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RL Designer - Interested in SL - Still using Adobe CS3


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Hi all,

I do graphics and web design semi-professionally in real life.


I am still using the Adobe CS3 creative suite, being that I've bought it, and it still does what I need it to do, and am avoiding the expense of upgrading, even though Creative Cloud looks pretty nice.


Should I be able to make the mesh items using Adobe CS3 suite? I have the Master Collection, and enjoy doing work in photoshop and illustrator primarily.


Thanks again.

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What you are missing is Photoshop's 'Extended' tools. I think, starting with CS6 Adobe added 3D. See: http://www.photoshop.com/products/photoshop/3d

Rather than build a texture for an avatar or model in Blender and then cycle between Blender and Photoshop to make the texture, you can import the 3D model into PS and actually paint on the model. A quick click can flip you between the 3D model and 2D image editing. It is way neat for painting models. You cannot edit the model in PS, just paint it.

You can do the same thing with the free Blender. But, I've never learned to use Blender for painting and image editing. I knew PS so that is where I prefer to do that work.

With the full Creative Cloud you get all of Adobe's software. I would never have tried Lightroom otherwise or the full Premier video editor. So, I'm happy with my upgrade.

I do have frustrations with the Adobe update process. Adobe breaks my/their applications often. It seems like they do less testing before releasing now. I have to uninstall and re-install 2 or 3 times a year because one of their updates screwed things up. Otherwise I am happy with the new Adobe.

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o.O wowie that sounds nice.

but if your on a shoestring developement budget like i am,use sculptris

its chaotic,and nonsensical,but you can do what you need with it for sl with enough practise.i also use meshmixer for conversion to .dae and occasional bug fixing


sculptris has a wonderful paint mode.but getting it to work with sl is kinda of hit or miss in my experience

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