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Oculus Rift DK2 Support

Grebo Fright

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The Rift DK2 has been shipping for almost a month now. Considering an Oculus Rift is depicted on the Second Life home page, might there be official viewer support for the DK2 soon?

I've been using the recently released 3rd party CntrlAltStudio viewer with early alpha support for DK2. It's been great to finally at least see SL on the DK2, though it is very basic support for now. AFAIK it's an unnofficial project by just one guy though who undoubtably can only work on it in limited free time. There's no UI yet and no full positional tracking, but it's a good start.

Second Life's "older" and limited graphics (yes I know how gorgeous it can look now) could actually be a strength when it comes to VR in the immediate future.



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I would just like to agree.  I hope Lindens hurry up with a DK2 version of their viewer - the video by Torley on the Project viewer download page looks like it IS the DK2 - with head tracking etc.  When I try to use this viewer though it says 'no device connected' although it is ready with blue led and everything - sigh.

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You can keep up with what the Lab is doing in regard to developement for the Oculus Rift here. Several articles just have mention of the Oculus, so you may have to scroll through them. Others are Primarily about the Oculus Rift.

In the last couple of weeks the Lab has received a half dozen or so DK2's and a team is starting work. Several on the SL blogosphere have reported on it.

The earlier SL Oculus Viewer made with the DK1 is still the project viewer currently available. They are not providing any kind of ETA for an update for the DK2.

CtrlAltStudio has released a preliminary version of his viewer based on Firestorm for the DK2. But, it apparently does not take advantage of all the DK2 features... YET.

I expect that the developers at the Lab have been thinking out how they would revise the UI for the Oculus. No one was overly excited by the current implementation. I think that was mostly work to see if they could get all the viewer features working with the Oculus. I understand they pretty well did that.

For now I suspect they are playing other Oculus DK2 ready games to see how various UI are being designed and deciding how to implement a UI for SL Oculus. I expect that to take some time. Any estimates we could make would be wild guesses based on very little hard information. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Second Life and Oculus Rift people... like you all, I am eagerly awaiting the Second Life Rift Project Viewer update for the DK2.

Meanwhile you might want to get your avatar attachments ready and obtain a DK1 or DK2 HMD to wear...


If you are interested in some of my own initial tests of a number of the DK2 apps and an early visit to Second Life and OpenSim, see...

Some experimentation with the CtrlAltStudio viewer from David Rowe is described here...

And some visits to locations in Second Life and OpenSim...

See you soon in the VR metaverse.

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I have had a great first weekend in CtrlAltStudio viewer checking out SL in the DK2. The sense of presence and immersion are phenomenal! I am thankful to David Rowe for making this possible in the CtrlAltStudio viewer and I am looking forward to what Linden Lab comes up with for DK2 support in the official version. There are thousands of early adopters out there right now with the Oculus Rift DK2 that are looking for experiences in VR and SL is the perfect place for them to explore!

Here is a video I made using what is currently available. Much more to come!

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I think the main problem with the dk2 is going to be to be able to achive the 75fps needed for low persistence, I barely can get them on a skybox with all settigs at minimum, the rift mode has a very high hit on performance too its like you have to have at least 120fps on normal monitor mode...


Im thinking in making an upgrade, ¿do you think a i7-4770K and 780ti could give me enough performance for normal usage of sl on oculus rift dk2?

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The project viewer that is available out there is fantastic, the UI on DK2 is awesome. LL is doing a great job on this! I look forward to the official release.

I thoroughly recommend Rift users try the Voice Attack program which maps keyboard controls to voice commands, it makes it super easy to switch the display onto the Rift, enable/disable HMD mode. I also found it useful to set up commands to turn on/off UI and HUDs, bring up and hide chat and map windows, etc.

But now that the Nvidia 9xx series are coming out, it looks like SLI is now going to be on the table for VR use as Nvidia have changed up how SLI works to remove the previous VR latency issue. Problem is SL doesn't support SLI as it is AFAIK. (despite still being listed on the Nvidia SLI directory with an ancient laughable scary looking old SL screen shot) Maybe we could finally see SLI support too?



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I've just been testing things out on a brand new GTX 970, it's not quite as powerful as the 780ti but pretty decent.

I did get a moderately improved experience in SL in the Rift (after patching the card into the gpu_table.txt as the viewers weren't updated yet to include the new cards). The frame rate was still not there, though on occasion when I can get over 60fps it begins to "lock in" it is an immense improvement although still juddery. I'm starting to think there would still need to be some major surgery and magic performed on the viewer code to get the fps up to a stable 75 (difficult enough in 2D in SL) and I'd be surprised if throwing any more hardware at it right now would make much more of a difference. In comparison my hardware jump from a 660 to 970 gave me massive improvements in most other DK2 software, which is nice, but it is SL that I want to be able to use properly most of all.

The LL UI is awesome, may be the best UI I have seen in any Rift application, but the fps is what is lacking. Other than building/coding/text chat (need to see the keyboard), it is easy to navigate, use inventory, interact with objects/vehicles, voice chat - it is great to have a conversation with other avatars in VR. I sure hope LL can pull this off, it would be a sort of tragedy if they couldn't, because SL has pretty much everything else otherwise to make up the social VR "killer app" and while there are obviously newer and better software platforms in the works, it will literally take years before any other virtual world, no matter how good, could begin to catch up to the sheer amount of content and community that is already in SL.

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@Grebo: Be aware that SL also puts a heavy load on your CPU. Anything below i7 3xxx will slow your FPS down with your graphics card. You should also have 1333Ghz DDR ram. Look at this guy, who achieves 75FPS with everything on MAX in the settings on a heavy load sim: https://my.secondlife.com/fl0.cale/snapshots/5408089da73e214cea000001

Look at his system stats and click on the picture to see his FPS and his settings.

Your GTX970 card should be +/- as strong as his 980ti. (depending on overclocking settings)

Also do read all the instructions on the web available about the things that can diminuish Oculus graphics. For example Oculus needs to be the primary monitor, and your normal screen needs to be set to 75Hz refresh rate, just like your Oculus. If the two screens don't have the same refresh rate, it slows you GENERALLY down considerably. There are more things like this. Look into it.

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That picture appears is described to be in Firestorm, not either of the DK2 viewers. In 2D mode the 970 runs perfect on any viewer I have with ultra graphics settings, even running two copies at the same time I can get decent performance. The fps issues were with Rift in the stereo project viewer. SL does give my five cores a workout, I'm sure when I add two more it can only help.

Last week's (and today's) automated build of the project viewer for DK2 seems to give me major fps increase over previous versions. I can actually now maintain a solid 75fps in some places with buttery smooth, judder-free head turning in the DK2 with just some minor reductions in graphics settings. Heavy load regions is another story, but it is a relief to see improvements are possible and I am very happy.

I see that Ebbe tweeted earlier today that the viewer should officially release early next week and that is great news as well.

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Much thanks to the folks at Linden Lab for making this possible!

I'm having great fun with the latest Rift viewer in DK2 but  still experiencing a few issues.

Objects doen't always render without toggling HMD mode in DK2. This makes it difficult to walk around and explore without constant switching in/out of HMD mode.

The fantastic and very usable UI is problematic in that the 3D mouse cursor is locked within its borders. Increasing the UI size helps but then top/bottom/sides become hidden behind objects/floors/walls. It can be impossible to select/touch many objects without creative acrobatics.

Less pressing issues:

Lots of crossover between the general VR community and ownership of new 900 series cards means having to explain to DK2 owners lured to SL for the first time by the project viewer, how to patch the gpu_table.txt.

SpaceNavigator flycam does not work correctly in HMD mode. To be fair, a problem that likely affects only a very tiny amount of people and would be low on a list of priorities for obvious reasons, but I would realy love to see it work as SpaceNavigator flycam is awesome to use in SL.

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Tested with a brand new box.  GTX 980, updated drivers.  Windows 8.1.  Ctrlaltstudio alpha 3 viewer works fine.  DK2 sl viewer says:

"Cannot enter HMD mode because your graphics card does not support the minimum requirements. Vertext [sic] Shaders and Vertex Buffer Objects are required for proper rendering in HMD mode."

I thought I read that there was a way to bypass requirements detection, but I can't find it.  Any suggestions? 

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The release of the October 15th/2014 Oculus SL viewer is really a momentus development for Experiential Virtual Realities that are not game oriented. I just spent an hour or so testing it and thoroughly enjoyed touring the cruise ship SS Sagitarius and Grimes Musical Instruments, it is a refreshing and fasc inating perspective in tru 360 3D!  Quite different being IN a 360 Second Life environment in contrast to looking at one, imagining you are in it. I hope to explore much more of this diverse cornucopia of creative work being done by so many people in Second Life. In many ways virtual Universes like Second Life or the older Active Worlds Universe were pre-emptively developed before they could really be appreciated. Such radical display technology as the Oculus Rift will undoubtedly breath new life into these online Universed with a uniquely first person perspective that makes such experiential environments so much more compelling and immersive.

Congrats to the people at SL for being among the first to incorporate the Oculus Rift so effectively. Even on my old NVidia 9800 and Windows 8.1 it is quite acceptble, crisp with good frame rate and rendering. Look forward to seeing it all again for the first time!!! :) 

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I tried replacing the file entirely with the one in the ctrlaltstudio directory.  I tried adding the line you describe here to the end of the file.  I tried adding an addition CRLF between the end of the file and the line you describe here.  All resulted in the same error message when I try to go to HMD mode.  :-/

Again, ctrlaltstudio viewer works fine.  :-\

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O.K.  A few more hints from an offline expert and I got it working.  Basically had to pull the file into Visual Studio, which understood the line breaks properly so I could actually read and manipulate the file properly.  All I can say is - wow.  Worth every penny on this new box and every penny on the rift.  This is going to be a life changer for me.  Most amazing was zooming around so I could position my camera essentially sitting on a bench next to myself so I could inspect my av in ultra settings - leaning in close and seeing every detail.  Just simply jaw dropping.

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