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To All Furniture Creators Re: Life Hud Scripts

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Hello Furniture Designers:

I am someone who uses the L I F E Hud in second life, and many of the furniture objects that contain the life scripts in are either not decent quality for me, don't have poses I am looking for, or are just ugly.

I purchased the scripts that can be put into furniture which cost me $3000L$  So far, I am disappointed because many of the items I cannot put scripts in, and those that I can put them in, it is causing problems with how the avatar looks on the furniture.  So I was wondering if there are any furniture designers out there who would consider working with me in making the furniture work with the life hud.



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I don't understand the incentive.  I looked into it myself, thinking that it would be a nice addition to a business.  What I found was a very expensive buy in for the scripts, an overcrowded market and not enough users to justify the expense.  I even tried the hud on one of my avatars . . . the main activity was just "eating" food you pay for in order to keep your status bar on a hud blue or something like that.  

Has the hud experienced some sudden surge in popularity to justify my spending many thousands of linden dollars on their creator scripts?  And then doing it again so that I can create things for the various categories like food, relaxation, hygene, etc.?  It's a very serious question.

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I'm just starting to explore content creation, and I wouldn't be opposed to looking into integrating Life HUD more. I am noticing a trend of lots of restrictions in things, and I'm approaching content creation more openly.

That being said, I know very little about Life HUD, so ther's that.

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