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Hi, I am new to SL and I want to make a survey in SL, may anyone tell me what should I do?

Kinson Shilling

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4 answers to this question

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Setting up a web survey is fairly easy using sites like SurveyMonkey,  the hard part is getting people to go and fill it in. It would depend on the type of survey and your target market where the best place would be to try to advertise it.

You could always set it up and then post it over on the forum asking for volunteers to fill it in, if its a good cause people are usually pretty helpful. :)

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Boots on the ground. In person survey's will produce higher quality results than automated devices.

Paying is an excellent incentive, and advised.

Do you want good or cheap, those are the choices if you personally don't have the time to meet and greet with 500 unique Avatar's, some of who, will be very unique.

Data, most people cringe at the idea of visiting a privately owned 3rd party website to fill out a survey. An inworld data collection/transfer solution would be ideal.

Most recognized Businesses (get references) ranging from help groups to construction companies to clothing store owners could arrange and conduct a cost effective survey. What is important is that work with people you like.

Know your audience or find someone who does.

If the target for the survey is low. Get some L$, form a group, wear a tag to show you have a survey group, visit public meeting places like Tele-Hubs or areas specific to your survey. You give Residents who inquire a survey Notecard, they fill in the blanks, return it to you, you pay them the L$. Be sincere.


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You should explain what your university or company affiliation is if you want to build trust.

Strangers on the Internet have no special need to fill out your survey -- they're a dime a dozen in SL.

There isn't any public area or board that all of SL sees. You could take out an ad on some of the infohubs but it won't be effective. Many academics and marketers before you have been frustrated by the fact that there isn't massmedia in SL and there is no way to reach the entire population or even a significant portion of it, just like you can't reach "the Internet".

In Facebook, you can take out an ad and pay for that ad and attach it to Survey Monkey.

In SL, you can put a notice here likely in off-topic, and then possibly go around to welcome hubs and infohubs and blogs and such and ask them to post your notice. It's work. Hard work as there isn't some instant board and instant device that will do this for you. It's like real life in that respect.

Example: you can go to two public bulletin boards I maintain on the infohub sims of Ross and Iris where newbies are landing all the time and oldbies returning. You can post a notice "Fill out my survey for money!" and place a URL to Survey Monkey. You might be seen by several thousands of people over the week, maybe 10,000. Of these probably 20 might answer.

Most people conducting surveys in SL use SL only as a connection and staging area, and use Survey Monkey or other survey sites offworld on the Internet to post questions and collect data. Otherwise, you have to fumble with notecards, notecard givers, and notecard takers. These are not optimal.

I have seen some marketers set up survey bots with pop-up menus or put NPC-like bots on islands to ask questions. That gets costly. But you can probably find an SL service provider to set that up for you if you have a budget.

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