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when i open viewer my video card crashes immediatley and i have to restart my computer.

Zenden Gothly

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when i open my viewer my video card fails and i have to restart computer, cant log into the game at all. computer runs fine as long as viewer isint opened, could this be a hacker from sl ? any one ever hear of such a thing ?? i was on and went afk, when i came back i noticed i was froze, i believe someone used a crasher and it knocked me off sl, when i reopened and started login, screen froze, some greenish colors came up and freezes computer. tried 3 different viewer downloads all viewers do it, i recieved a message from an avi that said he had my uuid and was gonna mess with my game, but im sure we all of had that before. Can it be done ? i have no viruses, malicious wear, just cant use any viewer to log on. Heres some more info, my grapuhics card is an nvdia 9800gt . but the thing is when i go to open the viewer in orfer to log on it turns and odd green and freezes, i cant even get to the enter your name and password part. i downloaded the old secondlife viewer same thing, firestorm and singularity same thing, so i cannot even get to type my name in and comp screen freezes, i deleted the voewers, comp works fine, every program is fine, no comp freeze, its solely sl viewers causing this, comp has no viruses malware etc. thanks

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It's really hard to say anything helpful without knowing more about your computer and graphics card.  What you are describing, though, is what I would expect from a graphics card that is not powerful enough to meet SL's minimum standards.  It is extremely unlikely to be a "hacker". 

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Zenden Gothly wrote:

[ .... ]  i was on and went afk, when i came back i noticed i was froze, i believe someone used a crasher and it knocked me off sl, when i reopened and started login, screen froze, some greenish colors came up and freezes computer. tried 3 different viewer downloads all viewers do it, i recieved a message from an avi that said he had my uuid and was gonna mess with my game, but im sure we all of had that before. Can it be done ? i have no viruses, malicious wear, just cant use any viewer to log on.

Aha!  Thank you for the added information.  That puts a very different light on things.  Yes, there are such things as graphics crashers that overload your card by feeding it more data than it can handle.  There are ways to avoid being tossed out, but as Mr Miyagi said, "The best defense ... not be there."  When you get back in world again, I suggest finding somewhere else and a better class of people to hang around with.

For now, you may need to have a professional look at your card to be sure that it isn't damaged.

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