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are skybox's better than actual homes?

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If you can find a bit of rez-allowed land you could rez a skybox there, but it's someone else's land and if they find it they'll probably remove it.  

I have my own home on the ground but years ago there was a large area of neglected land in Berbera sim, I think, where people were able to rez stuff and I had a sky module there for some months.  During that time someone else rezzed some missiles in my module and, since it wasn't my land, I couldn't remove them, so I had to move it up or down away from the missiles.  Predictably, in the end the land filled up with junk so nobody could rez anything.  Then either the owner came back or the land was abandoned to Governor Linden and eveything, including my sky module, disappeared.

Rez-allowed land, or open build as it's often called, tends to fill up with junk quickly.  Also auto-return might be set, so you might have just rezzed the skybox and sat down to relax when suddenly it all vanishes and you start tumbling through the clear blue sky.

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There is absolutly no actual difference between a house and a skybox. Both are structures made out of prims or mesh and have a usually not so small land impact. You can place both either on the ground or in the sky. There is no real gravitiy working in SL. But the sky above the land belongs  to the land below and it will not matter if an object is placed in the sky or on the ground. It will count towards the prims one can have on a parcel of land.

So if you set up your home somewhere one of these two things will happen:

- autoreturn will kick in and remove all your stuff after a certain time

- the owner of the land will notice you and remove all your stuff and probably secure their land more in the future


So you see...this is not a good idea.

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There are land owners who rent out skyboxes, often stacking them maybe 100 metres above one another.  In that case there's usually a prim allowance set by the land owner for each tenant and if you exceed it you might get told off or worse.

It's always possible that you might find someone who would let you rez a skybox way above their land as a one-off, maybe even for free, but if they change their mind they hold all the cards!

If you want to try the unofficial 'squatting' method, it might be quite fun to see how long you can stay somewhere, like I did, but I was always prepared for eviction and surprised it didn't happen earlier.  It might be an idea to seek out several sites and rez a sky platform on each and landmark it, then if you get thrown off one place you can always have another one ready to move to.  When I did this, I had my own land with a home on it as well, and so squatting was just a game really, to see what happened.  And I only picked land that was disused, which was easy to spot because it tended to have plywood cubes prims, spinning motorcycles and other junk scattered around.

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about squatting

dunno anymore bc havent been there for a long time. but some in the Linden Village leave their parcels no auto return. So can just move in with them (:


can remember when Jack Linden had a sim. And sometimes he forgot to set to no auto return. This one time he went away for a holiday or something. Dunno exactly but he never came back for quite a while

people came from all over and made a whole village and a forest and waterfall and everything. Was quite a bustling little community after about a week

then he came back and we all get our stuff returned lol. The big meanie (:

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linden village_001.jpg

irihapeti wrote:

about squatting

dunno anymore bc havent been there for a long time. but some in the Linden Village leave their parcels no auto return. So can just move in with them (:


can remember when Jack Linden had a sim. And sometimes he forgot to set to no auto return. This one time he went away for a holiday or something. Dunno exactly but he never came back for quite a while

people came from all over and made a whole village and a forest and waterfall and everything. Was quite a bustling little community after about a week

then he came back and we all get our stuff returned lol. The big meanie (:

There is almost nothing left of the Linden Village.

Kind of sad.


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The land belongs to someone. Contrary to some people's beliefs, just because you might be able to rez something, doesn't mean you should. I had a large parcel of land for my store. I'd set it for group. Some ass decided it was perfectly ok for him to set up a skybox that when furnished used 500 or so of the prims I paid for. I keep tabs on my land so he hadn't been there very long. I politely asked him to remove it...he didn't and ignored me. Sooooooo, I ejected and banned him. I then got nasty and proceeded to return his stuff in small pieces, that showed up in his lost and found as coalesced objects....no more than 10 or in each one. I was sure to have them from different parts of the skybox. I think it ended up about 30 returns...Of course, you know when you rez a coalesced object, the items are in the same relative positions as they were when retuned.

So..unless you own or rent the land, you DON'T rez stuff on other's land that they are paying for. Many skyboxes can be used on the ground just like many houses can be used as skyboxes.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

linden village_001.jpg

irihapeti wrote:

about squatting

dunno anymore bc havent been there for a long time. but some in the Linden Village leave their parcels no auto return. So can just move in with them (:


can remember when Jack Linden had a sim. And sometimes he forgot to set to no auto return. This one time he went away for a holiday or something. Dunno exactly but he never came back for quite a while

people came from all over and made a whole village and a forest and waterfall and everything. Was quite a bustling little community after about a week

then he came back and we all get our stuff returned lol. The big meanie (:

There is almost nothing left of the

Kind of sad.


Why  would you say that?

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