eventually return all objects or specific objects. There are various ways you might lose an item if this happens, but if you merely rezzed with the group tag, your items are returnable unless the land is divided and leaves a shortage of prims for the particular parcel. That's just another way to lose objects.

Very simply, the Owner/manager may elect to "return all" of the objects that are specifically yours or return each one manually. If all are returned at once, it may look as if you only have one object returned by name in inventory, but if you look closely you will see the object is a cluster. You will need to rezz this in a sandbox where the prim count allows you to rezz the cluster because when rezzed it will be counted as the total sum of prim. Then you manually select the objects one by one to take back into inventory.

The only reason to set and deed an object to a group is to give Group members full permissions to use it, and perhaps more importantly, to move it. This will not give them permission to "take" it into personal inventory but it will allow editing it around to another location in the sim.

Another way to reclaim an object you rezzed when you don't feel welcome to go back onto the land is to view into the parcel from adjacent land. Anything you see with your viewer which you have rezzed, you can reclaim.

Of course, it is more polite to just request the Parcel Owner/manager to kindly return your objects, and again the main caution is not to set/deed a No-Copy (transfer only) object on Group land unless you are ok with sacrificing it if things go wrong.

Finally, there is that important detail; you will note that your objects are always Copy or No-Copy (Transfer Only.)

This is all very easy and intuitive after awhile, so enjoy your Second LIfe!

The Knowledge Base has lots of articles on every aspect of SL so add that to your reading. There may be even finer points or something obvious I haven't mentioned, which a helper or someone else can assist you with.

Best of Luck,

emilia Avindar




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If the objects you rez are Copyable, it doesn't matter what the owner/ manager of the land does with them, because you will still have the originals in your inventory. They might return them to your Lost & Found folder as individual objects, as one conglomerate,  as several conglomerates, or they might even leave them on their land if they wanted.

If you rez No Copy objects there is always a chance of losing them, sometimes when they don't rez properly or the sim restarts, possibly if the land owner/manager boots you from the group & decides to keep your objects on their land. This is unusual behavior though. Most group owners/managers will either return objects individually or en mass as conglomerates.



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