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Please tell me as to why something like this is alright.

Zerius Swords

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While i was shopping for horse's a friend of mine who sells horse's and is part of the Hunger game. got killed before she could go dormate.

So Since i had been looking into joining this this guy didn't pay attention or aperantly was just rude towards the horse ranch buisness. I knew they were getting ready to block off the property due to people constantly entering the parcell and killing them as they were doing buisness.   Why would Linden Labs allow Someones hard worked for buisness be threatened by these types of things. I got very mad at the person and sent this is the following descussion. Was I wrong to be so mad at the thought of this "Hunger" getting in the way of someone's Buisness regardless of if they can access the Dormant state right away or not. Please If i am wrong correct me. Cause right now I'm tempted not to join this Hunger if everyone is this rude to others in there buisness areas.

after attacking her and making her crash since she had just logged on to help me with the horse ranch. this kinda upset me, as the guest.

he seems to think that linden labs is responsible for the entire thing since they are the ones to say where it is alright or not. so please Explain how bombarding a buisness is alright simply to over power a sim and force the seller to crash.

After stating he didn't hear her, he didn't not answer. I do not feel like i'm harassing him if he was the one that started it in the first place by coming  to a buisness where a customer was trying to buy something and was instantly met with in voice "wait dont attack. I..... where the heck where you? cant you see i'm working" then his tongue animation and that annoying sound and then she crashed.

Please if anyone wishes to explain this to me please do. and also feel free to voice your own unpleasent experiances with hunger here as well.

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won't explain, and frankly i don't even care, I admit. And I don't even know what it's about and won't bother to find out, but I am assuming it is a more colorfull version of bloodlines (which I am not interested in either). however you are taking the entirely wrong route here and i am surprised this post is here as long as it is with no one moderating it out.

this belongs into Abuse Reports. or maybe a forum. or a blog. and even then I would advise you change the names.

furthermore I assume the shop owner was either waring a meter while inactive, or had damage enabled on her land. both are.. not really clever. It is her choice to play that game or not. So basically, I think not even an Abuse Report would be apropriate. as the way the "rules are interpreted" is not Linden Labs business, but of the players of that game.

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AFAIK post chat logs with names is againts the TOS.

And more in  this forums Guidelines:

No interpersonal disputes or singling out others for negative commentary

We do not allow posts about interpersonal disputes or that contain  disruptive or hostile comments. If you have a personal disagreement, do  not post about it on the Second Life blogs or forums. These are public  areas for the entire Second Life community and not for airing your  grievances about others. Residents who have personal disputes have other  channels of communication to discuss their differences — private  messaging, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life.

Posts singling out others for negative commentary or treatment  are also not appropriate on the forums and may be removed. "Singling out  others" includes calling them out by their Second Life name, real-world  name, brand, company, organization, or group name, or in other ways  reasonably likely to identify them. Some examples of unacceptable  "negative commentary or treatment" are complaints about another's  products or services, claims that someone has violated a Linden Lab  policy or the law, opinion polls about a particular Resident, and posts  that include in their title another person's name with the intent of  provoking the person named.

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still - what does it actually have to do with the second life service?

if someone uses a proper name at a game of scrabble, though you said in advance "nah, basically anything that's a word works" do you call the police? cause that is basically what you are trying to do here.

you are talking abut a game which the players choose to play. As long as you can't evidence that the game as such is a violation of TOS this plain simply is the wrong place to talk about it.

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"Please if anyone wishes to explain this to me please do. and also feel free to voice your own unpleasent experiances with hunger here as well"

Am I a fan of The Hunger or Bloodlines - no.

Am I going to voice my unpleasant experiences - no.  (then i'd feel compelled to voice my displeasure with tummy talkers, yiffing furry's, scammers who take lindens then don't deliver goods or services as promised and dozens of other things that make me go hmmm)

If I'm unhappy with a vendor I'll give them the change to do right by me in a reasonable manner and if I'm unsatisfied still I'll post a bad review in the Marketplace and give someone more deserving my business.  If I don't like tummy talkers, I'll mute it by object.  If I don't want to be a yiffing furry, I won't be a yiffing furry.  If I don't want to get bitten or killed, I won't play a game where you get bitten and killed.

And I will not talk bad about people who choose to have tummy talkers, choose to be yiffying furries, or choose to create and play biting games.  This is SL, if it hurts when your friend does that, my suggestion would be to not do that.

"Cause right now I'm tempted not to join this Hunger if everyone is this rude to others in there buisness areas."

Lastly, this has zero to do with Linden Lab.  LL allows the game to be played, your friend accepted the rules and the risks and paid for the priviledge, and it isn't LLs fault they forgot or neglected or were too slow in going dormant... if I was the sim owner I'd be miffed at the player for bringing the crap and the drama to my sim instead of having the common sense to go dormant in place of doing business.  Business is business - leave the games at home or on your own sim.  Don't blame LL for players playing a game they themselves chose to play of their own free will - if you don't like how the game is played; don't play it... but at the same time don't blame others for a game your friend chose to include themselves in.

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First, your friend knows what the rules are for this particular game.    If you don't want to be actively involved you have the option to be dormant and taken out of the equation temporarily.    Your friends decision to be active at the time was what put her at risk of attack and she knew that.  

Since this particular game is one confined to competition between the players, it doesn't interfere with others outside the game.   There are no overt acts involved that would even let outsiders know what is happening.   If you friend told you, that was actually a violation of the games rules, as players are not allowed to discuss the game with "Humans".   

Any business owner who wishes, may contact the administrators of the game to file a complaint.   They may also request that their business location be declared a "Safe Zone" so that the game will not be played in any area that might effect their business.   Most player of this game are usually polite, mainly because a complaint can get them booted out.    As a rule, they will honor any request to refrain form playing in a specific business. 

Because of the nature of the game though, I know several business owners who don't mind their businesses being a "Hunting Ground" as it generates traffic.   The players also tend to shop at these businesses when they aren't directly in play.   And, as I said, since this games does nothing overt that non-players would be aware of, it doesn't really interfere beyond the possible contribution to sim lag due to the scripts in the gaming HUD. 

If you have been considering joining the game, don't let the actions of one player deter you from checking it out further.   There are lots ove very nice people who play this particular game.   But this is all conjecture on my part of course, since if I knew all this first hand it would be telling, which I couldn't do.  

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Thank you for that, the owner had just logged on because I had asked someonefor help who wasn't the correct person, I had been planning on joining and it was kinda a turn off for the attack on her when she had asked nicely not to attack yet due to her still loading. and not being able to access her hud i guess. not sure on that one. you cleared up alot for me and I thank you.

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