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Remembering the École Polytechnique Massacre, 25 years On.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

ColonelObvious wrote:

No, Scylla only promotes very specific things that may or may not fit her own personal agenda, although she accuses others of doing or not doing the same thing.

I guess you have to be a feminist to understand.


Wow, out of what woodwork did you just crawl? I've seen less than a dozen posts from you, all made LONG afer Scylla pretty much vanished from this forum, yet you seem to think you know all about her.

That kind of thing usually only happens when someone who doesn't have the guts to post under her/his original SL name alts up. Is there a different explanation in your case?


ps: don't bother trying to suggest you were here earlier as a Captain: the same question applies to that alt.

We had a much better class of troll here in my day.


(As I am sure this particular troll could attest from personal experience.)


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

Is it a good time now to remember the start of World War I a century ago?

In which more horses were killed than women.

And considerably more men died.


Not sure what you meant about the start of WWI. The Archduke's assination? The usually accepted start is Summer of 1914, but what has that to do with anything in this thread? There is already a day set aside to commemerate the
of WWI. In the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth nations (as in France & Belgium) it's called Remembrance Day, and is considered a day to remember all who perished in that conflict—
not just the young men who died in their millions on both sides, but the civilians who died in their millons as well.

I would think someone who chose that namesake (what's the matter, did someone already have the single-L version?) would have understood that, considering yiour namesake was a participant in the conflict.


This is wrong.

Remebrance Day is set aside to commemorate the deaths of members of the armed forces who died in service to their countries, and has nothing to do with civilian deaths.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


 what has that to do with anything in this thread?

Well, if Scylla is going to claim that a few women getting killed made her a feminist, then I thought that the hundredth anniversary of the greatest ever global slaughter of men might offer some justification for the rest of us becoming even more entrenched in the belief that her minority interests are trivial and tiresome.

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The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll.

As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour.

The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group.

And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making.


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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll.

As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour.

The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group.

And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making.


On the first day of the 5th month of this year you posted........hahaha

The diatribe of hatred.

Tacticts - one c only. 

Alluh Akbah Derek.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll.

As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour.

The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group.

And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making.


On the first day of the 5th month of this year you posted........hahaha

The diatribe of hatred.  

Alluh Akbah Derek.

You will need to supply a link to a post on that date made by me Solo as my post history does not show one.

Unless of course you are late for your meds which would explain things somewhat.

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll.

As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour.

The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group.

And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making.


On the first day of the 5th month of this year you posted........hahaha

The diatribe of hatred.  

Alluh Akbah Derek.

You will need to supply a link to a post on that date made by me Solo as my post history does not show one.

Unless of course you are late for your meds which would explain things somewhat.

So sorry but my profession is to help those with such disorders previously mentioned. ^^ *cough cough.

You so have the self help link you require and if you stand up straight quickly, this may help in the extraction process.

I havent had a good yawn and laugh in many years Derek.

Thank you so much :)


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

It's misogynist not 'mysoginist'.

Takes back the 'c'  for later use.

See if you can guess which word I will use it in.

Cry like a baby? 

Your hatreds are sooo old school Erek

Don't cry Solo, it isn't all that bad.

And hatred is something I am free from. It is such a counter-productive emotion and a waste of effort.

Have a Merry Christmas Solo.

See, I needed that "c" after all. Can't have too many of them this time of year.

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

It's misogynist not 'mysoginist'.

Takes back the 'c'  for later use.

See if you can guess which word I will use it in.

Cry like a baby? 

Your hatreds are sooo old school Erek

Don't cry Solo, it isn't all that bad.

And hatred is something I am free from. It is such a counter-productive emotion and a waste of effort.

Have a Merry Christmas Solo.

See, I needed that "c" after all. Can't have too many of them this time of year.

No one cries over alts eRic. Surely you have learnt that by now?

Your childish parroted responses identify your disorders and identity precisely.

Unfortunatley there is no government funding for me to assist you,

as your light was extinguished years ago.

Please scour my post for typos. I'll check back shortly after SL2 :smileytongue:

To you eRic, it is bye bye and dwell in peace.

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

The LWL.

Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol.

Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. 

This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did.

Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone.  

-> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy:

From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL.

Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_  



My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll.

As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour.

The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group.

And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making.


And for the record, Mr. Chairman, I have not, nor have I ever been, a member of the LWL.

I think I was invited once, but I'm a solitary luncher, mostly.

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