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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning all! Don't work too hard Lia. No one should ever be obliged to work on Mondays. Not only I usually dislike Mondays, but I especially hate this one: being back to work after 15 days off is just too much I can take! :D Big hugs and love to you and Hippie. (say, btw, any idea where Emmett has gone?)

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Don't be too down, Val. I have a rule after vacation. I never say 'It's awful not being on holiday any more.' I say 'I'm glad I had such a great holiday.' It works for me!

Yes, emmett does seem to have disappeared. I guess that now he's finished school he's out somewhere having fun. I hope so.

Chin up, sweet pal. Huggggggs from me.

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Lia Abbot wrote:

Hi Cali. Great pic!

Happy weekend everybody!

Ty Lia... how quickly Monday rolls back around.  Maddy being the only one I know who thinks this is something to dance about.  (wink).

I jest..  I'm always happy when I wake up above ground... I just like grumbling about Mondays - somehow it makes me feel better.



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valerie Inshan wrote:

HI THERE!!! I'M BACK! Oooops, sorry for shouting, lol, I missed you guys! Big big sunny and warm hugs to you all! Vacation is over (:smileysad:) but it feels good to be back with my friends!!! YAY! :smileyhappy:

btw, I think I found the house I've always dreamt of... and the view which goes along! It's for sale, should I be thinking about some fund raising?









WOW  !  Can I live with you?!!  ;-)

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