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Trying to Make a Music / Radio Script. Help?


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So... I'm trying to get a pretty simple script done for an item of mine.

The idea is to make an "OnActivate" script so where you touch the object, it'll bring up a menu of buttons. Them being: Previous Song - Play - Next Song

Empty - Stop/Turnoff - Empty


Ofcourse, the menu will control the audio. So there will be a 3rd part of the script which controls the music. I want it to be able to play these music notecards (I believe that they are called) at a low volume (don't want it too loud where it bothers other people).


So, can someone perhaps help me out?

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That's not a "pretty simple script" at all.  Certainly not if you are a beginning scripter.  It will involve knowing how to read notecards, how to construct menus, and how to handle music (either audio streams or -- harder -- 10-second sound bites strung together to make a song).  Unless you have a lot of experience writing LSL scripts, you will need to hire a scripter to write something like that for you.  And it will not be cheap.

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Jusey1 wrote:

Okay then. How about just streaming one youtube video? In this case, just the audio and nothing else? Hm?

That's more doable.  It eliminates two of the big pieces. As long as you stick to music that is streamed on someone else's server, it's even easier.  You have a couple of main choices.  One is Media On A Prim, as Mikka suggested.  The other is Parcel Media, which you can set up on your own land -- if you own it outright or if your landlord has given you the ability to change the stream. You don't need a script for either of those two big options, since there's no sorting or menuing involved.  It's all manual. 

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Actually, after doing some research on Second Life scripting (Scripting is always different for each game, I hate t hat so much) and ye'h. I want "Media on a Prim" type of dealing and I've actual found a radio station (rather than looking for specific songs or videos).


So basically, I need to get a script dealing with the prim set-up which would play the radio station (which is an OGG file) but still turn on/off-able.

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If you're using Media on a Prim, all you really need to do is apply the URL for the streaming media to a prim face with your Build/Edit tool.  No script needed.

1. Media is usually applied to single faces of a prim, so before starting, select a specific face.

2. Click the Choose… button to select a media URL. The media settings window opens. Specify the URL to display and select other parameters as appropriate.

3. To change the URL, click the Choose… button again; to remove the media altogether, click the Remove button.

I believe you will find that you can only stream audio media that are in mp3 format.


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All a script would do is automate exactly that process with llSetPrimMediaParams, but you can certainly do it that way. (If applying the URL manually doesn't work, however, then it probably won't work with a script that does the same thing.  As I mentioned earlier, not all media streams are compatible with SL.)  It will still alter the texture on the prim face that you identify, though.  So if that's a concern, I'd suggest writing your script to use llSetLinkMedia instead.  Apply your URL to one face of a small transparent child prim instead of your visible object.

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Okay. I got it working... The media part at least. Got it playing the youtube video with the music and such but I'll need to have to have the Auto-Load Media thing enabled for it to load up and play, and no way of pausing/playing and such ^^; heheh. But hey, close enough I guess.

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