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Problems with Second Life!


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. I have many problems with Second Life and I do not know what to do...  I can' accept or delite grops. I have a problem to teleport to another location. I can not log in for two hours, they say : The sistem has loggedyou out because you are attempting to log in from another location. By the way, missing the money in my account. This is horrible!!!



I changed my password and entered on my avatar, but my money is missing anyway

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3 answers to this question

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It sounds like you're having basic connectivity issues.  If you're L$ Balance is registered as "??"  Instead of an actual L$ amount then your internet connection is likely to blame.  If you log in to the SL website [ Click the Second Life Icon at the top of this page! ]  and your L$ Balance is lower than it should be then your account was compromised and you should change your password immediately.

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There are several things wrapped up in your post. 

One of them is easy to understand >>> "I can not log in for two hours, they say : The sistem has loggedyou out because you are attempting to log in from another location."  That's not exactly what the message says. The message is telling you that the system cannot log you in because it is still busy trying to log you OUT.  You crashed.  When you did that, you didn't leave SL gracefully, so the servers need some time to clean up all the information about your avatar, its inventory, its group and friends lists, etc.  If you try to log in too soon, you get a message that tells you to wait.

Now, the bigger problem is that you have a lousy Internet connection.  It is affecting your ability to teleport, your groups and friends lists, and many other things. You may have enough bandwidth, but that's not usually a problem anyway.  Reliability is.  Your connection is either losing packets of information or it is being delayed long enough that the servers can't keep track of where your avatar is.  There can be many reasons.  You might be using a wireless or satellite connection, for example. Those are not recommended or supported by Linden Lab.  You might be connecting far from Linden Lab's servers in California (Residents in parts of Asia and Australia commonly have connection problems.) Your local Internet service provider may have unreliable hardware.  Or your own router and modem may need to be rebooted or replaced, or your computer may fail to meet SL's recommended standards.  Without any more information about your system, it's impossible for anyone to figure out which reason is correct.

Finally, if you are missing money, you can open the Transaction History on your dashboard at secondlife.com >>> Account to see where it went.  If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers at any time 24/7:

US/Canada: 800-294-1067
France: 0805-101-490
Germany: 0800-664-5510
Japan: 0066-33-132-830
Portugal: 800-814-450
Spain: 800-300-560
UK: 0800-048-4646
Brazil: 0800-762-1132

Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277
**Note: Support is offered only in English

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I have seen that error message before.  It's not the same thing as "The system is logging you out, you can log in in XX minutes."

This "logging in from another location" seems to be a new safety feature LL has implemented, to keep people who steal other accounts with phishing scams from logging in with the stolen account.  If you are traveling, and try to log in from a different computer than your usual one, you can get this message.

Unfortunately, I am not sure what to DO about it, other than contact Support.  If you're Premium, try using Live Chat.

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