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Fish hunt HQ tracking IP addresses


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My alt fished there till it ws told it has delepeted the fish and can use the place again after 24 hours, so after a while I went to fish there and got the same message this time 20 hours and some minutes, thing is I have not fished in months, not any where on SL, so is this allowed, legal? I had read somewhere its not accetable.

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Well, that does argue for some form of special attention. Still can't say it's IP Address based though. Could be you're not in the right Group, or haven't paid for a membership .. or any of a number of things. Have you asked the owner of the pond about this?

Asking the owner first can point out simple and innocent reasons. Besides that, setting up and running an IP Tracker, especially without having Media or any of the other known exploits running, can be impossible .. or at best VERY dang hard.

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Getting this message is quite normal isnt it? me and my alt have got it countless times at all sims when we have fished to the limit allowed for each member, I dont know what the limit is though, also had others leave places saying they have depleted their share of fish at whatever spot they were fishing in, its quite routine.

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I don't fish so I'm unskilled in what is normal and what isn't. I was looking at your post from the technical perspective only. Getting your IP Address so it can be tracked has only a few known methods. If you have your Media shut off when you go there, they can't (normally) get your IP Address.

There MIGHT be other methods, but those would be up to the Land Owner to make or buy and then install; not something you'd typically run into. But just in case .. that's why I suggested the test with a friend.

I dunno bebejee. Maybe there is a grand conspiracy to prevent you taking more fish than you're allowed. It's possible!

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They don't need to track you IP address to do this.  A script is very capable of doing this.

As far as can they do this?  The landowner can do anything they want on their own land as long as it doesn't break TOS.  They have complete control over who has access to their land and things on it.  They can ban you for no reason at all.

Collect IP information is not illegal anyway.  Only sharing it with other people is.  If you go to anywhere there is a DJ or live performer their broadcasting software collects your IP address.  Redzone got in trouble because it shared private information about people without their permission.

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Yeah, this thread title seems very misleading. So far there's no evidence at all that any IP information is being used. Indeed, it's not a whole lot more effort to switch IP addresses than to login to an alt, so I can't think why anyone would enforce the limit by IP instead of by account (unless they're assuming a pretty low level of technical sophistication of their users -- which may be accurate for fishing games, not sure).

I'm no huge fan of this particular traffic-manipulating "game" outfit, but now that I know about the limit on catches, I have more respect: I hope the warnings and penalties are delivered by a hunky khaki-uniformed Fish & Game Department NPC.

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My alt was having some other issue as well so I messaged fish hunt owner regarding it with that account, when I logged in with this account the next day he sent something related to my alts issue to my this account inworld, so yes they are logging IPs, not a problem just wanted to know if its legal and as Amethyst said they can do that.

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*gentle chuckle*

bebejee? That just means the owner has been there a long time and knows their customers habits pretty well. I have a pretty small user base, but I've been able to spot some Alts among my customers. There are just "things" they do.

I do tend to keep the "Alt Wall" solid .. but some customers pierce it for me too, saying directly "my alt is...". I still tend to keep them separate in my mind as .. well .. isn't that why they made an alt in the first place?

Anyways ... I would be more willing to bet the owner just happened to realize that you .. are both of you. And it doesn't matter anyway because they're not sharing that info around. It's just that one owner that has realized who you are .. and isn't using that info to hound you or "notify others" about you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No dear, I rarely go there with my alts in succession that they wpuld know my ways, its usually a gap of weeks and months, however this time it was just a little while few hours to a day.

Also regarding my alts other issue, it was resolved by a staff member who by the way told me not to use too many alts when playing or all will be removed from the game, said this out of the blue, now why did they have to mention this, kind of invasion of privacy.

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