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Material Count is too High

Chellie Sholokhov

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I'm still fairly new to blender and rigging, what I can find for help is on youtube. I had made something but once it was finished and such, it said there was a material count of 9, when you are only allowed 8 to upload to SL?  I'm not really sure where to go to fix this or anything online. I used decimate and smooth. I have removed vertices. It remains the same. 

Any suggestions on where to look to learn to change this? 

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The material count has nothing to do with the density of your mesh.  BTW "decimate" is definitely not the best way to lower poly count :D  LOL


ANYWAY -- "materials" (in blender) are what you define for an area so far as textures go. It gets complicated but you can have 8 materials on an item and STILL have only one ambient map -- meaning you could put ALL your textures on ONE png or tga and upload. So having different materials simply (well maybe not so simply) means that you can use SELECT FACE to add different textures to different parts of your build. It also let's you make some faces (faces can be several parts of a mesh -- they don't need to be contiguous) shiny or add specular or normal maps TO THAT AREA).


A big subject. If you post a photo of what you are making, folks can help more.

IF you really NEED 8 materials on one object then the thing to do would be to upload PIECES of the mesh (so not join all parts before uploading). If you upload in 2 pieces you could have as many as 18 16 (SO the end of my day)  materials. Most of the time you don't need that many materials unless it is a very complex build.

That's a start. Look up DEFINING BLENDER MATERIALS (or something like that and see if you can find a recent YouTube that explains it.     Here is one that I learned from: http://vimeo.com/channels/blendervideotutorials/44842113


Not new but he explains everything in detail and very good when you are learning. I even FINALLY get Bezier curves now  -- something I never mastered when doing graphics work (oh my!) .

Good luck.

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BlenderProblem.jpg:matte-motes-sour: Here is what I was working on. A special gift I was making for my bf for his personal use. Its the only thing that is over 8 where everything else comes up as 1. Head, eyepatch, shirt underneath with tie, buttons and his hands. I even tried to remove the head to upload seperately but still the same thing. No texture's been added to it.

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Chellie Sholokhov wrote:

I wish I could take credit of this but no. It was given to me and asked to rig it. I don't sell what I upload to SL since they are not my own work. I just make them for my bf.  


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WOW -- lots of comments while I was typing. We must be "back to work" LOL.


OK. This is WAY beyond what I make.  If this is one of those free to download kinda things where you cannot contact the creator, then my guess is that you either need to learn how Blender works (or another program) so you can change things ---- or ?  Don't know LOL. Choice A seems to be it.


IF a creator actually "gave" this to you then you should be able to contact them and ask for some help.


Maybe someone else will have an answer but I certainly don't :D.


If by chance this is not a legal upload (not saying it is) then the "personal use" idea means nothing. Reading the TOS or the Mesh Upload test tells you that. Actually if this is "not yours" then you are violating the TOS by uploading.



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Lovely graphic as always and while it is late, I think I learned something. LOL.

Meanwhile oh great guru, can you tell me the steps to Select By Material?  I can select by "selection" that Ctrl P thing (damn it is late and that might not be the key combo LOL) but you are smart so will probably figure out what I am trying to say.

I can't seem to get select by materials to work. I can see it "should" but I am obviously missing something.

Old dogs need new tricks (or old tricks that would be handing and never have worked for them) *wink*.

 EDIT: AND looking at your graphic, maybe THAT is the key I was missing. Will try it when I am more alert. NOW is not the time.



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