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HUD script animation player

sndbad Ghost

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LOL  .  I just told you how to start.  If you are totally new to LSL scripting, though, you should start by learning the basics, not by taking on a project that takes some mild skill.  Making a HUD is not a big deal, but until you have a feel for how communication channels work ( and how the basic structure and flow of logic in LSL behaves), you'll waste a lot of time and write garbage scripts.  Take a look at a few tutorials >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial  and practice.  You are welcome to come back here and post your work if you have specific questions or get stuck at a key point. That's how a lot of new scripters learn.  The LSL Scripting forum is not designed as a place to get people to write scripts for you, though.  If that's what you want, you really should post in InWorld Employment and hire a scripter.

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ok i have this script now its work fine with next button i add back button but not work 


orginal script

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Dance HUD script by Dave Bellman //////  Script loosly based on:// //      Animation Stand (Stand Script)//      by Teddy Wishbringer// //      Thanks go to Argent Stonecutter for assistance in streamlining and bug squishing.    ////      This script is given away free of charge with full permissions.  //      This is the case with the redistribution of both free and pay for items. //      If you re-use this script, please distribute it with full permissions and keep this notice//      //  //  Updated to version 2 during August 2009 - Dave Bellman//  Updated to version 2.1 September 2009. Very occasional bug found//                         Bug:   The timing dialog occasionally fails to appear.//                         Cause: Using the same chat channel for the main and timing dialogs. //                         Fix:   Added separate chat channels, listeners and listen handles for each dialog.//// // updated to version 2.2 by Quintessa Naire November 5, 2009.                                  Bug: The timing function failed to work even occasionally.                                                                              Cause:  syntax error                                                Fix:  added in a space where needed//////updated to version 2.3 by Quintessa Naire November 7, 2009.                                  Bug: The timing function failed to work after relogging.                                                                               Cause:  not resetting.                                              Fix:  Added reset on rez.// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Variables//integer time_between_changes = 30;// value in secondsinteger verbose = TRUE;// Send owner status messages toggleinteger ON = TRUE; // Main On Off togglevector on_colour = <1,1,1>;// colour of button tint when on (white)vector off_colour = <1,0.4,0.4>;// colour of button tint when off (red)    integer animation_qty; // Number of animations availableinteger animation_current; // Inventory number of current animationstring  animation_name = "just started"; // Name of current animationkey avatar = NULL_KEY; // Key of the avatar who's wearing the HUDlist buttons_main = ["Messages", "Landmark", "Instructions", "Stop", "Timing"]; // List of the buttons for the main dialoglist buttons_time  = ["Never", "2 hours", "1 hour", "3 minutes", "2 minutes", "1 minute", "30 seconds", "20 seconds", "10 seconds"]; // List of the buttons for the timing dialoginteger main_dialog_chat_channel = -67854; // Chat channel used by the main dialoginteger timing_dialog_chat_channel = -67853; // Chat channel used by the timing dialogstring spacer = "                                                                                           ";//put dialog messages on the second lineinteger listen_handle_main; // We need to remove the listener when we have an owner changeinteger listen_handle_messages; // same for the messages chat channel////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Functions//  update(){    // work out how many animations we have now    animation_qty = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION);     if (animation_qty > 0)    {        if(verbose)         {            llOwnerSay("I have " + (string)animation_qty+" dances");            if(time_between_changes>3599)            {                integer time = time_between_changes/3600;                if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll change dance once an hour");                else llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" hours");                return;            }            if(time_between_changes>59)            {                integer time = time_between_changes/60;                if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll change dance once a minute");                else llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" minutes");                return;            }            if(time_between_changes==0)            {                llOwnerSay("I'll let you decide when to change dance");                return;            }            integer time = time_between_changes;            llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" seconds");        }                if(ON) llSetTimerEvent((float)time_between_changes);        animation_name = "just started";        animation_current = 0;        if(ON) set_anim(animation_current);    }    else llOwnerSay("I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");}    // Set the next animation available as the active oneset_anim(integer inventory_number){    // Get the name of the animation is inventory position (inventory_number)    string new_animation_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,inventory_number);        if (avatar != NULL_KEY)     {        if(animation_name!="just started")           llStopAnimation(animation_name); // Stop current animation        llStartAnimation(new_animation_name); // Start next animation    }    // Set the new animation name as the current    animation_name = new_animation_name; } turn_on(){    ON = TRUE;    if(animation_qty>0)    {        animation_name = "just started";        set_anim(animation_current);        llSetTimerEvent(time_between_changes);    }    else    {        llOwnerSay("I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");    }    llSetColor(on_colour, ALL_SIDES);  }turn_off(){    ON = FALSE;     llStopAnimation(animation_name);    llSetTimerEvent(0);// save those mS!    llSetColor(off_colour, ALL_SIDES);  }////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main body//   default{    state_entry()    {        // ask for permission to animate (only if HUD has been attached)         if(llGetAttached()>0)         {            avatar = llGetOwner();            llRequestPermissions(avatar, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);             listen_handle_main = llListen(main_dialog_chat_channel, "", llGetOwner(), "");             listen_handle_messages = llListen(timing_dialog_chat_channel, "", llGetOwner(), "");        }        if(ON) llSetColor(on_colour, ALL_SIDES);        else llSetColor(off_colour, ALL_SIDES);    }                on_rez(integer rez)    {        llResetScript();    }        attach(key id)    {        if(id==NULL_KEY)// i.e. is detaching        {            if(animation_name!="just started")               llStopAnimation(animation_name); // Stop current animation        }          else        {            // store wearer UUID, ask for permission to animate            avatar = id;            llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);          }            }             // If touched, detect touch location and do what's required    touch_start(integer num)    {        // Get the name of the prim touched        string prim_touched = llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0));            if ((prim_touched == "next")&&ON) // The next button was pressed        {            // If the HUD has no dances, we can't do much            if(animation_qty==0)             {                llOwnerSay("I can't change to the next dance, as I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");                return;            }            else            {                animation_current++; // Increment the animation inventory pointer                if ((animation_current + 1) > animation_qty) // Have we reached the last animation in the object?                {                    animation_current = 0; // We have, so wrap around back to the first one                }                set_anim(animation_current);                llSetTimerEvent((float)time_between_changes);                if(verbose) llOwnerSay("The current dance is now "+animation_name);                return;           }        }        else if ((prim_touched == "menu")&&ON)// The main button was pressed        {            // Bring up the main menu            llDialog(avatar, spacer+spacer+"Animazoo Dance HUD configuration", buttons_main,  main_dialog_chat_channel);             return;        }        else        {            if(ON)            {                turn_off();                                  return;               }            else            {                turn_on();                return;            }                                        }    }          timer()    {        if(avatar)        {            // increment the animation count and set the new animation            animation_current++;            if ((animation_current + 1) > animation_qty) animation_current = 0;             set_anim(animation_current);        }    }                changed(integer change)    {        // if animations are added or taken from inventory we need to update        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) update();                // if we have a new owner, release the listener and reset everything        if(change & CHANGED_OWNER)         {            llOwnerSay("Ah! a new owner - hello! Please wait a moment whilst I reset...");            llListenRemove(listen_handle_main);            llListenRemove(listen_handle_messages);            llResetScript();              }    }        run_time_permissions(integer perm)    {        // Permissions are automatic when the object wearer is the owner        if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) update();    }        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        // Dialog commands        if(channel == main_dialog_chat_channel)        {                     // Toggle owner messages                   if(message=="Messages")            {                if(verbose)                {                    verbose = FALSE;                    llOwnerSay("I will stop sending you status messages");                }                else                 {                    verbose = TRUE;                    llOwnerSay("I will send you status messages from now on");                                    }                return;            }                        // Stop dancing (works the same as turning off)            if(message=="Stop")            {                turn_off();                                   return;                   }                        // Give the user a copy of the instructions notecard            if(message=="Instructions")            {                llGiveInventory(avatar, "Animazoo dance HUD instructions v2.0");                return;            }                        // Give the user a landmark to the main store            if(message=="Landmark")            {                llGiveInventory(avatar, "Animazoo Brighton, Brightown (221, 69, 30)");                if(verbose) llOwnerSay("Visit Animazoo for more dances!");                return;             }                        // Show dialog giving option to change how often the dance changes            if(message=="Timing")            {                llDialog(avatar, spacer+spacer+"How often do you want the dance to change?", buttons_time, timing_dialog_chat_channel);                return;            }                    }                  if(channel == timing_dialog_chat_channel)        {            // Dialog messages from timing dialog. Sets the time between dance changes            if(message=="Never")     time_between_changes = 0;            if(message=="2 hours")    time_between_changes = 7200;            if(message=="1 hour")     time_between_changes = 3600;                     if(message=="3 minutes")  time_between_changes = 180;            if(message=="2 minutes")  time_between_changes = 120;            if(message=="1 minute")   time_between_changes = 60;            if(message=="30 seconds") time_between_changes = 30;            if(message=="20 seconds") time_between_changes = 20;            if(message=="10 seconds") time_between_changes = 10;            llSetTimerEvent((float) time_between_changes);            if(verbose)             {                if(time_between_changes>3599)                {                    integer time = time_between_changes/3600;                    if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance once an hour");                    else llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" hours");                    return;                }                if(time_between_changes>59)                {                    integer time = time_between_changes/60;                    if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance once a minute");                    else llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" minutes");                    return;                }                if(time_between_changes==0)                {                    llOwnerSay("I'll let you decide when to change dance from now on");                    return;                }                integer time = time_between_changes;                llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" seconds");                return;                           }        }              }}

new edit line 214

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Dance HUD script by Dave Bellman //////  Script loosly based on:// //      Animation Stand (Stand Script)//      by Teddy Wishbringer// //      Thanks go to Argent Stonecutter for assistance in streamlining and bug squishing.    ////      This script is given away free of charge with full permissions.  //      This is the case with the redistribution of both free and pay for items. //      If you re-use this script, please distribute it with full permissions and keep this notice//      //  //  Updated to version 2 during August 2009 - Dave Bellman//  Updated to version 2.1 September 2009. Very occasional bug found//                         Bug:   The timing dialog occasionally fails to appear.//                         Cause: Using the same chat channel for the main and timing dialogs. //                         Fix:   Added separate chat channels, listeners and listen handles for each dialog.//// // updated to version 2.2 by Quintessa Naire November 5, 2009.                                  Bug: The timing function failed to work even occasionally.                                                                              Cause:  syntax error                                                Fix:  added in a space where needed//////updated to version 2.3 by Quintessa Naire November 7, 2009.                                  Bug: The timing function failed to work after relogging.                                                                               Cause:  not resetting.                                              Fix:  Added reset on rez.// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Variables//integer time_between_changes = 30000;// value in secondsinteger verbose = TRUE;// Send owner status messages toggleinteger ON = TRUE; // Main On Off togglevector on_colour = <1,1,1>;// colour of button tint when on (white)vector off_colour = <1,0.4,0.4>;// colour of button tint when off (red)    integer animation_qty; // Number of animations availableinteger animation_current; // Inventory number of current animationstring  animation_name = "just started"; // Name of current animationkey avatar = NULL_KEY; // Key of the avatar who's wearing the HUDlist buttons_main = ["Messages", "Landmark", "Instructions", "Stop", "Timing"]; // List of the buttons for the main dialoglist buttons_time  = ["Never", "2 hours", "1 hour", "3 minutes", "2 minutes", "1 minute", "30 seconds", "20 seconds", "10 seconds"]; // List of the buttons for the timing dialoginteger main_dialog_chat_channel = -67854; // Chat channel used by the main dialoginteger timing_dialog_chat_channel = -67853; // Chat channel used by the timing dialogstring spacer = "                                                                                           ";//put dialog messages on the second lineinteger listen_handle_main; // We need to remove the listener when we have an owner changeinteger listen_handle_messages; // same for the messages chat channel////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Functions//  update(){    // work out how many animations we have now    animation_qty = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION);     if (animation_qty > 0)    {        if(verbose)         {            llOwnerSay("I have " + (string)animation_qty+" dances");            if(time_between_changes>3599)            {                integer time = time_between_changes/3600;                if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll change dance once an hour");                else llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" hours");                return;            }            if(time_between_changes>59)            {                integer time = time_between_changes/60;                if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll change dance once a minute");                else llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" minutes");                return;            }            if(time_between_changes==0)            {                llOwnerSay("I'll let you decide when to change dance");                return;            }            integer time = time_between_changes;            llOwnerSay("I'll change dance every "+(string)time+" seconds");        }                if(ON) llSetTimerEvent((float)time_between_changes);        animation_name = "just started";        animation_current = 0;        if(ON) set_anim(animation_current);    }    else llOwnerSay("I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");}    // Set the next animation available as the active oneset_anim(integer inventory_number){    // Get the name of the animation is inventory position (inventory_number)    string new_animation_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,inventory_number);        if (avatar != NULL_KEY)     {        if(animation_name!="just started")           llStopAnimation(animation_name); // Stop current animation        llStartAnimation(new_animation_name); // Start next animation    }    // Set the new animation name as the current    animation_name = new_animation_name; } turn_on(){    ON = TRUE;    if(animation_qty>0)    {        animation_name = "just started";        set_anim(animation_current);        llSetTimerEvent(time_between_changes);    }    else    {        llOwnerSay("I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");    }    llSetColor(on_colour, ALL_SIDES);  }turn_off(){    ON = FALSE;     llStopAnimation(animation_name);    llSetTimerEvent(0);// save those mS!    llSetColor(off_colour, ALL_SIDES);  }////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main body//   default{    state_entry()    {        // ask for permission to animate (only if HUD has been attached)         if(llGetAttached()>0)         {            avatar = llGetOwner();            llRequestPermissions(avatar, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);             listen_handle_main = llListen(main_dialog_chat_channel, "", llGetOwner(), "");             listen_handle_messages = llListen(timing_dialog_chat_channel, "", llGetOwner(), "");        }        if(ON) llSetColor(on_colour, ALL_SIDES);        else llSetColor(off_colour, ALL_SIDES);    }                on_rez(integer rez)    {        llResetScript();    }        attach(key id)    {        if(id==NULL_KEY)// i.e. is detaching        {            if(animation_name!="just started")               llStopAnimation(animation_name); // Stop current animation        }          else        {            // store wearer UUID, ask for permission to animate            avatar = id;            llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);          }            }             // If touched, detect touch location and do what's required    touch_start(integer num)    {        // Get the name of the prim touched        string prim_touched = llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0));            if ((prim_touched == "next")&&ON) // The next button was pressed        {            // If the HUD has no dances, we can't do much            if(animation_qty==0)             {                                llOwnerSay("I can't change to the next dance, as I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");                return;            }            else            {                animation_current++; // Increment the animation inventory pointer                if ((animation_current + 1) > animation_qty) // Have we reached the last animation in the object?                {                    animation_current = 0; // We have, so wrap around back to the first one                }                set_anim(animation_current);                llSetTimerEvent((float)time_between_changes);                if(verbose) llOwnerSay("The current dance is now "+animation_name);                return;           }        }                if ((prim_touched == "back")&&ON) // The next button was pressed        {            // If the HUD has no dances, we can't do much            if(animation_qty == 0)             {                                llOwnerSay("I can't change to the next dance, as I have no dances. Please put some dances in me.");                return;            }            else            {                animation_current++; // Increment the animation inventory pointer                if ((animation_current - 1) > animation_qty) // Have we reached the last animation in the object?                {                    animation_current = 0; // We have, so wrap around back to the first one                }                set_anim(animation_current);                llSetTimerEvent((float)time_between_changes);                if(verbose) llOwnerSay("The current dance is now "+animation_name);                return;           }        }        else if ((prim_touched == "menu")&&ON)// The main button was pressed        {            // Bring up the main menu            llDialog(avatar, spacer+spacer+"Animazoo Dance HUD configuration", buttons_main,  main_dialog_chat_channel);             return;        }        else        {            if(ON)            {                turn_off();                                  return;               }            else            {                turn_on();                return;            }                                        }    }          timer()    {        if(avatar)        {            // increment the animation count and set the new animation            animation_current++;            if ((animation_current + 1) > animation_qty) animation_current = 0;             set_anim(animation_current);        }    }                changed(integer change)    {        // if animations are added or taken from inventory we need to update        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) update();                // if we have a new owner, release the listener and reset everything        if(change & CHANGED_OWNER)         {            llOwnerSay("Ah! a new owner - hello! Please wait a moment whilst I reset...");            llListenRemove(listen_handle_main);            llListenRemove(listen_handle_messages);            llResetScript();              }    }        run_time_permissions(integer perm)    {        // Permissions are automatic when the object wearer is the owner        if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) update();    }        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        // Dialog commands        if(channel == main_dialog_chat_channel)        {                     // Toggle owner messages                   if(message=="Messages")            {                if(verbose)                {                    verbose = FALSE;                    llOwnerSay("I will stop sending you status messages");                }                else                 {                    verbose = TRUE;                    llOwnerSay("I will send you status messages from now on");                                    }                return;            }                        // Stop dancing (works the same as turning off)            if(message=="Stop")            {                turn_off();                                   return;                   }                        // Give the user a copy of the instructions notecard            if(message=="Instructions")            {                llGiveInventory(avatar, "Animazoo dance HUD instructions v2.0");                return;            }                        // Give the user a landmark to the main store            if(message=="Landmark")            {                llGiveInventory(avatar, "Animazoo Brighton, Brightown (221, 69, 30)");                if(verbose) llOwnerSay("Visit Animazoo for more dances!");                return;             }                        // Show dialog giving option to change how often the dance changes            if(message=="Timing")            {                llDialog(avatar, spacer+spacer+"How often do you want the dance to change?", buttons_time, timing_dialog_chat_channel);                return;            }                    }                  if(channel == timing_dialog_chat_channel)        {            // Dialog messages from timing dialog. Sets the time between dance changes            if(message=="Never")     time_between_changes = 0;            if(message=="2 hours")    time_between_changes = 7200;            if(message=="1 hour")     time_between_changes = 3600;                     if(message=="3 minutes")  time_between_changes = 180;            if(message=="2 minutes")  time_between_changes = 120;            if(message=="1 minute")   time_between_changes = 60;            if(message=="30 seconds") time_between_changes = 30;            if(message=="20 seconds") time_between_changes = 20;            if(message=="10 seconds") time_between_changes = 10;            llSetTimerEvent((float) time_between_changes);            if(verbose)             {                if(time_between_changes>3599)                {                    integer time = time_between_changes/3600;                    if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance once an hour");                    else llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" hours");                    return;                }                if(time_between_changes>59)                {                    integer time = time_between_changes/60;                    if(time==1) llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance once a minute");                    else llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" minutes");                    return;                }                if(time_between_changes==0)                {                    llOwnerSay("I'll let you decide when to change dance from now on");                    return;                }                integer time = time_between_changes;                llOwnerSay("I'll now change dance every "+(string)time+" seconds");                return;                           }        }              }}


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snbad, I have a simple HUD I made long ago that I use for poses.  It has 3 buttons, on/off, forward and back.  Drop a copy of the animations you want in the HUD and wear it.  No timers, no menu, no frills.


If you want I'll send you a copy the next time I'm in world.  You can use it or open it up to look at what I did for the scripts if you want to write your own.

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  • 2 years later...
On 31/7/2015 at 11:10 AM, Rhonda Huntress said:


Snbad, tengo un HUD simple hace mucho tiempo que uso para poses. Tiene 3 botones, encendido / apagado, adelante y atrás. Deja una copia de las animaciones que quieras en el HUD y úsala. Sin temporizadores, sin menú, sin lujos. Si quieres te enviaré una copia la próxima vez que esté en el mundo. Puede usarlo o abrirlo para ver lo que hice para los scripts si desea escribir los suyos.


Please you wanna help me?

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