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sndbad Ghost

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Everything posted by sndbad Ghost

  1. thank you so much for KT Kingsley and Innula Zenovka really this work perfect ..
  2. thank you so much now work perfect i have other question how can i deleted line from NC for example i make like like //text i need delete //text and not load it in script
  3. hello friends i trying load Access list from NoteCard i did script and all works good the problem in user in list not work except first avatar i hope to understand and fix it i have 4 days try to fix that this master script is integer COMM_CHANNEL = 7805060; integer Serial = 1; integer NOT_FOUND = -1; string config_notecard_name = "access"; integer config_line_current = 0; key config_data_request; list AccessList = []; list glTextures = []; string data; default { state_entry() { llSay(0, "Checking for Access Notecard.... must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'."); if ( llGetInventoryType(config_notecard_name) != NOT_FOUND ) { //config notecard found... process it llSay(0, "Reading access notecard..."); AccessList = []; config_line_current = 0; config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current); } else { llSay(0, "Access notecard not found, must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'."); } } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llSay(0, "Checking for Access Notecard.... must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'."); if ( llGetInventoryType(config_notecard_name) != NOT_FOUND ) { //config notecard found... process it llSay(0, "Reading access notecard..."); AccessList = []; config_line_current = 0; config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current); } else { llSay(0, "Access notecard not found, must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'."); } } } touch_start(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay((string)AccessList ); list glTextures = ["test1",(string)AccessList]; llSay( COMM_CHANNEL+Serial,llDumpList2String(glTextures, "|")); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { if (config_data_request == queryid && data != EOF) { AccessList = AccessList + [data]+" "; config_line_current++; config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current); } else { llSay(0,"Access notecard read."); } } } Client script is integer NOT_FOUND = -1; integer COMM_CHANNEL = 7805060; integer Serial = 1; list AccessList = []; default { state_entry() { llListen(COMM_CHANNEL+Serial, "","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer x; for (x = 0; x < total_number; x++) { if( llListFindList(AccessList, [llDetectedName(x)]) != NOT_FOUND ) { llOwnerSay((string)AccessList); } } } listen(integer Channel, string Name, key ID, string Text) { list lT = llParseString2List(Text, ["|"], []); AccessList = llCSV2List(llList2String(lT,1)); // llOwnerSay((string)AccessList); } }
  4. hello, friends, i keep having this problem i try make low prims work but i dont know how that work some work looks much poly but it be low prim other low poly show me many prims i give you example this not my work but i see it in SL here more details with 1 prim http://prntscr.com/igw92b here not much details but 55 prims http://prntscr.com/igwa8b i am really totally confused , i hope if you have any idea about that
  5. right but prim must be physical to touch i would like to wear object in my hand then this object in my hand touch prim in land is there a way to do that? and thank you for great answer
  6. hello friends i would like to ask is there way to make object collision other object and say something in local chat ? i know Event collision but this work with avatar with prim i want (prim with prim ) thanks
  7. hello friends i have this problem i make giver script and its work fine with me but if i make items no copy and give some one i got this message Unable to give inventory list: No items passed filter no copy impossible ? to giver
  8. i make this line for remove some button from list buttons =llDeleteSubList(buttons,0, 0); but the problem is random same select how can i remove owner only
  9. hi friends i use this script its work nice, but the problem the llDialog menu show me my name with list how can i hide my name and show to another people ? thanks sensor(integer num) { names=[]; buttons=[]; for(i=0;i<num;i++) { buttons+=[llGetSubString(llDetectedName(i),0,23)]; names+=[llGetSubString(llDetectedName(i),0,23),llDetectedKey(i)]; } menuChan=-llRound(llFrand(10000000)+100000000); listen_menuChan=llListen(menuChan,"",llGetOwner(),""); llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Select name ",buttons,menuChan); }
  10. thank you again i keep try for fix it
  11. thank you for ansure i make the list and its work for add but i dont know how to make it with limit
  12. i am try to make simple script to add name in hover text when some one click it but not only one name for example first click (Name 1) second click (Name 1) (Name 2) and with limit no more is max 5 thanks
  13. great really that help me alot thanks :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  14. ok thank you so much for helping so best way with desc thank you again
  15. ah thank you what about notecard is there way like llset notcard or same like this i think this better way i know how to read NC but is there way to set NC with textbox ?
  16. thank you for answer i try description way but i dont want any one see description this my problem too lol any another way ?
  17. yes its complete script and work fine i edti this script for change from hover to says script its work fine but when i copy opject the says not save what i set this my problem
  18. hello friends my problem now i use this script and its worrk well but string TextCode; list dialogButtons = ["Set Text","Say"]; //Defines dialog menu buttons string dialogMsg = "\nSelect An Option"; string dialogMsg2 = "\nPlease select what color you would like your hover text to be."; string textbox = "\nWrite what you would like your hover text to say."; integer dialogChan; integer txtlisten; integer dialogHandle; open_menu(key inputKey, string inputString, list inputList) { dialogChan = (integer)llFrand(DEBUG_CHANNEL)*-1; dialogHandle = llListen(dialogChan, "", inputKey, ""); llDialog(inputKey, inputString, inputList, dialogChan); } default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer num) { key toucher = llDetectedKey(0); if (toucher == llGetOwner()) { open_menu(toucher, dialogMsg, dialogButtons); } else if (toucher != llGetOwner()) { return; } } listen(integer chan, string name, key toucher, string msg) { if (chan == dialogChan && msg == "Set Text") { txtlisten = llListen(-94652,"",toucher,""); llTextBox(toucher,textbox,-94652); } else if (chan == -94652) { TextCode = (string)msg; } else if (chan == dialogChan && msg == "Say") { llSay(0,TextCode); } } } when i copy object the script i think restart or same like that i just want save text what i set , but when i copy object and i try to click on ( Say ) i dont see what i set before its empty i hope you get my problem thank you
  19. ok thank you so much really you help me every time thanks
  20. hello i have group now i want change name of the creator for group i know there is no way but if i remove everyone in the group and the creater leave also from the group can i creat same group with another avatar ? thanks
  21. ok i understand now i keep try and i will back soon lol thanks
  22. so there is no way for fix that ? can i make the media work with full webside i mean automatically without set pixels size
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