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Will we have surnames on Sansar?

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All we know so far is that they plan on allowing SL users to import their names in Sansar for a limited time after it goes live.  From that we can infer that if you have a last name now, you can have that same last name in Sansar.  Because of that we can say that last names will exist.  Beyond that, who knows.  Pick one from a list, create two names or everyone gets one assigned ... none of that has been determined yet.

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from what I understand/read so far

Ebbe Linden has said that the way it will work is that the name of our main account will be our email address. Our master account. This account name wont be public to other users. Is secret to us and LL

on login we will have inworld profiles, one or more as we like. We pick the one we want to use from a list. Create new and remove/delete old profiles also as we like

our inworld profile names will be public (and each will have its own UUID) mappable by LL back to our main account. But not mappable by other users

thru our profiles we will have access to our main account L$ balance and inventory

to maintain privacy when we spend L$ to buy stuff or buy/rent land then the transaction will use the name/uuid of the profile we are inworld on

is presumed (guess) that our current SL names will be one of these profile names. Unique to us

is also presumed (guess) that any new profile we create will be like Displaynames. Can have any type name style we like


examples of how it might work (guess)

account name: youraccount @ youremail . provider

profile1: NekoDatingService (ported from SL)
profile2: Neko Dating Service (created by you on Sansar)

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i just add some more thoughts on this. Never know LL might read it (:


suppose we did take the idea of identity naming further

identity I think is quite important on a platform of non-contiguous worlds. Which I think is what LL intend with Sansar

that there will be many worlds in a galaxy of worlds. The galaxy is the platform (Sansar) maintain by LL. The currency of the galaxy is L$ maintained by LL. The inventory/content of the galaxy is maintained by LL also

the worlds are owned by others. The worlds recruit their own residents/citizens, either from within the population that comes in on the LL boat, or from their own boats (web signup pages)


suppose there was a world and it was called Caledon for example

and when I join Caledon then thru out the galaxy whereever I go then I am known on my profile as: irihapeti@Caledon. Or Eve Apple@Eden, or whichever I am

it would give me (and every other Caledonian, Edenite, etc) a sense of belonging. Not only of who we are but also where we are from

it also helps answer a practical question. How can people have the same name:

I am the only irihapeti in Caledon. But only one of the many possible irihapeti in the galaxy. I am not irihapeti@Eden for example

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There's an MMO that has a system that could work very well for an open world environment.  I'm hoping that something similar will be implemented by LL.

A subscriber to this MMO has one account, which allows the subscriber to make over ten characters at a time.  Non-subscribers can also have multiple characters, but not as many as subscribers. 

Basically, once a person has a chance to get used to the game they're given a chance to create a last name.  This last name then carries over to any future characters they create.  The person can choose whether to display the last name of any character at any time.

You can also change the last name for all characters, for a small fee.

For this particular type of environment, I'd provide a a choice between a drop down list of last names and the option to just create your own last name.

This system seems to take care of both the "I want total control of my name choice" and the "I want my avatar to have a proper first and last name" crowds.  Having a list of names to choose from did, I think, create a sense of community and place in the earlier days of Second Life, so having that as an option probably wouldn't be such a bad thing.  There was just something fun about having names available for only a limited time, and then gone forever.  It was probably a pain to constantly come up with new ones, but if that was a major part of the problem they could always find a way to have residents vote or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like a naming convention like this, in both Second Life and Sansar:


  • Slade@zantsuken (Display name linked to your account name)
  • zantsuken@zantsuken (if no display name is chosen?)

If we get to have multiple Profiles on Sansar then something like this would be good:


  • Slade@zantsuken
  • 3DtoyDesigner@zantsuken
  • DancingJackson@zantsuken
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