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white cloud

Arden Sirnah

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I have a set routine for when I go cloudy (bakefail) which imho happens rarely now compared to what it used to.

1: Teleport to the the emptiest sim you know, empty of buildings and av`s preferably.

2: Change from current outfit to a previously saved outfit. I have a saved outfit that consists of nothing that I wear on a daily basis, ie shape, skin, hair, hair base, etc are all different, call it emergency outfit or similar. For me this cures 99% of bakefails

3: If that don`t work then http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail. Even though it`s firestorm wiki, it`s relevant to all viewers.


Hope this helps, good luck.

Edit, TBH I would only clear cache as a very last resort

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First thanks for the replies.


I tried clear cache.  took off all clothes.  restarted.    .....still a cloud.


I use the SL generic user....I do not know what firestorm is.  I'm sorry I'm a basic turn on and off user.  I have no advanced knowlegde of any of SL's tricks. 

Is firestorm something i should look into?


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Arden Sirnah wrote:

I use the SL generic user....I do not know what firestorm is.  I'm sorry I'm a basic turn on and off user.  I have no advanced knowlegde of any of SL's tricks. 

It's never too late to learn.

The FS_BAKE_FAIL link provided above is compatible with all viewers, including Second Life default. All viewers use the same process for avatar rendering.

Good luck.

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Ahhhh....thank you for your page SaraCarena.  After reading through it fully, I found out that I do not have a bodyshape.  I slected one and there I am.  Phew. 

Thank you all for your help.  I might have been here for almost 6 years but I'm not SL savvy at all.  I do a lot of "googling" to find 'how-tos'  

Again thank you all!  :) 

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So glad you solved it, it`s usually something irritatingly obvious that`s messed up through no fault of your own. I`d suggest make and save an outfit with all body parts that you never usually wear eyes, shape, skin, etc etc, then if you go cloudy change to that outfit. Sometimes changing group tag works too but don`t ask why.

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This is an aggravating condition! I've found several 'actions' that help.. none are a 'total fix'. 

1. Turn off AO's (or un-wear totally)

2. Zoom/cam view into cloud.. and let it sit a while.

3. EDIT skin/shape/outfit.... it reloads textures, I guess. Let things 'set' in Edit mode for awhile, don't need to actually edit anything... then just exit Edit mode. (Edit mode will 'load' textures from you 'local' files.. sooo it looks OK once you enter EDIT.. but goes back to Grey/Cloud if exiting Edit mode too soon.)

4. Remove and re-wear skin/shape. Skins/Shapes baking seems to primary 'cause' of this condition. If you 'change outfits' and don't have different skin/shape in one that you change into.. it doesn't work. Gotta change Skin/shape. At times.. I found all works.. except "Eyes".... end up being 'grey eyed'... all same sugguestions apply to fix this as well! BUT that's not ALL it either! I've had conditions where a single piece of clothing is causing the prob.... EDIT each ONE.. and keep tryin'!

5. Lot's of GUD LUCK! (I have slow DSL and Wifi connections.. it's a mess... and use both a laptop and desktop... that 'confuses' things.. OFTEN!!

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